Man... I'll never understand the people who limit themselves based on superficial things like tattoos and piercings. I know, "to each their own", but there's not a single character in this that I am not interested in. I don't care how many times a girl has had sex, or with who, if I like her, that's all that matters. I don't care if a girl has tattoos or not, sometimes I find them attractive, sometimes I don't, but no matter which it's the girl wearing them who matters. I like some piercings and dislike others, but again, I'm not going to not be into this chick for such superficial reasoning.
I bring this up, because from my perspective, this has gone on too long. If you'd been here from the beginning you might have been ok voicing the personal criticisms you have, about your own interests in such a game, but now, you're interrupting their vision. You've not directly asked for things to change, which is good, but the implication that you'd like to see them change is there.
A few things I've noticed that people aren't thinking through, even though the Devs have said them.
1.) The characters Dominic, Hitomi, Sierra, and Chione are all playable characters. Much like Game of Thrones swaps perspective from time to time, your perspective will change from one to another as the story advances. I'm gonna be honest here, if you're not into lesbian sex, this game probably isn't for you. It's all optional, sure, but now you're playing through segments with the girls and not doing much of anything but getting story.
2.) You're gonna see Dominic's face. With the girls being playable there are gonna be scenes where they're in control and see Dom, it's just gonna happen.
3.) This is not your typical romance game. Dominic and his girlfriend are swingers, Hitomi, last I checked has a girlfriend, but she's the slut, the characters aren't faithful romantic partners in the traditional sense. And yes, every piece of side booty that becomes available to the girls is optional, but even if you make them devoted to dad, dad isn't devoted to them.