Ren'Py - Completed - Pirate Trainer [v1.0] [Mr Rabbit]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Milf Professor

    These are my feelings about the game after completing it with all the ending:
    1. GAMEPLAY:
    - Grinding materials and foods to upgrade the ship and pay Nami, The Brothel were easy but take so much times compare to the sex scenes we get, atleast i want it could be worth more as weaken the enemis, get more materials, foods easier or more sex scenes :3
    - The dodge chances were a huge BRUH, i mean enemies (both marine and pirate) could possible dodge my attack 3 times a row, took me much more time to defeat.
    - The chances to be attacked by marine is bruh, the escape chances too, 3 times a row :))), i waste all my foods and time to meet Nami, the brothel.
    - The brothel can only meet at night is acceptable, but Nami i think could meet at day, ya know the chance to be attacked will skip a day so it will waste food and meet Nami ;'(
    - Materials, foods, the brothel, Nami and those posters cost too much to grind $$$.
    - Should add the gallery for all characters btw haha :3

    2. The Story + Art:
    - The art is perfect with me as it comic style.
    - Makino story is too easy i think, she should worth more than that just find her son is enough to fuck her XD, it could be like save her from pirates get a bj, drink with her get tits job,...
    - Charlotte the brothel owner doesn't have any scenes T_T, and the brothel only have two girls lol, idk how could this brothel survive haha.
    - Training Nami is perfect stages with down to up last each scenes, but Nojiko could have more scenes as we help Nami.
    - The story should be more than that, atleast the minimum we could fight Arlong as the final boss for more challeging, i mean grinding to upgrade the ship just to farm money ?
    - Goodbye Nami ending is good but the other ending with Nami stay and those two option, let it control and take control is bad and nonsense i think.

    OVERALL, the gameplay is unique with ship combat itself, the story based were good but not enough, but Mr Rabbit what u did is more than good, i like the game a lot, i appreciate and thank you for the game and all the hardwork u have done to complete it, hopefully to see your success in the future.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    It seems more than it is, it's not bad, but honestly before playing it I thought it would be better, the drawing needs a lot of polishing (the miniatures made it look more detailed) and by the end of the game the mandatory combat phases were already torture that you didn't need more from there and you just want to finish with what's left, I gave it a 2 out of 5, but I would have given it a 3 out of 5 if I could have avoided those last non-essential battles.

    My recommendation is to go straight to the CGs with a save, the story is nothing out of this world as is the gameplay, the only thing it has going for it is being a parody of One Piece
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Decent game that feels a little incomplete
    Decent story - easy and fast grind - easy combat - easy management - decent and likable art - good amount of scenes - repeatable scenes - decent ending - makino make it feel incomplete
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game but sadly too short!

    Art & H: The art style is pretty but some might not like it. Expressions are spot on. Decent amount of H-Scenes and partly animated. Overall had a good fap.

    Writing: Top tier. Love that Nami's personality is faithful to the original series. Also the way the characters interact with each other is hilarious. Seeing how Nami slowly "corrupts" is well written.

    Gameplay : Ähmm yeah. The game let's you cheat and I highly recommend to do that. You won't miss out on anything and it makes your life easier.

    We really need more One Piece related games....
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    maxx mad

    Stay away from this.
    The naval battles are poorly designed, you shoot, you repair, and if your opponent have more crew than you do, their repair way faster and you lose, if you have the same crew, canon levels do the difference alone.
    Click the canon twice, the repair once, the canon twice, the repair once, the canon twice and either you win or you lose.
    The average sex scenes aren't worth enduring this and even if you use the cheats and don't attack anyone, someone will attack you regularly.

    There is no reason to waste your time on this.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    It was okay, I really don't like the art but one piece games are rare to come by so I had to play it. The ship combat and stuff is pretty easy/simple, although I had some troubles at one point with lvl 4 marine ships who would demolish me. But after awhile you become self sustaining.

    The highlight would be the ship combat and stuff, I really liked the short time It took to upgrade and what not, it wasn't too hard and wasn't too easy.

    But that's really about all I enjoyed from this game.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    A game dedicated to One Piece that is very linear and simple but at the same time fun and nice. The protagonist is a new pirate who one day saves Nami from a group of Marines and accidentally eats a devil fruit. From then on he will deepen his relationship with Nami, coming to an agreement. She will have to make small gestures with him and he will give her some money which Nami will need to free her sister.
    Classic trainer style, with good animations and very simple but pleasant gameplay.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Average in all aspects and that is not bad.

