Yeh, what soviet name :HeyGuys:a girl, Snezhana(???)
Yeh, what soviet name :HeyGuys:a girl, Snezhana(???)
This isn't a political simulator, and the MC in this is a high school girl from what looks like a pretty prosperous family, who hasn't necessarily figured out that communism doesn't work on a large scale. I find it hard to believe that people can accept games with mind control without a qualm, but buck against the idea of a 1970s Russian teenager not understanding the faults of communism. In any case, I'd suggest, for your health, that you not tell a kibbutznik to her face that communism is a scam.I love Russian girls, but what is she, stupid? Communism sucks _ Russia figured it out years ago and turned the page. Communism is a scam, a lie users tell rubes to eat their cake. Thankfully, Russia today is not even close to communist... don't believe me? OK, go ask Venezuela.
I think that the name Snezhana has some implications in Russia that aren't apparent to non-Russians. If you run across a character named "Prudence" in a western game or novel, you kinda know what to expect.Yeh, what soviet name :HeyGuys:
Has anyone ever told you you're such a funny guy?This game can't be historically accurate everybody appears to not be starving to death XD
Yep it has. I am not able to translate it fully, but it has something to do with the snow. Wikipedia says, that it's probably derived from snow and wife.I think that the name Snezhana has some implications in Russia that aren't apparent to non-Russians.
I know we had someone called Snezhana in our family but we called her Snežana or Snežka, well that is slavic names for you.Oh, a game about a soviet high school girl? Hmm, in Russia (and in Soviet Union earlier) high school ends at the age of 16-17. So, if this game tells you at start, that "All characters are 18 years or older" don't believe it, it's a lie.
Yep it has. I am not able to translate it fully, but it has something to do with the snow. Wikipedia says, that it's probably derived from snow and wife.
Snežana is a western Slavic version, Snezhana is a transcription.I know we had someone called Snezhana in our family but we called her Snežana or Snežka, well that is slavic names for you.
Given my nom de game, that would be ironic, wouldn't it?Judging by the comments so far, I may be the only Stalinist to have downloaded this game :FeelsBadMan:
Sorry comrade, im more of the Trotskyist guyJudging by the comments so far, I may be the only Stalinist to have downloaded this game :FeelsBadMan: