Ren'Py - Pink House Rework [v0.31] [Shutulu]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The good so far:
    -Ideally this is presented as a corruption/revenge game with an MC who is not afraid of women nor is he a child... I mean "18" year old boy obsessed with his mother. (y)
    - It's not a romance game where the MC has to "save" his girls from something for the fifth time.;)
    -The MC is the villain.:love:
    - The girls are sexy and the renders are not bad (but they can be improved).(y)

    The bad:

    -The story focuses on corrupting girls, this is a double-edged sword, it can be very good or become repetitive, be careful.
    -Sandbox, for many this kills the game, for me this can work if you make a guide or sell objectives, remember that not everyone likes to spend 5 hours earning points or exploring where to go.
    -The mechanics, the characters don't look bad but they look somewhat robotic, maybe investing in creating some more renders would create a little more atmosphere.
    -Animations/sounds, there are none, for me it is not really a problem but surely several will cry.
    -Maybe give the MC a stronger reason to hate his brother, and make the player empathize with him. (maybe less dick)

    Conclusion: It is an excellent idea, which can be a success (everyone likes a corrupt MC who steals girls), but it will require several improvements.