

Mar 5, 2018
We have so many scenes with Grace but no anal? :(
Also only one anal in the whole second game (with a person I never liked).
Still an amazing update with plenty of story and content. This game is hella fun.

Droid Productions

[Love of Magic & Morningstar]
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
Or at least mark on the first page, that Mac version on links is still 0.8.0b!!! Downloaded the same version again for nothing.
Problem is that I'm not the one who leaked it. The plan is to release it end of the month (as the next update goes out); this is someone just downloading the Win64 version from patreon and giving that to an uploader.

Droid Productions

[Love of Magic & Morningstar]
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
Can you get me the player.log, I'll see if there's anything scary, but in general on PC there's nothing that SHOULD be able to crash the game. You might also want to run a malware scan, in case someone's decided to be funny by uploading an infected version.

Player.log should be here:
%USERPROFILE%/AppData/LocalLow/FlexibleMedia/Paradise Lust 2


Apr 27, 2017
Mono path[0] = 'C:/Users/fender/Desktop/Paradise.Lust.2.v0.10.0/Paradise Lust2_Data/Managed'
Mono config path = 'C:/Users/fender/Desktop/Paradise.Lust.2.v0.10.0/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'
[Physics::Module] Initialized MultithreadedJobDispatcher with {0} workers.
Initialize engine version: 2021.3.34f1 (25266724e7bd)
[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Users/fender/Desktop/Paradise.Lust.2.v0.10.0/Paradise Lust2_Data/UnitySubsystems
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1; jobified=0
d3d11: CreateDXGIFactory2(...) not found, fallbacking to CreateDXGIFactory1(...).
d3d11: QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory5) failed (80004002).
    Version:  Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0]
    Renderer: Radeon RX550/550 Series (ID=0x699f)
    Vendor:   ATI
    VRAM:     4074 MB
    Driver:   26.20.15029.27017
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
- Completed reload, in  0.302 seconds
D3D11 device created for Microsoft Media Foundation video decoding.
<RI> Initializing input.

<RI> Input initialized.

d3d11: QueryInterface(IDXGISwapChain2) failed (80004002).
<RI> Initialized touch support.

UnloadTime: 1.555238 ms
Odin Serializer ArchitectureInfo initialization with defaults (all unaligned read/writes disabled).
Odin Serializer detected whitelisted runtime platform WindowsPlayer and memory read test succeeded; enabling all unaligned memory read/writes.
Loading game. Version : 0.10.0
Setting up 2 worker threads for Enlighten.
The referenced script (paradise.ToolSet) on this Behaviour is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Tools') is missing!
Game starting : version 0.10.0, platform: WindowsPlayer
System Locale : es-ES
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/fender/Desktop/Paradise.Lust.2.v0.10.0/Paradise Lust2_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/steam_api64
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/fender/Desktop/Paradise.Lust.2.v0.10.0/Paradise Lust2_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/steam_api64.dll
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/fender/Desktop/Paradise.Lust.2.v0.10.0/Paradise Lust2_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/steam_api64.dll
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/fender/Desktop/Paradise.Lust.2.v0.10.0/Paradise Lust2_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/steam_api64
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/fender/Desktop/Paradise.Lust.2.v0.10.0/Paradise Lust2_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/libsteam_api64
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/fender/Desktop/Paradise.Lust.2.v0.10.0/Paradise Lust2_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/libsteam_api64.dll
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/fender/Desktop/Paradise.Lust.2.v0.10.0/Paradise Lust2_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/libsteam_api64.dll
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/fender/Desktop/Paradise.Lust.2.v0.10.0/Paradise Lust2_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/libsteam_api64
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/fender/Desktop/Paradise.Lust.2.v0.10.0/Paradise Lust2_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/steam_api64
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/fender/Desktop/Paradise.Lust.2.v0.10.0/Paradise Lust2_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/steam_api64.dll
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/fender/Desktop/Paradise.Lust.2.v0.10.0/Paradise Lust2_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/steam_api64.dll
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/fender/Desktop/Paradise.Lust.2.v0.10.0/Paradise Lust2_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/steam_api64
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/fender/Desktop/Paradise.Lust.2.v0.10.0/Paradise Lust2_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/libsteam_api64
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/fender/Desktop/Paradise.Lust.2.v0.10.0/Paradise Lust2_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/libsteam_api64.dll
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/fender/Desktop/Paradise.Lust.2.v0.10.0/Paradise Lust2_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/libsteam_api64.dll
Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/fender/Desktop/Paradise.Lust.2.v0.10.0/Paradise Lust2_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/libsteam_api64
[Steamworks.NET] Could not load [lib]steam_api.dll/so/dylib. It's likely not in the correct location. Refer to the README for more details.
System.DllNotFoundException: steam_api64 assembly:<unknown assembly> type:<unknown type> member:(null)
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) Steamworks.NativeMethods.SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary(Steamworks.AppId_t)
  at Steamworks.SteamAPI.RestartAppIfNecessary (Steamworks.AppId_t unOwnAppID) [0x00005] in <d28e9fba734c4ce494b16685345c3d9e>:0
  at SteamManager.Awake () [0x00061] in <03c6f9ca15524e1a85a9fb381aebd4f8>:0
0x000007fed22c6bed (UnityPlayer) UnityMain
0x000007fed22cbc53 (UnityPlayer) UnityMain
0x000007fed22b5b95 (UnityPlayer) UnityMain
0x000007fed28833ae (UnityPlayer) UnityMain
0x000007fed1aedd4a (UnityPlayer)
0x00000000639e3e83 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.LogOption,string,UnityEngine.Object)
0x00000000639e3bbb (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat (UnityEngine.LogType,UnityEngine.Object,string,object[])
0x000000006538a719 (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.Logger:Log (UnityEngine.LogType,object,UnityEngine.Object)
0x000000006538a611 (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object,UnityEngine.Object)
0x00000000653870bb (Mono JIT Code) SteamManager:Awake ()
0x000000006377ed28 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr)
0x000007fee1a865fe (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_jit_set_domain
0x000007fee19bcd84 (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_object_get_virtual_method
0x000007fee19bcefc (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_runtime_invoke
0x000007fed20d484d (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed20c13b2 (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed20c147e (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed210aa65 (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed20b7be8 (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed20b707d (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed20b15b5 (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed210c072 (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed1f23a22 (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed1f1f83f (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed1f1f4e1 (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed20487e2 (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed1b55454 (UnityPlayer)
0x0000000063a14fac (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.GameObject:Internal_AddComponentWithType (UnityEngine.GameObject,System.Type)
0x0000000063a14ee3 (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent (System.Type)
0x0000000063a14e3b (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent<T_REF> ()
0x0000000065386d2b (Mono JIT Code) SteamManager:get_Instance ()
0x0000000065386c8b (Mono JIT Code) SteamManager:get_Initialized ()
0x000000006538694b (Mono JIT Code) paradise.SteamIntegration:Start ()
0x000000006377ed28 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr)
0x000007fee1a865fe (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_jit_set_domain
0x000007fee19bcd84 (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_object_get_virtual_method
0x000007fee19bcefc (mono-2.0-bdwgc) mono_runtime_invoke
0x000007fed20d484d (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed20c13b2 (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed20babcf (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed20bac5e (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed20b828a (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed1ddb624 (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed1f2cdfa (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed1f2cea0 (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed1f2fb78 (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed212e51a (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed212d24b (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed2131c47 (UnityPlayer)
0x000007fed213396b (UnityPlayer) UnityMain
0x000000013f9111f2 (Paradise Lust2)
0x0000000076e0570d (kernel32) BaseThreadInitThunk
0x000000007706385d (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart

Validating room: MainMenu
Memory Statistics:
  StackAllocators :
      Peak usage frame count: [0-1.0 KB]: 1252 frames, [2.0 KB-4.0 KB]: 1 frames, [8.0 KB-16.0 KB]: 1 frames, [16.0 KB-32.0 KB]: 14 frames, [32.0 KB-64.0 KB]: 1 frames, [64.0 KB-128.0 KB]: 3 frames, [0.5 MB-1.0 MB]: 1 frames, [4.0 MB-8.0 MB]: 1 frames
      Initial Block Size 4.0 MB
      Current Block Size 7.4 MB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 7.3 MB
      Overflow Count 1
      Initial Block Size 64.0 KB
      Current Block Size 64.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 297 B
      Overflow Count 0
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 448.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 289.5 KB
      Overflow Count 51
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 8]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 1.6 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 9]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 0]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 27.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 10]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 14]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 6]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 12]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_EnlightenWorker] x 2
      Initial Block Size 64.0 KB
      Current Block Size 64.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 15]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 1]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 1.5 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 2]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 7]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 65 B
      Overflow Count 0
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 6.0 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_AssetGarbageCollectorHelper] x 3
      Initial Block Size 64.0 KB
      Current Block Size 64.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 5]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 13]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 65 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 1]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 27.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 2]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 27.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 3]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 11]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 0]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 364 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_CloudJob.Worker 0]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 3.3 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 4]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B
      Overflow Count 0
      Initial Block Size 64.0 KB
      Current Block Size 64.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B
      Overflow Count 0
[ALLOC_DEFAULT] Dual Thread Allocator
  Peak main deferred allocation count 831
      Large Block size 4.0 MB
      Used Block count 1
      Peak Allocated bytes 4.0 MB
      Failed Allocations. Bucket layout:
        16B: 2 Subsections = 2048 buckets. Failed count: 5386
        32B: 7 Subsections = 3584 buckets. Failed count: 211301
        48B: 15 Subsections = 5120 buckets. Failed count: 6908
        64B: 208 Subsections = 53248 buckets. Failed count: 2895
        80B: 16 Subsections = 3276 buckets. Failed count: 1829
        96B: 4 Subsections = 682 buckets. Failed count: 17991
        112B: 2 Subsections = 292 buckets. Failed count: 105630
        128B: 2 Subsections = 256 buckets. Failed count: 10622
      Peak usage frame count: [8.0 MB-16.0 MB]: 1262 frames, [16.0 MB-32.0 MB]: 12 frames
      Requested Block Size 16.0 MB
      Peak Block count 2
      Peak Allocated memory 19.9 MB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 0 B
      Peak usage frame count: [4.0 MB-8.0 MB]: 178 frames, [8.0 MB-16.0 MB]: 10 frames, [16.0 MB-32.0 MB]: 265 frames, [32.0 MB-64.0 MB]: 412 frames, [64.0 MB-128.0 MB]: 91 frames, [128.0 MB-256.0 MB]: 318 frames
      Requested Block Size 16.0 MB
      Peak Block count 6
      Peak Allocated memory 226.2 MB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 142.3 MB
  Initial Block Size 2.0 MB
  Used Block Count 1
  Overflow Count (too large) 0
  Overflow Count (full) 0
  Initial Block Size 2.0 MB
  Used Block Count 1
  Overflow Count (too large) 0
  Overflow Count (full) 0
  Initial Block Size 2.0 MB
  Used Block Count 2
  Overflow Count (too large) 0
  Overflow Count (full) 0
  Initial Block Size 1.0 MB
  Used Block Count 20
  Overflow Count (too large) 0
  Overflow Count (full) 0
[ALLOC_GFX] Dual Thread Allocator
  Peak main deferred allocation count 4
      Large Block size 4.0 MB
      Used Block count 1
      Peak Allocated bytes 4.0 MB
      Failed Allocations. Bucket layout:
        16B: 2 Subsections = 2048 buckets. Failed count: 5386
        32B: 7 Subsections = 3584 buckets. Failed count: 211301
        48B: 15 Subsections = 5120 buckets. Failed count: 6908
        64B: 208 Subsections = 53248 buckets. Failed count: 2895
        80B: 16 Subsections = 3276 buckets. Failed count: 1829
        96B: 4 Subsections = 682 buckets. Failed count: 17991
        112B: 2 Subsections = 292 buckets. Failed count: 105630
        128B: 2 Subsections = 256 buckets. Failed count: 10622
      Peak usage frame count: [32.0 KB-64.0 KB]: 260 frames, [64.0 KB-128.0 KB]: 1009 frames, [128.0 KB-256.0 KB]: 3 frames, [256.0 KB-0.5 MB]: 1 frames, [0.5 MB-1.0 MB]: 1 frames
      Requested Block Size 16.0 MB
      Peak Block count 1
      Peak Allocated memory 0.8 MB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 0 B
      Peak usage frame count: [1.0 MB-2.0 MB]: 345 frames, [2.0 MB-4.0 MB]: 6 frames, [4.0 MB-8.0 MB]: 2 frames, [8.0 MB-16.0 MB]: 16 frames, [16.0 MB-32.0 MB]: 43 frames, [32.0 MB-64.0 MB]: 862 frames
      Requested Block Size 16.0 MB
      Peak Block count 3
      Peak Allocated memory 33.0 MB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 0 B
[ALLOC_CACHEOBJECTS] Dual Thread Allocator
  Peak main deferred allocation count 1
      Large Block size 4.0 MB
      Used Block count 1
      Peak Allocated bytes 4.0 MB
      Failed Allocations. Bucket layout:
        16B: 2 Subsections = 2048 buckets. Failed count: 5386
        32B: 7 Subsections = 3584 buckets. Failed count: 211301
        48B: 15 Subsections = 5120 buckets. Failed count: 6908
        64B: 208 Subsections = 53248 buckets. Failed count: 2895
        80B: 16 Subsections = 3276 buckets. Failed count: 1829
        96B: 4 Subsections = 682 buckets. Failed count: 17991
        112B: 2 Subsections = 292 buckets. Failed count: 105630
        128B: 2 Subsections = 256 buckets. Failed count: 10622
      Peak usage frame count: [1.0 MB-2.0 MB]: 1274 frames
      Requested Block Size 4.0 MB
      Peak Block count 1
      Peak Allocated memory 1.6 MB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 0 B
      Peak usage frame count: [0.5 MB-1.0 MB]: 342 frames, [1.0 MB-2.0 MB]: 7 frames, [4.0 MB-8.0 MB]: 787 frames, [8.0 MB-16.0 MB]: 40 frames, [16.0 MB-32.0 MB]: 98 frames
      Requested Block Size 4.0 MB
      Peak Block count 7
      Peak Allocated memory 24.6 MB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 2.0 MB
[ALLOC_TYPETREE] Dual Thread Allocator
  Peak main deferred allocation count 0
      Large Block size 4.0 MB
      Used Block count 1
      Peak Allocated bytes 4.0 MB
      Failed Allocations. Bucket layout:
        16B: 2 Subsections = 2048 buckets. Failed count: 5386
        32B: 7 Subsections = 3584 buckets. Failed count: 211301
        48B: 15 Subsections = 5120 buckets. Failed count: 6908
        64B: 208 Subsections = 53248 buckets. Failed count: 2895
        80B: 16 Subsections = 3276 buckets. Failed count: 1829
        96B: 4 Subsections = 682 buckets. Failed count: 17991
        112B: 2 Subsections = 292 buckets. Failed count: 105630
        128B: 2 Subsections = 256 buckets. Failed count: 10622
      Peak usage frame count: [2.0 KB-4.0 KB]: 260 frames, [4.0 KB-8.0 KB]: 1013 frames, [8.0 KB-16.0 KB]: 1 frames
      Requested Block Size 2.0 MB
      Peak Block count 1
      Peak Allocated memory 8.3 KB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 0 B
      Peak usage frame count: [4.0 KB-8.0 KB]: 1138 frames, [8.0 KB-16.0 KB]: 60 frames, [16.0 KB-32.0 KB]: 1 frames, [32.0 KB-64.0 KB]: 49 frames, [64.0 KB-128.0 KB]: 26 frames
      Requested Block Size 2.0 MB
      Peak Block count 1
      Peak Allocated memory 113.2 KB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 0 B

