RPGM - Completed - Peniban Quest: Sacrifice to Domina [SadisticAlice]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    John Bon Clay

    This game could easily have been a 5 star game if they removed some of the annoying features.
    Scenes are good, while I'm not a fan of pegging and there is a lot of it, I would still say this game is great! Fun interesting characters,and such. Wish we had more choices or any choice really. I mean you can say no but from what I've seen you will just get a scene of "persuasion" and the same repeat 'loop' choice after it.
    The map is huge and you will have to travel about and a lot. Not only is it painfully huge, you may not always know where you should go, so you just wander about and the real issue here is the enemy encounter rate, that pops up ever 2-3 seconds, if you're lucky, and you will feel lucky if you haven't gotten an encounter in 4 seconds. I dragged up everyones attack and m-attack and agility (to attack first) to one shot enemies, and even then, even then it's way too annoying!
    Reason I'm still rating this 4 stars is because some scenes and quests are really well made but you gotta have patience for this one or some soothing nerve pills :) I still haven't finished the game , I think I'm about to continue the game again soon, for the third time.
    So better guide on where to go, and decrease the enemy encounter rate by A LOT and this game would've gotten 5 stars from me.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Undoubtedly a good game from one of my favorite FEMDOM content authors of all time Sadistic Alice (Majikoro), her story is both intriguing and tragic. Her soundtrack is very cool, voice acting has always stood out in Majikoro games and this one was no exception. The cg of her is very varied.

    This game also seems to have an original story that I have not seen in other FEMDOM RPGM games, its combat system is quite balanced although in some it does not matter much since if or if you should lose (either on purpose or the game itself makes you lose the battle for the cg event).

    Without a doubt another great masterpiece by Majikoro (Sadistic Alice), it's a shame it was his only RPGM creation but it was really worth knowing and playing it.

  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better storylines I've seen in the genre. It's such a fulfilling playthrough for those heavily into femdom, the corruption of both the protagonist and the world and the evolution into a fully femdom world is incredibly hot , it's done so patiently and irreversibly that it's impossible not to like. 10/10 game.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: Final

    The word tragic perfectly applies to this game, considering how sad and tragic your protagonist fate is. This game is TRULY sadistic, the girls of this game have not even a droplet of kindness, so if that is your thing, download it and try it out. But if you have no desire to experience a truly sadistic femdom game, move away.

    Overall i enjoyed this game for some time, the ending though were far too much for me to handle.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    First i think it will be 9/10 game, but the longer i played, the more my rating dropped.

    For me, the game is too long. I know that long game can be positive thing, but we all know what matters in h-games, right? I finish whole game in 26h, talking with every NPC i saw, and casually exploring world + some grinding. The h-scenes appear once per 4 hours for my playstyle. It`s definetelly too little. And also most of them are just copy-paste of scene i already saw, with little detail and voice(text) changed.

    Next. It`s very easy to stuck. You don`t have option of some kind of quest-log, to read about current quest. You need to remember it. Also world map is hard to understand at first. Not to mention about lack of "fast-travel" feature after you achieve checkpoint. Some quest are impossible to beat, without help "what to do" from here (or other forums).

    About story. WE ALL KNOW WHAT WE PLAYING FORM THE START. So no complaints here. But the whole game is linear to the point it doesn`t matter if you chose "yes" or "no" because it was already decided by the game and it is only illusion of choice. The result is always the same.

    The worst thing for me was scripted boss battles. I always hate it. I feel that after some grinding and good usage of skills i can beat all enemies, but then PLOT armor activates and after 20 turns boss heals for all health, or deal you a critical hit for all HP. However battle systems and skills/magic alone are very good. Balanced to the point you can win with every normal monster but you need to think a little not only thoughtlessly clicking.

    Is it worth playing? If you a little "M" man, the answer is yes. If not, the answer is still yes (but some scenes can disgust you - play for own risk) because it is just nice game. It is visible that creators put an effort making it, not just another "crappy RPGM h-game".

    Final: 7/10
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I played a shit load of femdom games and I can very comfortably declare that's the best femdom game I've ever played! Heck, even one of the best games I have ever played in my life and I am not exaggerating, this is the type of game that is really an underrated masterpiece that I could wholeheartedly and easily, if I ever made a list, of my all time favorite games ever including of course AAA games and Indie games so literally every type, put on top.

