Ren'Py - Completed - Personal Trainer [v1.1.2] [Domiek]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite thing about the game is probably the interaction between the mc and the other characters (I burst out laughing a few times from the jokes). All the characters are very well developed and each bring something different to the table. All in all loved the game and hope to see more.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is nothing groundbreaking. Some of the girls are a little extreme to the point of being mildly shocking - two of the girls in particular have some aggressive tendencies (not sex related) that can kind of take you aback - but I believe the payoff is worth it because virtually all of the main characters (nine girls + MC) are pretty richly developed characters with distinct personalities. Still, the game truly shines in its writing which is legitimately good, not just good for a porn game. The dialogue is snappy and topical and really feels like people having a conversation (even if some of the characters are a little too stereotypical)

    5/5 on the strength of the writing and the characters
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 651107

    I just love the relationship between MC and Sophie (whose model is just absolutely cute and hot as all fuck). The way the characters and their interactions with each other is written makes them feel much more real than most characters in those kind of games. The humour is actually kind of funny. Also Mayan is great. I hope the gym will make her get in shape even though I doubt there will be changes in the model but one can hope.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Had high hopes for this game after the starting plot, a guy betrayed by the women he loved which shatters his life and he can decide to treat others as has he has been treated or take the high road, sounds like a great plot but it seems to end there when the MC treats everyone the same way all standard white knights in games do.

    Where exactly is the "satisfy the revenge in your heart" in this game?

    There are no choices other than do you want to talk to this person yes/no and the conversations are standard boring "nice guy" ones.

    I would say this game is much more for the masochist/sub player as all the sex scenes so far are with the woman taking control and there is lots of male bashing.

    Art is good with an array of women, nice clean backrounds and a very nice and organised UI.

    No errors or lag so works well.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Every character has their own story and the creator has made each one of them incredibly attractive in their own way. All the scenes are very well rendered and the fact that Domiek is intentional on making each of them with their own flaws makes it much more realistic than other games as well as more immersive.
  6. B
    4.00 star(s)


    It's a good game. The lack of grinding is really welcome. The girls are hot, but the art is inconsistent. The cousin seems to be one person in some scenes and a totally different one in others. It's a bit weird. But otherwise, it's a good game that I'm looking forward for future updates.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Personal Trainer is a curious game, to say the least. At rare times, its writing appears to be mature and developed, approaching powerful issues like abuse and mental health with respect. However, most of the time, the writing falls back on this immature, edgy attempt at humour that’s either body-shaming, trans and gay bashing, or cartoony levels of objectification. Here’s a sample of such dialogue:
    MC: I doubt I can even get an erection anymore!​
    Woman: Hmmmm. / We’ll see about that.​
    Woman begins pulling off her shirt.​
    MC: …Titties?​
    Woman: Titties.​
    These lines are more embarrassing than amusing, and caused me to have trouble connecting with, or sometimes even believing in, a protagonist who’s supposed to be a grown adult but shows less emotional development than a teenager. Scene became the next casualty of these juvenile outbursts, as I just wanted to skip any conversation the moment I know it’s going to spiral deeper into inane banter. However, the biggest issue lies in tone. The tonal confusion between moments of eroticism and immature silliness, or moments of serious character development and immature silliness, makes it difficult to stay immersed in the story and appreciate any of the vertical or horizontal development. The dialogue needs focus.

    The story itself does not leave the shallow end either. Although some of the supporting characters in the game have potentially interesting motivations and growth projections, as of version .55 the main character’s story doesn’t change after the prologue. You play a guy who wants to impregnate as many women as possible because he’s bitter about being cheated on and losing his job. There’s one scene where he mentions and almost confronts this turning point in his life, but other than that the protagonist doesn’t change or accomplish anything. Additionally, there doesn’t seem to be any events triggered by the protagonist’s progression in his quest to impregnate everyone, so even the goal he’s set out on seems to be going nowhere. This makes Personal Trainer feel like it doesn’t really have a central story to follow, which is a very different thing from simply being a sandbox in which you can advance the central story at your own pace. The story needs advancement.

