Others - Completed - Plant Girls: Insect Invasion [v1.00] [Hotaru Pixie Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Definitely a game. Very mobile game. The kind you would see ads for and be let down when playing, if it were able to run ads.

    The lewd stuff is barely there and hardly interesting. The preview images are more interesting than the game.

    Some tips: The flashing green line is your aoe range. The sunflower is your income speed and maximum. You can click and drag to see further down the line.

    I got to level 14 and was super bored. But there are 175 levels! jesus...

    Have fun I guess. I'm going to go do anything else.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Fun for a few seconds then becomes repetitive and boring fast. I kept playing till I couldn't anymore. Maybe I just suck at the game but once I reached level 21 I hit a hard block and couldn't get past it. And I played on easy mode. The game seems to have a hard curve in difficulty at lvl 21 that I don't think the developer took into consideration. 2 new enemy types are introduced and you are given no new plants to combat them. The enemy seems to hit much harder and melts even the toughest of your plants like butter. On top of this there is a boss enemy that is slow but has ridiculous aura range. Once he gets close to your tower, you are screwed. I tried lvl 21 7 times then quit. No point in continuing as the game wasn't enjoyable past lvl 7 if i am being honest. I think this game needs to be relooked at and balanced in terms of gameplay. The map also remains the exact same. To make matters worse, ally types become useless after you unlock new ones and upgrading them is even more useless. It takes forever to upgrade them as well. You only get 10 to 20 coins per round and it costs 400 coins to fully upgrade them. You do the math. You will have newer better units to use before you get the chance to upgrade the unit. Alot about this game needs to be fixed.

    Additionally, the only scenes you seem to get are from either defeat, or the small in round sprites of your individual units getting defeated and raped. They are ok, but not exciting enough to do anything. I didn't even get hard during this game, much less want to get off. I encourage this developer to keep making games like this an improve them. This could be an outstanding game if it was more rewarding and the gameplay was more balanced. One thing I can suggest right off the bat is to have a better tutorial, and reward the players with better scenes and more coins to upgrade their units, even on defeat. As it stands I'm giving this game 2.5 stars.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Pretty underwhelming to be honest, you don't really have enough control over your units for any strategy besides making a deathball and each unit you unlock is either completely useless or an upgrade that completely invalidates your older units. In addition every single level plays exactly the same way, upgrade resource generation while using the tornado and seed hail to keep your base safe, then spam your strongest units off cooldown until you win. To top it off all the girls share the same animation for each enemy, so in practice there's only about seven animations total and five game over CG. It's possible this last part will change but I'm not hopeful.

    Short of completely revamping the resource and unit systems I can't really see how this is going to improve. If I were them I'd look to moving to a skill tree/class change system, diversifying damage types, make fewer stages but with set enemy patterns, tailor units to counter enemies and move the upgrades to resource generation and base hp out of the main gameplay section so you don't just open every stage upgrading them.

    Review for v0.30.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1769437

    v0.30 - 3 out of 5 stars

    Pretty basic tower defense game. You passively generate energy which you can use to either spawn plant girls, upgrade energy generation (lower right), upgrade your super move's range (lower left), or upgrade your base's HP (upper left).

    Plant girls will walk to the right until they hit an enemy at which point they will start fighting. Meanwhile, the enemy insect base starts on the right and spits out enemies that move towards your base until they run into plant girls. You win a level by destroying the enemy base and lose by having your base destroyed. Pretty simple.

    Because there's no "map" like in a more complex TD game, the levels feel very similar. For the first three missions there's one plant girl available and one enemy type and the only thing that changes is how fast the enemies spawn, for example.

    Other things I didn't like:
    The tutorial is vague or even misleading at times.
    The map doesn't fit on one screen, even in fullscreen mode. At first I didn't even realize there was an enemy base or that I could scroll around.
    The ero animations are semi-random. There are two kinds: defeat scenes and in-game scenes. You have to lose a level to get one of the defeat scenes (another negative for me) and it's entirely random which of the five you get. It took me about 12 losses to get all five. The in-game scenes you get whenever a specific plant girl dies in the mission but it doesn't matter what enemy they lose to, you'll just get one of the five currently available sprites for that girl.
    Also, when I unlocked the final defeat scene (Flynn's, if it matters) it broke the ability to replay Rosalia, Flynn, and Alleria's scenes for some reason--I just get a black screen when I click on them, even after exiting and relaunching.

    The art is cute and the game isn't terrible (just not very strategically interesting) so I don't hate it but I don't love it. Hence the 3/5 rating.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Plant Girls: Insect Invasion [v0.30]

    The game is entertaining, but only for a while. It becomes quite repetitive, in the first 10 levels everything feels the same, although new enemies and allied girls appear as you advance, you don't feel a big difference in the course of the game.

    The graphic aspect is quite improvable, the music becomes annoying very soon, the gameplay and the tutorial are fine in general.

    In the H section we have a good variety and amount of uncensored animations, but the quality is pretty lousy, which detracts a lot.

    If they make a couple of fixes they could easily have 3 stars, but to have four more they would have to improve many aspects.

    I give this game a 4.8 out of 10.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Has my interest. I always appreciate when ero devs have gameplay that isn't just visual novel or RPG maker. And this is made in Godot, and engine I'd love to see more devs work with. I enjoy the concept of this game.

    Though currently this is a very short demo. My main issue with the game is the scenes. Scenes happen when a plant girl is defeated, but it only occurs briefly on a small portion of the screen. So you won't be able to get off to this game unless you got a magnifying glass and zerking stamina of 1 second. The dev needs to treat ero scenes like content and not some blink-and-you-miss-it death animation.

    I look forward to see whether this game lives up to its potential.

    [Review of 0.10 vDemo]
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    horny wizard

    only got to play the demo version.
    def has alot of potential, a of now, it's more of a proof of concept, heavily inspired by a flash game I do distinctly not remember the name of. so I'll just say that it's inspired by games like age of war.