v0.30 - 3 out of 5 stars
Pretty basic tower defense game. You passively generate energy which you can use to either spawn plant girls, upgrade energy generation (lower right), upgrade your super move's range (lower left), or upgrade your base's HP (upper left).
Plant girls will walk to the right until they hit an enemy at which point they will start fighting. Meanwhile, the enemy insect base starts on the right and spits out enemies that move towards your base until they run into plant girls. You win a level by destroying the enemy base and lose by having your base destroyed. Pretty simple.
Because there's no "map" like in a more complex TD game, the levels feel very similar. For the first three missions there's one plant girl available and one enemy type and the only thing that changes is how fast the enemies spawn, for example.
Other things I didn't like:
The tutorial is vague or even misleading at times.
The map doesn't fit on one screen, even in fullscreen mode. At first I didn't even realize there was an enemy base or that I could scroll around.
The ero animations are semi-random. There are two kinds: defeat scenes and in-game scenes. You have to lose a level to get one of the defeat scenes (another negative for me) and it's entirely random which of the five you get. It took me about 12 losses to get all five. The in-game scenes you get whenever a specific plant girl dies in the mission but it doesn't matter what enemy they lose to, you'll just get one of the five currently available sprites for that girl.
Also, when I unlocked the final defeat scene (Flynn's, if it matters) it broke the ability to replay Rosalia, Flynn, and Alleria's scenes for some reason--I just get a black screen when I click on them, even after exiting and relaunching.
The art is cute and the game isn't terrible (just not very strategically interesting) so I don't hate it but I don't love it. Hence the 3/5 rating.