Wolf RPG - Completed - Parade Buster [Final] [excessm]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Story: 3.5/5, A generic story, didnt interest me too much
    Originality: 4.5/5, I like the gameplay style quite a lot
    Scenes: 3/5, Good art and fetish content but the format of defeat scenes is annoying and the scenes are really slow
    Gameplay: 4/5, fighting is fun but gets tedious, going from one town to another and sub-quests are a snooze fest
    Performance and TL: 4/5, maybe because the ui is old styled, just isnt good but other than that its fine
    Amount of content: 4/5, a little long for me because i got bored of the story but good for those who like it
    Character(s): 4/5: girls are cute and there are various
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Excessem just makes good stuff. The gameplay is just ok but there is lewdness in it so just ok is good enough. The gallery doesn't include sex images, only the hole scene which kinda sucks. Compared to their other games this no longer stands out as one of the greats, but still better than RPG maker games.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    My favourite excessm game so far.

    The story is entertaining, the 2D art is :love: :love: :giggle:, plenty of different characters and femdom fetishes. It counts how many you've defeated.
    Side quests too. Easy gameplay on easy mode.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Parade Buster is an interesting premise that was executed very well... but not perfectly well.
    I had an extremely fun time with the game, despite so many things about it could have been better.

    Let's start with the things Excessm did well:
    1. The H content: There are a lot of of scenes that you can enjoy, though it lacks a good gallery mode which only practically exists as arena mode. It's good, but I prefer if you can directly manipulate and switch around the main H-attacker and the two sides instead of having to change enemies by exiting arena mode and then re-entering it every time I'm satisfied with this enemy's scene. Still, better than not having a gallery mode, or even a worse one if there's a chance the dev can mess that up. The H-events is also serviceable, if you're into Onee-san domination through texts, you'd love it. For me, I just wanna see exclusive H-scenes, though there isn't much of that in H-events.
    2. The diversity of gameplay: I love a game where you can use a lot of strategies, and where you can express yourself. It's a surprise to me that Parade Buster has loads of weapon synergies and the mechanics surrounding them, each with their own pros and cons. Despite the gameplay might be a bit... stale (I'll get to that later), the weapons really doesn't bored me and in fact, this game might not have such a high score if attacking was boring.
    3. The story: Now I'll admit, this game story is a bit... generic. But I assure you the main plot is consumable, but the better part is the sidequests. There are some fun ones and it is really entertaining going through some of them, the sidequests overall have some nice challenges and I always appreciate a good sidequest system. But, I do think giving a bit more personality and story to more of the enemies would be interesting, there are some of that already but they are a lot less than what I expected.

    Now for things Parade Buster is good, but could have executed WAY better than it does now.
    1. Counter: In this game, there's a mechanic called Counter. There will a circle on the enemy and if they are about to attack, the circle will turn red and clicking it will you a Counter. Now why am I telling you this? Because this mechanic is simultaneously a very good mechanic and also a bad mechanic. It's good because it gives reward for players who are now good at reacting to the opponent, it's bad however is because it breaks a few rules of the game which I wish it didn't. It ignores armored enemies which was stated to only be damaged by armor breaking weapons, it gives Flash Counter, which is basically invincibility.
    Flash Counter is also a thing I don't like, as you can stack them, giving you an absurd amount of invincibility (up to somewhere around 10 seconds of it, which in gaming terms, means that you are an immortal), basically rendering blocking useless.
    2. The enemies and the their mechanics: Now I think the enemies are great, a great deal of mechanics like armor, ranged enemies and healers. There's also innocent targets which you mustn't hit at one point, which spices things up a little bit. And the twin boss is also interesting at a strategic level, testing your knowledge of the game. They're all fun, but I think it could have been better. Like I said, Counter and Flash Counter is a big contributor to this point, and I think it could have been more interesting to see some enemies force you to not rely on these mechanics. Flash Counter would be way more interesting if there's an enemy that depletes it, forcing you to focus on that enemy. Or even one that BYPASS Flash Counter, forcing you to use Block, basically an extremely underused mechanic in this game. Armored enemies might take less damage or even not get instant killed by counter if it wasn't an armor breaking weapon for example. Other than addressing Flash Counter, introduce more interesting concepts like Couter enemies, ones that you shouldn't hit as they will counter YOU if you do so, maybe let some debuff you, etc. There is SO much more you can do with the enemies in this game which the Excessm should have consider before making 60% of them the same.
    3. Difficulty: There's 3 difficulty and an extra one if you beat the game on Hard mode, Lest Buster. Now you might not agree with adding those sorts of mechanics into this game, but if they shouldn't appeared in the main game, at least introduce them into even harder difficulties, making you re-learn the game and further intensifies and also add fun to it should you agree to beating it again. But regret to inform you that this is easily the worst part of this game... it's boring up here. There is nothing new, nothing interesting, no new content, no new weapons and armors, nothing. The challenge in the Tower of Winged Phantoms (aka post-main game content) and Lest Buster difficulty is just that enemies one-hit you (Flash Counter, doesn't care) and they have a large amount of health, and when I say large, I say HUGE, ABSURD amount of health. All it does it takes more time to spam counter with your best weapons on the boss. It really isn't worth it. Excessm unfortunately does not know how to make Lest Buster interesting at all, and I recommend you not to bother with it unless you wanna brag about beating Tower on Lest Buster (which I'd still congrat you for doing so).