    Finally, let’s talk aesthetics. While it’s true that this game has some decent animations and a few attractive romanceable characters, many of the characters’ models go well-past “humble milf” and for some reason have been designed to look corpulent. For example the redhead Amy, when you find her in the café, has sunken cheeks and a blue pallor that made me convinced I was about to read she’d been bitten by a zombie and the game was about to head in a whole other direction. It didn’t. The majority of the other characters are similarly overweight, weathered women, which I think would be awesome if there was an option to actually do your job as a physical trainer and get them into shape, but that doesn’t seem the case. Basically, if you’re not into overweight, middle-aged women, there aren't many choices for you.

    Overall, there’s a lot of talent and time evident in the creation of this game, but there were a lot of choices in the author’s creative process that make it repulsing and generally not entertaining on multiple levels. Then again, given its overall rating, it’s possible I’m the one out of touch. So if you’re looking for a story with thiccc moms, a sociopathic protagonist with the wit of a high school student, and a lot of dubious consent, give Personal Trainer a chance!
  8. 1.00 star(s)

    Richard Miles

    Idk what the people saw in this game but I can't say anything good about this game, the animation is very rough, there's no plot, a lot of bugs like repetitive events (with sophie man I just played like 4 times the event of her promotion and 4 times more the event when she asks for her dress if it's ok), the characters are really empty inside, maybe Sophie has something but the events doesn't change with her at any moment and I played the game for 3 weeks (in game), the story is nothing new, maybe if you want to fuck every girl in your way ... but man that animations are pretty bad, some storys go on with some girls but there are no effort in that stories.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is like ono of those 3d h games with the difference that it has a really detailed animations and images that makes the game more rotic than others . HIGHLY RECOMENDED TO SUPPORT ON PATREON IF YOUNLIKE WHAT YOU SEE
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a great sandbox game. You can free roam arund the city and you can manage the time if you actually can't choose activity. Render is nice girls are different and beauty. Story is something new with that setting where you can rebuild your life and seduce girls. Dialogues are authentical and sometimes funny. Lewds scene animations are repeatable short ones but they are smooth and hot.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing, never expected this... Especially the main story is incredible ( I love Sophie)!!! There are not as many animations but the image quality is amazing.
    Personally i would've loved the characters to be less... and the effort and time to be invested more in them, but I don't care it's amazing game. It's my second review... I was lazy to write it but, just cant express how much i loved the development of Sophie as a character. The scene and the story was so funny and so light and in the same time deep, love it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    At first I just tried to play this game for fun,
    Woah this game is really entertaining.

    good render,nice animation.
    interesting random event.

    The plot is not too heavy but it is enough to make me enjoy the story.

    The character is very interesting, the relationship between cousin and MC is one of the best, full of humor and entertaining strange events.
    Jenna the Muscle Girl Fighting Slut, oh incredible.
    Amy the perfect milf,
    Daisy the innocent, Dani the charming boss.
    Hikari, oh hikari why are you vaginatarian ...

    Good health always dev,
    can't wait for the next update ..
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I came here for the trap content (yeah I'm one of those guys), but there's basically just one scene on that front & it's just alright. With that said it didn't bother me because the rest of the game was phenomenal.

    There are several great characters such as the cousin, Jenna, & the dorm girls (fingers crossed Daisy gets more content) among others.
    There were also a couple of girls that weren't my cup of tea (brunette bodybuilder & the obese girl), but their inclusion is a huge plus for me as it's really boring when every girl is a uniform 10. I also appreciate the fact that those body types got some love here, even if they're not my favorite.

    I'd love to see more of the futa girl, the nameless blond, Daisy, the boss, & the cousin (but tbf she has a TON of content already). I'd also love pregnancy to get implemented (I might be a degenerate), but even if the game's development ended today, it is still a gem.
    An easy 5/5. If you like it, please donate to the creator if you can because this is some great content & it should be rewarded.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is fucking awesone! There is a few bugs, but loving it so far. The game brings back memories of when I used to personal train. Jenna is my favorite of all the girls. can't get enough of that beastly bitch! lol
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I absolutely loathe open world VNs like this but this one actually does a pretty good job. Granted, I would prefer if I didn't have to click around to get scenes but this game has an integrated walkthrough/hints section which really makes it much easier. Combined with the +1 / +6 hr skip time makes it not too difficult to progress the game.

