RPGM - Abandoned - Pokeich [v0.5.1] [Karmacc]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Pokeich [v0.5.1]
    (sorry for my poor english)
    This is a pokemon game with a sprinkle of erotic content on it's sides

    This is one of those games i played a while ago, i Ranked it as F in my folder, i didn't remember it until i replayed it today, this game suffers a problem that too many games have, it does not respect the players time, let me explain.

    The gameplay is pokemon, nothing new, and this in of itself is not a bad thing, pokemon is fun, the issue is the gameplay loop of this game, this is a porn game, this game has a varied cast and interactions, you will need about 6 hours to beat this game, and the first 2 to 3 hours will be spend either walking from point A to point B, then to point A, then to point C or just fighting pokemon, contrary to the main pokemon games this games offers no exploration rewards, it's only menial tasks, your big reward of course being maybe eventually i will see a sex scene, the dialogue is too long, often repeating the same thing 3 to 4 times, like ''the sun is strong today, this is because is a hot day, a day that is hotter tha usual, and this is of course because the sun is shining strongly today'', worst of all there is no SKIP option, is a slugfest all around, this is not fun, if you wanted a poorly optimized pokemon game just download an oficial title and fap to hentai in the meantime, i personaly recomend just downloading a full save to see the erotic content once and never playing this game again, or simpli search for it's scenes online, it is simply not worth it and a waste of your time

    Rank F or a 1/5 score
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    As a first impression, I didn't expect too much from this game. Considering the slow down, bland tile set, lack of music (in battle and the overworld), and the inconsistent quality of the art.

    7 hours later, i'm glad to say this is a proper parody game. The battle aren't too easy or unfair (just use basic typing and move knowledge, and restart if a battle took you by suprise). You get a exp share early on, and their isn't a real need to grind since the pokémon are obtained with high enough levels from the get go, and evolve through events instead of exp.

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    The story and events, are captivating and well written. It also goes a long way to account for the lack of images, with the erotic flavor text. I can't keep count with how many half baked "story" driven and relationship games are on this site (i.e slideshows with YIIK level writting), that this game runs laps over. The protagonist is likable and the options do have a impact,
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    The only gripe is some of the events appearing when they shouldn't,
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    The other example are two events with
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    If you have enough patience to slog through every other renplay borefest, or are just itching for gameplay more deep than getting smut from "losing", I reccomend giving this game a shot. It pleasantly suprised me with how fun it was. Use the walkthrough if you get stuck. Know that F1 let's you change and check the controls, and
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    P.s my review was of version 5.0 and the discord is active, so check that out if you are holding out for a new version of this game.
    Likes: inqlr
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I was really hyped to try this game out, a pokemon h-game based on the actual game loop sounds great! After giving it a shot however I feel the dialogue and writing really really bogs down the game terribly.

    I genuinely believe that the game will benefit lots from having a silent protagonist, the current talkative sassy protag comes off as pompous and annoying from the first few lines of dialogue. it completely takes me out. I'm sure others have tried it and have the same impression as well. It feels as though it's trying too hard to make humor and it doesn't come off too well.

    The formatting of the dialogue is a problem as well, Punctuations are not used consistently and makes the general feel of the game very unprofessional and cheap!

    The writing itself does not help one bit with all of these problems. It drags on and on about things that don't matter. For example there was section where there was 6 dialogue boxes about how my character was building a sandcastle that was painful to sift through, Or something about the sand being soft like cotton. But the important facts about the mc feels skipped over. It added absolutely nothing to the scene and was a chore to read through.

    And keep in mind most of these are within the first 10 minutes of the game. Imagine having to go through 6-8 hours more of weak dialogue. The first impression really counts! I'm sure people have gave this game a shot and have been driven away instantly.

    The game is from a technical standpoint, probably well made and from what I had seen, maybe some great cg's! But as it stands maybe consider having a different writer or a proofreader.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Gotta say, love that we finally have a pokemon game with actual pokemon (non-anthro). Gameplay is on par with most decent pokemon fan games. Art is decent. Only downsides i would say is a lot of back-tracking in the early game, and how important the walkthrough is to not miss content(never would have figured out the ditto stuff without the walkthrough).
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    I was excited from the sample art because it looks so good. But the actual game is atrocious. I have not even gotten a single sex scene yet and already I had enough. This is pokemon in an outdated version of RPGM. Everything is slow and wasting your time and forcing you to make unnecessary clicks as you grind. Every two steps is a random encounter which you must fight. Dialog is meh... there is no real story other than go out there and fight / fuck.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally a pokemon game that is not going too far from the base game.
    I been looking for probably months for a pokemon game that does not change the base game. I don't want to catch girl looking pokemons, nor do I want to harrash every trainer I met. I want choices, I want to be a pokemon trainer with the side quest of romance. And this is almost exactly what I want.