    With many drawbacks and unexplored potential, I believe the content itself is still amazingly fun and enjoyable. I recommend you having fun with the game and only stopping at the point you felt the game becomes boring, because it doesn't get any better at that point. Overall, 8.75/10.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm hesitating about giving this game either a 3.5 or a 4 stars because of its simplicity gameplay wise. No skills is required to play this. It is easily beatable on normal mode. All you have to do is click a thousand times and counter your enemies ftw. It gets repetitive really fast. However, it is a fun game ngl and it contains a good amount of wacky events and side quests. The h-scenes and artwork are the same as 'One x shota' (one of the devs other game).
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10 (in MY opinion)
    Nice replayability (still repetitive gameplay but not too hard to disturb) Tons of content (~40min=100% game)
    Easy 1 arm control
    New game+ (there is post-end content)
    Reasonable, good storyline (there is a reason for everything: not just bcs. "i wanna to fuk da world, meh")

    Didn`t find :)

    I`ve gone trough game on hardest difficulty, got to last lvl of Tower and enjoyed every game over, done all side quests and got all gear.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I finished this game today.
    This is a clicker theme game, very easy, and have a lot of enemies (and everyone of them have their unique animations)
    If you lose, you will get raped and lose the game, but when you beat a girl you can unlock her in the gallery mode, make a custom fight in the arena mode and see the animations.
    It took me around 3-4 hours finish the main story and 1 hr more to do all subquests. very cool
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This one was a bit harder to rate I would honestly give it like a 2.5 but that means it just barely worth a 3)

    For what it is it ok, it's like a very very cheap flash game version of a certain ecchi vacuum/ray gun game (technically 2) only made very very simple with a sword and less plot (oddly enough by default the setting is to skip events aka story like :oops: wow that's a near first and disappointing + worrisome, almost making me give the game 2 stars for that, But from what little(idk how much there is to it but assume little) I played, the story while little and tossable is not ThaT bad.

    Combat far to easy and just like a clicker game with a optional change weapons to make there be likelihood of 1 or 2 more clicks needed then a true requirement of any sort. Attack don't make much sense logically and more arcadic (strike multiple characters with 1 swing no matter the weapon for same damage if girls are stacked close enough which is common)

    Kind of feel I should have given it more chance given picture but those are either that game or misleading I feel, for most part seems you got a literal white space for a D (like censored Ds have been better looking) for the "win lose" bits which are very meh low budget flash game. But the girls look alright and was cute 1st couple times 1 story 1 in combat time when girls flash you and giggle (then just w/e).

    If this what you been looking for enjoy if not I say pass.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A fun, semi-short (no pun intended) game with a good combat system and lots of lewd women to fight, just don't lose! ;) Even after you beat the main game there is still extra content for you to complete, with extra enemies to meet and defeat. A solid 5/5 stars in my book
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Though I didn't 100% this game, I did have a really enjoyable time. The gameplay itself is similar to an arcade cabinet. The problem with that is that it makes it a little difficult to masturbate while playing. The art is pretty stiff, and the audio is up there as well. Another great thing is that you can view loss scenes after you win, which means you won't be punished for playing well. All in all it was good time. Counter builds are a bit busted though.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    The combat system was unexpectedly fun, and motivated me to keep playing the game. Would have been 5 star game for me but I did feel that it unfortunately never did anything to creative despite having a fun combat system. The only boss I felt that had a unique mechanic was the twins requiring you to kill them simultaneously.

    Other than that I really enjoyed the animations, although there is only one consensual scene within the game. Would also have been nice to have a gallery for enemy rape animations rather than having to fight them in the arena to get them to trigger
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is simple but effective. It is mostly held back by the fact that most of it is in Japanese and it's hard to figure out which weapons or armor are which (which doesn't really matter till the last few levels of the game, and even then you can usually figure things out.
    The story seems pretty nice. It's hard to tell since it's in Japanese, but the bit that I got from CG's and other stuff was enough to still make it decently enjoyable.
    Each time you beat a main stage you unlock the multiple side missions that have a wide variety of stuff going on (as well as the next stage) making it so that the player will usually have something new to do. (honestly, I find a lot of the side missions more fun than the main missions).
    Fanservice is also really good of course (assuming you like Onee x Shota stuff), and there is a large variety of enemies to face.
    I will say that there aren't too many different music tracks (if I remember correctly), but none of them ever got on my nerves and were decently enjoyable.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 713180

    I enjoyed this game quite a bit. While the gameplay is fun, it is repetitive and the art in this game is nice to look at. The higher difficulties can be a huge pain in the ass if you are unprepared but the only thing you get for finishing the levels on higher difficulties is more items, no new H-content. Almost all the subquests are the same, get scenario, fight enemies (with a potential restriction) and get your reward, usually in the form of an item, and move on. All in all a fun game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The game mechanics are very satisfying. I 100% it in a day having more fun playing it than most conventional games. The H scenes are serviceable if a bit distasteful to me some times. They're also largely optional. If you're lookin to get off probably not the game. If you're looking to burn some hours in OSU!-Shota Combat Edition, than its quite fun.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple but complex combat system, Tons of artwork, and a story line that follows itself from beginning to end (which is really amazing for a porn game). What made it perfect was the reasoning behind the female enemies and how the hero's was so great at combat the female enemies used his weakness of sexual attacks to try and defeat him.