I want some characters to be extra important and have a slower moving relationship. This is what I've tried to do with Luna so far.
I do actually want to add pregnancy, maybe as an add-on since I know it's not for everyone. However I've been struggling a bit with what the best implementation would be since a pregnancy cycle is much much longer than the scope of the game's timeframe. I'm welcome to suggestions on how best to implement this.
I hear you. I'll try to have more of a slow-moving progression in the future. The reason it's very fast paced in the first version was because I wanted to inject a lot of content, as I myself often find first versions of games having only one or two characters kind of disapointing. I'm curious what you think about Luna - does her relationship move to fast as well? I tried to make her relationship growth a little slower.
All of them should be in the game. If you're not seeing anyone in particular it might be a formatting error I missed. If you know which ones I'll look into it.
The changelog has most of the info. Some character interactions have a "no more content-msg" show up. If you have exhausted all available interactions with a character, there's probably no more content for her. There should also be some indication in the Hints section of Notes, in game.
Yes, I'm a novice to all this, so there are some growing pains as I learn the software. I hope the finished game will be more slick. I didn't know about the wbms thing - I'll look into it, thanks! I'll also take a second pass on the images to see they're all apropriatly sized. Is there any particular ones that you found were too big?
The spacing of links is probably attributed to my inexperience scripting in twine. I'll try to improve it.
Fitness lets you pick up Mila in the park, as well as the two girls in the nightclub.
I've seen a few people suggest this and I'll try to implement it, or otherwise decrease the number of screens the player has to clock through.
A general piece of feedback that would be good to get from y'all is the length of these relationship arcs. I've seen that a lot of you want to see less instant rewards to increase realism. I want to do this as well, which is what I've tried my hand at with Luna. To the people who expressed this: Is her relationship still too slow-moving, or is the progression of events apropriate?