    The only problem is that the player is somewhat stuck to the "path" which is laid before them, because we can't use pokeballs to catch pokemon (Idk why, maybe later we can) Anyway I do enjoy it very much.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This in regards to mechanics is currently not a 5
    In regards to setup and feel compared to the source is perfect. Never seen better.

    Kinda sad to say but in terms of originality or uniqueness this is sadly 10/5. Bestiality is a mostly very extremely sexist genre. Male protagonists... to say they barely appear is a severe understatement. Now holy fucking shit pregnancy!? God motherfucking damn! That shit like don't exist. I know I've looked for it. The closest extreme example I can think of is like finding a video game where you can kill babies. Or finding county/town or something in the USA with only actual human shaped humans in it and no beach balls pretending to be people with feelings... Probably the meth capital cause that's what it take to not get fat in murica. But I digress. Whatever points I can dock for any conceivable issue I alas have to 5 star because this is your only option. Not even top of my head just sitting thinking about for few minutes and going through my downloads and bookmarks I can't find anything else without gay shit, monsters, horror, slightly satirical undertone joke towards female ecchi, snuff, and etc.

    Notable Issues
    • Needs vsync
    • Needs multiple save slots
    • Art can be improved
    • Needs some skip function
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Now this was quite a find.
    A game that carries with it the feel of the real pokemon games, with a similar gameplay, really like the idea of taking pokeballs out of the equasion, and the story is not half bad considering it's a pokemon title.
    That being said i have two sugestions to make:
    1 - A larger resolution, even on L it is super small
    2 - Better quality CGs + animations, i am not saying they are worrible, but even within this style it could improbe a lot.
    Overall a solid 4/5
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Eepy Poss

    Right out the gate I can tell you that I'm eager to see where it goes but also I hate it. Its a pokemon game that's trying to implement porn into the usual pokemon style gameplay. Its been done before and never really gets that successful and for some reason its ALWAYS in this engine that can run it but is always runs like shit every time. Slow, clunky, no controls options, its just a boring slog that is never balanced because nobody can ever seem to find the right balance that pokemon has normally. There's nothing quite as annoying as running into an encounter every 2 steps 15 times in a row in a cave or something, or a beedrill using fury attack and hitting all 5 hits 4 times in a row and at least one crit each time.

    I really don't know how I feel about this game in particular though. The balance is off and is definitely trying too hard to be funny and comedic but it just comes off as a waste of time. I hope you don't mind mashing through text within the first few minutes of the game because theres an unskippable vietnam flashback just so an old man can give you running shoes finally. Or the fact that you're locked out of the first town with trees that require cut to backtrack and effectively being locked out of buying potions because the next town doesnt have a shop at all. Or the fact that the training areas go from about level 5 to level 12 with no in between so you're just grinding like 40+ fights just to catch up or save scumming to power level against a poorly balanced game because you're impatient and training efficiency is poor at the start. Apparently at some point you can get multiple exp shares but I havent gotten there yet but even then the start of the game isn't fun.

    Pokemon itself isn't really well designed to be a porn game despite the high potential it has. Nobody really hits the nail on the head just right because its just mindlessly grinding until you can proceed and in the case of pornography eventually access content. No pokeballs, no trainer leveling, locked out of buying potions for quite a bit making training annoying since you have to keep going back to the pokecenter, text being way longer than it needs to be because haha jokes. Its just very bloated with content that isn't the porn and what is there is limited, granted its still early in development. I'm curious to see where it goes but I don't have high hopes for it. Maybe its just not for me.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    It's Pokemon, so even if you're part of the "I hate RPGM" crowd it's simple and easy enough to steamroll through all the 'tedious' combat portions of the game. If you rush through games in general you might've missed scenes initially but the game has remedied that with a quest tracker in newer versions. Even then in my initial playthrough of the first release I encountered all the scenes available at the time naturally without a walkthrough.

    There aren't a lot of scenes but that's to be expected since it's really only the first release with the rest of the updates being bug-fixes and features (Gallery/Quest Tracker/etc etc) being added into the game. What scenes we do have are pretty cute/charming IMO when it's pertaining to the MC and his gang.

    The game is also, to my knowledge, one of the few games on this site with a male human protagonist that is the one engaging in bestiality with feral looking animals. There's also anthro furries but the MC will still hump the equivalent of a bitch in this game, so it has that separating it from the rest of the games tagged with 'bestiality'.

    The game isn't perfect but it's got a good setting/niche and the developer takes the feedback/criticism well. Whatever wrongs in the game that are brought to their attention they fix it within a day or two, so if that's any indicator of how passionate they are towards their project it's a good sign.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Its the same annoying, grindy, slow combat of pokemon, with very difficult to find, short porn scenes. Without a walkthrough this is extremely tedious, also the torkoal boss seems fairly unbeatable without repetitive grinding. Also the voltorb flip minigame is so unbelievable annoying to grind for. After over 2 hours all id gotten was a handjob, and a few fully scenes. Wait for some more improvements and content. For now, wait on it.