Unreal Engine - Personal Study [v0.10 Hotfix] [ArcaneSpoon77]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Really promising, as I love the slutty witch trope and it gives a lot of naughty possibilities it hit the spot. And I don't really know why but the chara design looks gorgeous and efficient.

    However the puzzles were too easy, you just need to explore all areas to find the interactions and understand how to solve them, would be fun im my opinion if they were more secrets/hidden puzzles. But I'm biased as a Secret World fan lmao.
  2. 5.00 star(s)



    Simple puzzles my ass, while not difficult, the parts for solving are hidden and subtle, not to mention the slow movement and object moving speed is quite hindering

    While there's only enough material to demonstrate the concept, it has been polished to near-perfection:
    Physics like collisions and object movement are smooth and natural, but quite slow.
    Character models and animations, magical and lighting effects look fantastic.

    It's great for it's current development.
    I have high hopes and high praise for this project!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Looks very promising, non-trivial mechanics, protagonist and environment model looks very good, if the developer does not abandon the project, then it should turn out to be very good, sorry for my english)