HTML Completed Perchance to Dream [v1.02] [DesiDee]

4.50 star(s) 4 Votes


Active Member
Dec 29, 2017
Shaking my head right now... Did you perhaps bother to check the options and see whether you have enabled NSFW images?

SFW and NSFW mean Safe For Work and Not Safe For Work, respectively. It describes whether a game is safe to play at the office, which you would've known, had you taken two seconds to google it
Thanks for explanation :) I did google it, but not found name resolution, only some posts for example asking for good NSFW hosting, that was my 2 seconds :) So my modded version has all enabled and is Not Safe For Work :)
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Active Member
Dec 29, 2017
Anyone knows how to reach endings #3 and #6?
For best friend you need to abort before you change into girl (that is day 2 if I remember that you are still a man) and gather enough information about him then abort.
For girlfriend you need to change into girl, developing relation and then abort (that is day 3 or maybe 4) - it is in same path, just get information about your friend which then become your boyfriend when you change into girl.
Anyone have tips on getting the maid ending?
I got it, it happens when you abort somewhere between when you are girlfriend, but didn't transform to slave yet - you need to play longer and develop skills (BOD, CHA, REL) and abort in one of latest days.
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Jan 27, 2018
For best friend you need to abort before you change into girl (that is day 2 if I remember that you are still a man) and gather enough information about him then abort.
Oddly enough, this only gets me the Super Spy ending every time. And when I try to abort on day 3, I get Lady Spy. On day 4 it's Adoring Girlfriend, I gotta be doing something wrong
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Active Member
Dec 29, 2017
Oddly enough, this only gets me the Super Spy ending every time. And when I try to abort on day 3, I get Lady Spy. On day 4 it's Adoring Girlfriend, I gotta be doing something wrong
Yes, the game has many stats tracking and there can be different ending depending on which stats is highest. I cannot tell exactly which stat you need to focus for which ending without looking at the code. BTW on my second playthrough I cheated a bit and had over 100 basic BOD and CHA at the beginning :) resulting in different endings - that can give you some advice.
But for best friend I'm pretty sure the most important is REL with your friend, so you should choose actions that improve this and get you level up at the end of the day. And there are other girls with stats that can make difference, so I cannot tell exact recipe. On my first play I achieved playgirl end, but I don't know how. The easiest is Run away end - just abort as soon as posible :)
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Active Member
Sep 1, 2019
Actually, it is a pretty nice small text game. Basically, you need to become a friend with some rich guy and infiltrate his dream for that. And the longer you stay there the more you transform into a woman and become corrupted.
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New Member
Sep 30, 2017
So finally looked through for end conditions.

Basically it depends on your relationship level (Stranger, Acquaintance, Friend, ...) first. Then depending on which is highest between your body, charisma, and relationship score is highest will determine an ending or ending variation. (Tie goes to relationship).

There might be a couple other weird flags, like whether you got through the whole find info conversation, but this should pretty much be how to get the endings:
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Apr 28, 2017
So finally looked through for end conditions.

Basically it depends on your relationship level (Stranger, Acquaintance, Friend, ...) first. Then depending on which is highest between your body, charisma, and relationship score is highest will determine an ending or ending variation. (Tie goes to relationship).

There might be a couple other weird flags, like whether you got through the whole find info conversation, but this should pretty much be how to get the endings:
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.'s really damn hard to surpass relation with other two scores.


New Member
Sep 30, 2017
9's really damn hard to surpass relation with other two scores.
A couple things to try:
- Use the boost on low success and failing will get you body or charisma increases without relationship
- Meals can keep energy up so you can keep using boosts
- Stat-specific options (in stat color that show up after selecting boost) will only increase REL by 1 even if successful
- Other than stat-specific, the dialog options will boost REL 1, 2, or 3. Keep to 1 REL increases
- Drinks will increase stats. Drink at bar, dinner, and club can majorly increase stats without increasing REL
- Not entirely sure, but think boosts on picking up girls will increase BODY or CHA without increasing REL
- Also, the investigate action has major REL increases if successful, but should only be needed once

Using these to focus on a single stat should help keep it ahead of relationship
Of course you could turn on the navigation in options and use retry to make sure you fail conversations while boosted

Before I gave up and looked at the Twine import, I had a playthough doing pretty much all of these. By the time REL hit 120, the BODY stat was up to around 240... (At that point I thought the endings depended on thresholds for those stats, not simply what was higher.)
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New Member
Nov 26, 2017
This game was refreshing and I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for the work you put into it.


New Member
May 11, 2019
either the settings are messed up or there are very little pictures in this game. The settings of NSFW or SFW pictures is extremely vague and I'm not ure if they work. I tried it wiith both options but I could only seem to see images when I checked out some random girls or at the very ending.


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2017
So finally looked through for end conditions.

Basically it depends on your relationship level (Stranger, Acquaintance, Friend, ...) first. Then depending on which is highest between your body, charisma, and relationship score is highest will determine an ending or ending variation. (Tie goes to relationship).

There might be a couple other weird flags, like whether you got through the whole find info conversation, but this should pretty much be how to get the endings:
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Thanks this is helpful but I can't get 13. After running out of days I get Happy Sex Slave.


