Scanned everything with Malware Bytes premium and a fully updated Defender and didn't get anything. Nothing tried to sneak into the Firewall rules either. I don't think there's anything going on here, and I have a very low tolerance for anything suspicious.
Anyway drama aside, feedback on the game:
-The gameplay loop is interesting for a few days, but with no story and absolutely nothing else to do it very quickly gets boring.
-Why are the male customers in the game? The serve no purpose other than to waste your time.
-A gift system is badly needed to speed things up. The more characters you add the more you're at the mercy of RNG to see the ones you like. 12% relation a visit takes too long.
I know it's unfinished, but I hope there's plans for more gameplay or it's just going to be one of those games where people ask for the save and quickly forget about it.