    You play as a young hero named Aheru and start a relatively long adventure in order to defeat the demon lord, Maramos, throughout the journey you will be humiliated and raped many times by your sadistic ruthless teammates and your enemies, what I've liked about this game is that it gives you well the sensation that you are the leader of your party in paper but in reality you are just a puppet, you know that, also it has a pretty good and interesting lore and world building where you just want to talk to people, the game gives the things it wants to give very well and creates the feelings it wants to create very well, it can be dark and twisted sometimes and also it has a pretty good sense of humour, someone else said that the choices you make don't matter so it's crap but I think it's quite the opposite and that's what makes it good, the fact that it gives you some choices a few times as if mocking you and as if they will even matter to begin with and that no matter what you choose then it makes you forcibly choose the designated choice is funny, and this design is clearly not here for nothing but rather to show that you are powerless, a very creative choice of design indeed, that would normally bother someone in a normal game but it works perfectly fine and goes well with this game's overall theme, I should note that, that one is actually a design taken from the Dragon Quest series that used to bother me but it worked pretty well here
    So to put it simply, it's an intentional design choice, not simply a bad writing.
    Also, how the hell story is poorly explained? It babysits us every time about what is happening and what we should do, everything is clear from the beginning until the very end, I would rather say it's overly explained.

    I should also note that OST is S tier although some of them (only a few ones, most of the soundtrack is original) are re-used rpgm tracks and the ending is just... Depressing, this game can be dark sometime but that's what I've liked about it, even if at the ending I kinda wanted to make the roles change (even though the game pretends exactly that there will be no role reversal and that this sheer fact has been confirmed by myself) because I was sad about what was happening.

    You should definitely play this game if you want an epic JRPG hardcore femdom game that has an actual good plot where the main focus isn't the sex scenes but the well polished plot that includes some good plot twists (even if they are a little bit predictable) but not if you don't want to see the most cruel thing ever that can be done in a femdom game, it's pretty hardcore.

    Writing is of a very high quality, it seems well that creators put a lot of effort and their soul to it and that it was definitely worth, plot and storyline are extremely interesting, I just wish it was a little bit longer even if it's already long enough for a H game (with approximatively 20 hours of content).

    The world building is definitely one of the strongest characteristics of this one, the interaction with the NPCs, and in general the world where you live in, changes throughout the story progression and it becomes more and more female dominated, so in fact it's pretty unique and interesting in this way.

    There are only a few sex scenes which may not be considered as too much for a H game (approximatively 23) but every single one of them is very unique, interesting and important for the plot development, mostly you understand that you are in a critical point of the story when you see one, maybe arguably not all, but most of them matters.

    This game does indeed have a recollection room, but it becomes accessible only after the ending, and it's not as grindy as some people claim it to be, well there is definitely some grind but it starts to become visible from middle parts / near ending parts, so although it does have a little bit of grind, it's neither the grindiest game ever nor one of the most grindiest ones.

    It fusions both the plot and femdom scenes, which are also one of the hottest and best ones I have ever seen and that are one of the rare TRUE ABSOLUTE femdom scenes out there, very well!
    What can a femdom gamer want else?

    Overall : 10/10

  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Takes some time to finish but it is well worth the effort. Many great scenes, surprises, interesting plot and many lewd refernces, especially the collection of femdom games mentioned. All the strap on action and femdom love making you could want. Twisted and dark at times so be warned this will not always be a light hearted adventure.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    an excellent game if you are a fan of femdom. the voice acting is pretty good and the H scenes are varied. the art style and character design is good too. only recommended for fans of femdom though, as it can get pretty hardcore.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Whoah Whoah Whoah, why does this have 5 stars?

    Story is crap and poorly explained with tons of scripted defeats.

    Gameplay is grindy as fuck with the level ups not even satisfying.

    Graphics are basic since there are no variation images during sex.

    There is no recollection room.

    This game is only barely tolerable if you like Femdom, and even then, its 8 hours of grindy garbage.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A sad game. It makes you feel really really bad once you get to the end, or if you're like the MC you'll love it! It's fun at the start, a little hard to navigate through the quest (the map is really bad, i had to open it a lot lol)but the further you get and especially the ending just leaves you with a hurt heart. Almost like THP but worse since you can't win D: