Jun 8, 2017
gl the moment I saw you had to clear old saves but you cant use an editor to bypass some stuff.. Think Ill pass until its final maybe. Shame liked the art but hate games that get anal about cheating when they are still not finished!


Nov 26, 2022
Some comments for the new version.

It generally makes a nice progress. There are new scenes, missions and monsters. However:

1.Currently there is much more content in side quests than in the main quest. I'd like the main story being
pushed a bit forward.

2. I undestand that working old saves are technically hard to do but it's still a big pain to replay
everything again and again with each version. I hope that the authors will find some solution for it.

3. And maybe the most important thing - style of some new erotic scenes. While the game is generally handdrawn
and older scenes where handdrawn too, some new scenes seem to be done as 3D animations. They just don't
look good. They don't match the rest of the game and even on their own they are rather weak by modern standards,
feeling like they were done 15 years ago or so. So please, please, please, keep the old style of the game. It's great
and while I said eariler there is not much animations in the game, now I know I prefered even looped 2-3 pictures
instead of this 3D stuff. If I want 3D then 80% of games on this site are made that way and this game was something

So I'll be waiting for new updates, hoping that bad stuff will improve and good stuff will remain.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 27, 2017

Steam ...

Hey guys,

Just to let you all know we've nearly finished up on the steam trailers and we're adding the last few tweaks on them as well as assembling the steam page itself for PARASITE BLACK.

Thank you guys for your patience, we know we've been a bit radio silent recently but we're nearly ready and we'll be back to our regular healthy amount of communcation soon...

Stay tuned for the big trailer release~


-The Damned Studios Team


Jul 5, 2020
Find dev_menu_bool 1/0 change to 1 in save edition.
It works you just need to make a save then as mentioned edit it in save editor from 0 to 1 then in game you will get a new interactive point called Dev Menu at the top right next to the chat bubble just press it to access the dev menu.
If you'd be so kind as to indulge us how exactly you made this work?
What save editor did you use?

Whatever I do (I load the save file into an online save editor that supports renpy; find the dev_menu_boolen, switch it to 1 for true, save the file...), as soon as I try to load that save in the game it says:

"This save was created on a different device. Maliciously constructed save files can harm your computer. Do you trust this save's creator and everyone who would have changed this file? - Yes / No"

I click Yes and nothing happens. I drops back to the save file selection.
I tried deleting persistent data with the option in menu, I renamed the "persistent" file in the save folder ...
Nothing helps.
I can not edit save files nor can I activate the Dev Menu.
I tried looking at the save file in Notepad++, I tried looking at it trough a Hex editor (HxD) - it's cryptic, can't find that line.

Anyone have an idea?
(Never mind, I solved it myself: see below update1 & 2)


I found this mention:

And this workaround on the f95zone forums that seems rather complicated and you'd need to install python3 and ecdsa

[In short:
it seems renpy introduced some security measures due to malware being introduced by online edited files.
They made the file system persistent by default for now.
For the time being, simple direct save edit cheats won't work as before and you need to take annoying additional steps to convert them.]


It worked! Wow, and it was hell of a lot work too to circumvent the security measure for just this one save-file to merge it with your renpy security-keys so it would be accepted.
Now, when you copy the edited and additionally converted save file into your saves folder and load it in-game it will still give that "save was created on different device" warning, but if you hit "yes" now to accept the risk (and I think reconfirm that you are actually sure), this time it will indeed load that altered save and ... voilà! The Dev Menu shows in game ...
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