Unity - Completed - Plunderers Adventures: Sea of Whores [Final] [Phracassado of the Deep, Ruhtra]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A fun little 1-2 hour game. The gameplay is that you move back and forth between 4 lanes, defending the four girls standing at the end of the lane. You have two main characters with different playstyles. A normal attack and two specials. (btw you can hold down normal attack, no need to spam). (Also for some weird reason I had to bind all my keys at the start for combat, just esc->controls->bind keys).

    There are five levels totals and in order to upgrade your ship enough to progress you may need to repeat the level 2-3 times. There is like 1-2 sentences of dialogue per level. Basically arr im a pirate I wana go shoot stuff. Obviously just a minimal kind of thing to go with the theme, no real story.

    The sexual content is just the basic pictures that you see in the games description. In your clear of the game you get the CG in bikinis and then when you get enough points in endless mode you unlock the titty version. Thats all the sexual content, some pixelated tiddies in a slightly sexy pose. (20 total, 10 bikini ver, 10 nude ver)

    I rated this 5 stars because honestly it was a fun little minigame for a 1-2 hour bit of fun. Don't play it if you want h-content or like a deep game, but for what it is I did quite enjoy it.