An HTML text-based game, there's placeholder blocks for art, but they're most likely to be icons for decisions.
Gameplay: It's sort of a pseudo-CYOA, you pick your character's sex/gender, the reason for drinking the beverage, the manufacturer, where you do it, who you "imprint" on, and then what that character transforms you into (looks, assets, behavior). It'll then give you a summary of the decisions and the result/ending.
Review: The the options have some subsequent influence on the subsequent trees, so there's some replay to see all the choices. More amusing than erotic (there's not really any lewds I saw, but if the idea of being transformed is your thing then I guess it counts).
I went in expecting maybe a bit more story to happen after the final transformation, thinking the choices were a character/setting creator, rather than the core game itself. That was a little disappointing, but adjusting for what it is, I found it decent enough to kill some time.