Unreal Engine - PASEC [v1.00] [Star vs Fallout]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I sadly can't recommend this game right now. Clunky combat, the punishment for defeat is way too big of a time loss, and the movement is not that great either. The scenes are well animated and the whole artstyle is nice, but it's not enough to carry the game by itself.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Demo Release Rating

    Art style is nice, I'm a sucker for 2d pixel stuff, so the mix of sprite porn and game over end screen pixel art animation is a major plus.

    Combat is simple but works well, I can appreciate them trying to go for a slower pace, a way to dodge would be nice though.

    Decreasing the volume in the club would be appreciated alongside with options for saving and clearer ways on healing.

    Overall I'm excited to see what this project will end up in the end.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Cool alpha concept...


    Why the heck there are no saves!?!?!? :mad:

    Died to an invisible enemy and the only option is to restart from the start.

    -Story, Originality
    You are a woman and you have to beat pervert aliens.

    Cool 2d art.

    Some basic sounds.

    Several rooms with repitable design and a lot of loot without any use.
    You can eat (but why?)
    You can sleep(but why?)
    You can collectdifferent resources: food/scrap/ammo (but why?)

    Runs okay.

    If there are several enemies, they can stunlock you on critical health;
    If there is enemy near you, you can't shoot it and get stunlocked;
    There are mechanics without any use cooking/scrap collecting/sleep;
    If you crouch, aim and stand up, the aiming cancells.

    Picel animation, that looks good, but is too far away to see details.

    -Voice Acting
    No voices.

    Didn't see any mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    Not even sure how much content there are, because I was killed in the "club standoff" by an invisible enemy and 1000000 enemies...


    It looks nice, but plays like shit.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Its bad even by hentai game standards.

    Empty locations that i just assume are meant to waste my time. Random mechanics glued together to simulate gameplay (sleep and hunger in a sidescroller action game... really?). Its very buggy, dont really need to elaborate here. And yeah if all that isnt enough to discourage you, if you die you have to play everything from the start so you have to walk all the way through the empty and boring locations every time you want to see a short game over animation.

    Its overall an awful game, the only decent thing is the animations but im not willing to suffer playing this game just to see some nice animation for 5 seconds and then walk through empty halls for 10 minutes
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This is why games have alpha and beta phases before skipping straight to 1.0. *IF* you can launch it. it's very poorly made with very good animations. there's not much else to say really

    you can feel the "Devs first game" energy with this one
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Nothing screams "Unreal engine" more than when game that has enough pixels to count them on my fingers barely reaches 20 fps.
    Art is good, although because of heavily pixellated graphics can often be tough to parse.
    Gameplay seems alright, although the game barely works right now. Options crashes the game, keybindings are absolute ass and not remappable.
    Overall, this gets 4* purely because art is alright and bugs with pregnancy is my shit. If it didn't have these, it would have been a 1*. Keep an eye on it only if you are interested in the tags.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    It's still too demo to rate better.
    The control of the character is crooked, trying to enter the settings, I accidentally turned on first-person mode, on one of the floors I just walked through a wall, fell and died. The graphics are mostly not stylized or beautiful enough, the animations look great. Why so many loot and completely empty rooms? It's not great that after the first defeat in sex, is immediately gameover. Well, there is no way to save, because it is still very demo. In general, it is too demo to be good, and too demo to advise the developer of something useful. Keep working on the game and work on a more uniform and cute styling, because so far the picture is good only for technodemos.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been following this artist for about an year now. His pixel art is amazing and the game has big potential. In this version a small portion of his animations are added and it is his first beta after all. The story and theme are just my alley as well as the monsters and pregnancy. Voice and sounds are ok but he needs to add more ambient sounds.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Please add a save option, for the rest I love it. I really like the idea of the creatures that are there, the idea of it being some sort of lab with more messed up creations and/or insects, tentacle-like monsters or mutants that can & will impregnate the protag in order to turn her into a spawning bed or seed bed!
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    V 1
    Disclaimer: I have been following this artist since Mid 2023, so I'm going to try to be unbias as possible.

    Using Unreal engine for a 2d side scroller game is definitely a strange choice, especially one for a first time dev. From what I can gather Unreal engine was the training he received. Whether that means he deliberately chose Unreal or this was the engine of choice for a class he took is unknown, but I hope he can use it to its full potential, especially for an odd gamestyle choice.