It is the MEGA version of the OP

Droid Productions

[Love of Magic & Morningstar]
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
It is the MEGA version of the OP
Well, the *good* news is that it's probably not a Malware issue. The bad news is someone just uploaded the Steam version without cracking it.

[Steamworks.NET] Could not load [lib]steam_api.dll/so/dylib. It's likely not in the correct location. Refer to the README for more details.
System.DllNotFoundException: steam_api64 assembly:<unknown assembly> type:<unknown type> member:(null)
at (wrapper managed-to-native) Steamworks.NativeMethods.SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary(Steamworks.AppId_t)
at Steamworks.SteamAPI.RestartAppIfNecessary (Steamworks.AppId_t unOwnAppID) [0x00005] in <d28e9fba734c4ce494b16685345c3d9e>:0
at SteamManager.Awake () [0x00061] in <03c6f9ca15524e1a85a9fb381aebd4f8>:0

This is SteamSDK trying to initialize itself, failing, and then the code panicking. The public releases will have Steam explicitly disabled to stop that from happening.

Problematically I can't actually remove that post; I have edit priviliges to the OP, but Forum rules specify that I'm not allowed to remove never versions (they don't say anything about what to do if someone's uploaded a new broken version). I'll check around.

Thanks for letting me know.
  • Like
Reactions: Reij and lHarmonyl


Apr 27, 2017
Well, the *good* news is that it's probably not a Malware issue. The bad news is someone just uploaded the Steam version without cracking it.

[Steamworks.NET] Could not load [lib]steam_api.dll/so/dylib. It's likely not in the correct location. Refer to the README for more details.
System.DllNotFoundException: steam_api64 assembly:<unknown assembly> type:<unknown type> member:(null)
at (wrapper managed-to-native) Steamworks.NativeMethods.SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary(Steamworks.AppId_t)
at Steamworks.SteamAPI.RestartAppIfNecessary (Steamworks.AppId_t unOwnAppID) [0x00005] in <d28e9fba734c4ce494b16685345c3d9e>:0
at SteamManager.Awake () [0x00061] in <03c6f9ca15524e1a85a9fb381aebd4f8>:0

This is SteamSDK trying to initialize itself, failing, and then the code panicking. The public releases will have Steam explicitly disabled to stop that from happening.

Problematically I can't actually remove that post; I have edit priviliges to the OP, but Forum rules specify that I'm not allowed to remove never versions (they don't say anything about what to do if someone's uploaded a new broken version). I'll check around.

Thanks for letting me know.

we will have to wait for the correct version, thanks
4.60 star(s) 8 Votes