Oct 12, 2020
In my opinion, the developer of this game has been amazing. All told, I am aware of I believe 5 games that the developer was responsible for. All 5 used different coding platforms. All 5 used mechanics which were unique to that game not shared with the other titles by the same developer. All 5 used different plots instead of just redoing it with different names and faces. And all 5 were "more or less" ready on release meaning that the developer only released once the game was basically complete and had been thoroughly bug tested. The only reason I even have to use "more or less" as a qualifier rather than leaving it out is that a single game using the unreal engine had issues that could only be spotted once the game migrated away from the developer's original host machine. And even those issues with that single game were quickly fixed. That kind of clean record and range of developmental technique is extraordinary. Only huge development studios can produce that many varied products and they do so regularly with major glitches on release. I can not remember the last time I saw a game which had its release and its final version happen within the same week, yet the developer for PtD did that 5 times over and for vastly different projects.

About the people having issues with not seeing images on this thread...

Now, it has been more than a year since the original release by the developer of this particular game. (... and about half that since the last time I personally played it despite my love for this game and its developer...) But if there are any issues with images I suspect they are due to changes of OS procedures or browser issues that have risen in the time since then. If you are unable to see images first check to make sure whether you have NSFW images allowed or disabled. The developer (due to Patreon policy reasons at the time) had to make NSFW images be disabled by default so you will need to turn them on.

Next for troubleshooting, you may need to either give your OS instructions to bypass security (especially Windows 10 since changes over the last year might be causing weird issues with image loading procedures) for the game. It is entirely possible that the way this developer called up images is causing issues with your OS' security. If that is not the problem there is a chance that you are playing on a system (such as Androids) that emulates image loading code in such a manner that the game is having issues. (If you were not aware, most smart phones and tablets, etc. use emulation coding for handling images - instead of just handling them as the original coder called for them - but the code used by your default software is relatively limited on how many different or complex ways code can be followed. If the person who coded your emulation did not code in the type of image display code that this developer used for most images then those images will simply never load.) If you suspect that is the case, then you may need to forcible override your emulation software's image display functions so that you get the image displays as they were intended.

About the small file size comment by one individual on this thread...

Personally I was not even aware that f95zone existed back when this game first saw release. As such I missed the initial comment by someone on this thread who was surprised by the "small" file size and assumed it meant a short game. My belated response is that actually the file size for this game is what you "should" be seeing with almost all modern games. The only reason most games are so large is that their developers are commonly using bad techniques and causing file size bloat as a result. High res images and videos look great, but always have an enormous cost and in most cases can be replaced by a much more economical image without suffering any quality loss or visual defects when stretching. As a person who first started gaming in the mid 80s, I personally applaud developers who can do much with little. Yes, hard drives now can be enormous, and transfer rates have long left the baud upload and download stage, so having a large footprint in your game is not quite as heinous as it was once upon a time.

But just because things do not need to be limited, does not mean that file bloat is fine. Using a 1920x1080 res for all images is insanity and completely wasted. Even the best machines of today can't see a difference between that and a couple down sizes in resolution. Even the worst machines of today can handle stretching mid res images to the largest of screens available without causing tears or blurs as long as there are no defects in the image itself. And the file sizes for a 1920 res image compared to a mid line res image are not only not in the same voting district they are not even in the same state.

Still not convinced? I once out of curiosity modded the heck out of a game release. I took a game full of nothing but 1920 HD images and reformatted every single one to being a 720p image only. I had to do a tiny bit of coding magic to make some of the images look right but not too big of a time waster. Then, when I considered the modded version to be a complete duplicate in terms of appearance, I finally compared before and after game versions on both a 1920x1080 HD monitor and on a big screen tv. In terms of image clarity I could not even tell the difference between the two versions. In terms of file sizes though the game went from being over 5 gb in size to a reduced half a gb total. That essentially means that more than 4.5 gb was useless bloat on pretty much any computer or monitor that game would be played on. And I honestly feel that I could have removed even more bloat if I cared enough and / or had been paid for my efforts in some manner. To be honest I cut a lot more corners which caused some bloating than I would have if I was the game developer or if I had been planning on releasing my modded version to anyone.

Let me make a statement that is an opinion but one which I firmly believe to be factual in nature. Pretty much the only game format that needs high res imaging is virtual reality gaming. If your game is not a VR environment and your resolution is high end then you are bloating your title for little if any visual gain. Oh, sure, someday maybe a 100k (not a typo) super resolution wall monitor might come out and suddenly the 1920 HD images would hold up better than that 720p cousin. But in all honesty... if that day ever comes then I can almost guarantee you something that makes this pointless. That guarantee being that the games we play in that future era are going to be more advanced as well and few will be using that high tech monitor for these old games from 2020 - and most of those who still play old titles for nostalgia will try to emulate systems of the era rather than on a virtual play wall all stretched out.

It has been a long time since I played this title on the featured thread. But despite having played thousands of games before Perchance, and hundreds of others since then, it remains a special title in my heart. The lack of play is not from disinterest but rather time marching on and the ever pursuit of playing titles I have yet to check out. With more time or less of a need to explore everything then I am sure I would still be returning to this title often. Which is why I gave it a 5 star review here recently now that I am beginning to use this f95 site.
4.50 star(s) 4 Votes