    As for the game itself, it definitely feels like a game demo: Controls are not responsive and you'll be fighting the character to simply turn left or right, there's barely any guidance on where to go, and the crafting and survival mechanics are just placeholders. I'm not sure if its due to the engine choice or the dev not knowing how to optimize his game (probably both), but you'll also find that this game is surprisingly demanding on specs. Its not a 4090ti killer, but very old PCs shouldn't expect to run this game smoothly.

    Currently the only thing going for this game is the animations and pixel art. Star vs Fallout strength comes from his art & animation and his fetish for mind control and parasitism. Combine all this and it could make for a very interesting game. But currently there are only 3 enemies with 1 h scene each and 3 game over scenes. If you are only here for the porn, you are better off going to his Pixiv or Fanbox and finding the rest of his stuff there instead.

    Despite everything, for a first time dev this game isn't too bad. For a demo it gives a solid framework on gameplay and the setting. I've played 1st release demos that played way worse and currently the dev is very active. But between the the dev's lack of experience and the niche fetish and style choice, I can also expect people to view this game poorly.
    Likes: LS47
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Review of Version 1.00

    Space! Here take weapon someone needs help! Oh aliens are also on this station.

    -No saves, no checkpoints.
    -Slow game. Usually not a problem but without a checkpoint system its really dragging.
    -No gallery mode. Did not beat the game, was just too frustrating starting over.

    +Nice pixel art. The artist used every pixel and he needed to. Because with these amount of pixels, if you dont choose wisely you dont even know which hole gets fucked.
    +Nice enviroment design
    +Easy to understand gameplay.

    All in all I started it. Did not know how to save. Got to the thread. Found out that there is no saving system. Letting me getting fucked by worms and said to myself: "Sadly I wont do that for every enemy I encounter. Good bye Pasec."

    Usually I return to games I like, to watch the animations or play through it another time. But this game only gives one of these two factors that a game needs to have a place in my collection and my freetime.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent Concept & Great Beginning. It has its bugs but its not enough to ruin the gameplay. Though it is a bit annoying with no checkpoints that I saw, didn't make it past the Club before posting this so idk. Definitely a great game for those who prefer a unconventional approach, i.e. Tentacles & Monsters > Bandits & Zombies. Whether you want to play through the bugs or not, save this game. If the developer builds it up further, it'll be a great addition to your "collection".
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Shows promise, but no checkpoints, with all the elevator rides is quite frustrating, due to the time it takes to get back.

    Also as others have said, would benefit from giving the player some time to act after escaping a grapple, rather than having one down mean death if there's multiple enemies.
    Likes: LDV
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    A sci-fi themed side-scroller with a couple good ideas here and there, but also quite a few problems.

    As far as I know, there's no way to save in this game; there's an option button on the main menu, but it's apparently bugged because I can't open it. I've tried every button on my keyboard while playing to bring the pause menu up, but it never appeared, so I don't even know if it exists at all. If you die, it's back to the main menu, and you have to do it all over again. The demo isn't that long, but there's a lot of backtracking to do that shouldn't be there in the first place.

    Another thing implemented is consumables and you hunger and sleep meters, which don't matter in the slightest in this game. Just ignore them and you'll avoid wasting a ton of time. On my first playthrough I went into every room, trying to collect everything, only to realize this didn't change anything to how the game plays.

    The animations are really well made, both in the sex scenes and in combat; which can make the combat annoying due to the length of some of the animations like the one when realoading, that you cannot skip and is particularly handicapping when you're surrounded by enemies. If you get hit and there's more than one enemy around you, you will be stunlocked until death.

    The combat scene in the club house is just broken as a consequence to that. The game will spawn a ton of enemies, and since you can't change weapons (I don't even know if it's possible, I've tried every key), you're stuck with the slow ass shotgun that will get you killed every time. The game never tells you what you're supposed to do here: Fight or try to find a way out? I couldn't find one, and I keep dying here, so I guess that's the end of the demo.

    Honestly, just wait for a few updates before trying this one. There are only 2 adult scenes easily available, and the others are on the main page. You're not missing anything here.
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    El Presidente

    I want to say it's a good game, but it's not even playable. There are framerates drops, bugs (not the alien types) horrible commands (like A to aim, D to shoot and E to interact) visual bugs like some time when you change your weapon you become one single pixel and the Night club part where all of this come toughener and fuck you. If you lose (other than the game over sex scene) you will encounter a crash when you try to start a new game.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Shows a lot of promise! Some jankiness, but that's to be expected on a first demo version. I couldn't get to any kind of settings/save menu, and there should be some kind of tooltip explaining cooking. Encountered some other bugs as well, but like I said....first version....