    The girls all have somewhat interesting personalities which are fun to get to know, some of the scenes have goofy but funny moments, including some references to other games, and events which are sort of silly to see. The MC seems to be a legitimate person and has meaningful dialogue which is always a huge plus, the girls all look fantastic in their own ways.. There even is light romance with a few characters.

    I am excited for more content to see where some of the relationships go because some have really good potential. All around this game does really well and like I said, this is coming from someone who would much rather just read/play a VN than having to deal with open world.

    I'm pretty confident that most people would enjoy this game, it's got a girl for everyone and was a good time. Definitely recommended.

    4.5 / 5
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1339526

    It's a very nice game, the game play is intuitive, it doesn't require much grinding but you progress at a good speed. The renders and animations of the game are nice. It has a pretty decent storyline as well.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Closer to RL sex than you'll get with many of the games on this site, wonderful writing, captures the thought processes of the MC believably.
    The graphics are good, the selection of characters varied.
    But really, the writing is better than 90% of the games I've played. All the little ideosyncrasies and tidbits really add to the immersion. Here's hoping this will become a classic.
  18. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 507366

    This is one of the most difficult reviews that I'll probably write. There are some really great parts of this game and then, at times, it feels empty.

    The game tries to be too realistic in some areas (different body types) and then over the top unbelievable in others (I'm just here for you to fuck me, please do so NOW). It feels awkward. Either make it an ultra realistic VN or an over the top unbelievable one, but not both at the same time. Trying to be funny seems to trump everything though.

    • Good renders
    • Detailed character models
    • Good variety of characters
    • A good range of personality types
    • Great writing
    • Humorous
    • Good hint system - no walkthrough required - rare in most games

    • Too many repetitive events. The same events keep playing over and over again to do what exactly? Pass time, there are better ways by far. At least have three or four variations of the same event if they are going to be repetitive. Greying out the option would even be better if there are no repetitive scene variations.
    • Too many thick and unattractive girls. I much prefer fantasy over realism in this area (my opinion of course)!
    • Game is too realistic at times and unbelievable at others - lack of consistency isn't good here (makes the game feel awkward)
    • Humor trumps everything; even if it breaks the story or is too far fetched
    • Need more things to do with the open world system - feels bare bones aside from the gym events
    • Time passes inconsistently. For example, going to the Cafe in the morning and talking with anyone advances the time till late afternoon? In the gym, you can do lots of events with only a small passage of time. Never met anyone who took 6 hours to drink their coffee
    • Needs more dialog choices and options. In too many instances I thought to myself, "I would really like to do or say this..."
    • Got to have that incest tag or it isn't a game right? Dare to be different instead of following the incest crowd
    I've read most of the reviews. I'm sorry, but I can't see how anyone can give this game 5 stars. I base this off of my experience with lots of other Ren'Py visual novels on this site. I guess my standards are much higher than most of the players handing out 5 star reviews like candy. No offense intended.

    Do I recommend this game? I'm not really sure to be honest.

    It is a good start for the author but isn't a perfect game by any means. My two cents worth, enjoy!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    4,5 stars to this VN from me. It's not perfect but very fun to play.
    Female models are detailed, vary from eachother - there are no obvious clones and everyone will surely find something to like (there is a plethora of various types of girls and women - from young to old, from fit to chubby, big cup, small cup, saggy, perky and so on).
    This game has rid of all economic things and focuses only on action. Each girl has her daily schedule and player's job is to find time and place to discover new events. I like it this way cause it saves a lot of time (I hate grinding).
    Personal Trainer has many kinks and lots of humor (kudos to the author of the texts - you made me laugh my ass off plenty of times).
    Great game, I definitely recommend it!
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Jill Lover

    Perfect game and thanks to random dude that recommended me this game ,i dont regret it playing and you will not also and if you like this game, dont forget to support Domiek on Patreon.

    +Great renders
    +Good writing
    +Lovable characters
    +Hint system is done very well ,you will not be stucked in any part of this game
    +Asian chick ,but she is lesbian ,so i dont know ,if there will be more content with her ,who knows maybe she is bisexual.
    +Free roam well done
    +Muscular woman ,most of the players won't probably like it ,but it is something new for me and i'm not against it ,it's kinda hot actually mby i'm just weird nvm