    Art - mostly 3/5 but some are decent 4/5(Late game).
    Writing - not much to say just simple one.
    Gameplay - pretty simple.Not much grinding.
    Overall another training game.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    The game does have some grammar and syntax errors...however despite this, the game had its own unique charm with its characters and plot that made me enjoy the game fully

    In terms of a trainer style game, it is quite simple and enjoyable and it does what it says....also the cheat mode gameplay does a good job for those who don't want to grind

    The only gripe I have tho is that on some scenes, even if we change our name, we are still called Iven....kinda annoying

    All in all, a solid 4 out of 5 for me....Keep up the good work devs!!!
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is alright, not too long, and you can clearly see the art style, so if you don't like it, then don't play. The biggest reason for 3/5 stars is because the game is needlessly grindy for the only thing that can really be considered content, which is training Nami. You get 1 scene per night, can't interact with her during the day, and it's quite expensive to get all her scenes. To make that even worse, and hopefully this is a bug, you're not guaranteed to get any rewards from the battles, which means you can get unlucky and have 5+ battles in a row where you get no money, and you can't sell excess food/materials. Still a decent game.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Good to see it completed, but not going to increase my star rating from 4. It's a solid game, but it's nothing exceptional.

    It's between okay and good. Really only because the dev allowed cheats so you don't have to do the grindy shit if you don't want to.

    Could use a bit of refinement in the h scenes but they're fine. Animated, kinda short, would like to see more dialog in them. Also, I am hoping and assuming that we will get a "full corruption" status eventually, which changes the dialog for all scenes retroactively... Not there today, but getting there.

    All in all... I think there will be some people who find this game to be boring, and I think there will be some people who think its really good, but I think most will think that it is okay.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    By the time I am typing this it is currently Version 1.0 and I highly doubt my opinion will change in the future yet the future is a mystery and today is a gift thus why it is called the present (Master oogway). Read the Conclusion if you can't be arsed to read the entire review.

    Story: Coming straight from the One piece universe I've got to say huge fan of it so it may get unfair points for it so fight me. Digressing a bit, the story starts with the main opening of said anime yet it differs, having a named protagonist if decided to choose so and a very vague background. All we know is that the MC mom may not be his true mother which in my perception could lead to future encounters but its good stating that the MC is 18 considering Nami the first *Cough* Target *Cough* is 18 in the universe she resides then all is well. nothing much to say you get a ship named after AC Black flag which is a nice touch and set sail for not particular ambitions which lore wise makes sense for the MC and a father that failed to be the pirate king who left his hat to the MC which is fine touch similar to the straw hat symbolism moreover the MC ate a devil fruit during the prologue but since it isn't properly introduced yet. I can't wait for the amount of potential being used in the future , Just going with the flow story pretty linear but who cares I'm here because it is a trainer game for one piece . 4/5

    Gameplay: Having combat/survival setting it isn't as complicated as it looks, upgrade your ship, combat for goodies, maintain supply's and important meet the requirements for the smut scenes, easy on paper but in practise takes time to master. I've maxed out everything pretty quickly but enemy's that scale with levels along side you can be quite annoying considering if you are unprepared such as lacking materials to do quick repairs or obsolete hull upgrades then yea its extremely hard to get past the obstacles. The system used for training Nami though is still vanilla luckily and to be fair nothing wrong with that. Once you understand the patterns when fighting ships then you know how to end them quickly to the point it maybe considered grinding. Depends on how you perceive this Gameplay but my standards in games are low so it maybe due to that. 4/5

    Scene: Since this is just the first release I will be modest and fair, so far so good as expected of a known developer in this site. Having animated scenes and good quality sprites the future of the upcoming scenes will be as bright as white likewise with the rest of us who rubbed one off. Though I wish to could blend more into the background due to it feeling slightly out of place yet that's all the cons I could think of currently. 4/5

    Conclusion: Read this if couldn't be arsed reading the entire review. Coming from the infamous Mr. Rabbit known for his other game Little Man which brewed a long storm which ended I his and very "cultured" individual favour presented a new Trainer One piece scenario. Do I even need to go on the game is good for a beginning and a handful of scenes. Gameplay is adaptable and the story has potential. Being slightly unfair since I am a fan of one piece.

    I wish you the best both Dev and player, stay safe once you hit rock bottom the only direction left is up. -Justapervert