It could be but it could also be a number of other factors ranging from drivers to the browser you are using. There is a general checklist to go through when a network error occurs,
Check your internet connection, this includes if others are sharing a connection and if you are getting packet loss.
Try changing your download location, if you are using default folder, usually the windows downloads folder, try switching to ask where to save in the settings and select a folder in the root or on a different drive. If the folder in on a removable drive, make sure the cable is secure and try swap cables if you are unsure.
Check your AV, if you have a popup blocker it might block the popup but the AV might still pick up the connection.
Make sure you are using up to date network drivers, this is not usually the problem but better safe than sorry.
You can also try using different browsers, I've had good results with brave and NEVER use any windows based browser.
If all those fail you could also try using a download manager, copy/paste the download link into the manager and make sure to use or create a separate folder for the manager.
If the files you are trying to download are games, you could also look into using a torrent app, qBittorrent works well.
Hope this helps.