Ren'Py Pokemon Academy Life Forever [v12.27.2024] [Pokémon Visual]

4.40 star(s) 15 Votes
Aug 8, 2021
I found it pretty solid in my experience so far, because with the Hustle ability it has, it hits like a truck with physical moves. So while yeah, it's normal it'll get outpaced, getting outdamaged and dying before the opponent can be another story altogether. Granted, this is not very useful in farming where you don't want your team to take damage at all, but in trainer fights this is less of a concern.
Hustle wont help Deino deal more dmg than something like Dragon Rage. Deino's base atk is 65, which is ~27-40 at lvl20, depending on IV and nature. If he uses, let's say Headbutt for 70pow, against even something like a Falinks, he'd do around ~10-16 dmg, or ~14-23 dmg with Hustle, non-STAB and with a 20% miss chance. Meanwhile, Dragon Rage is just flat 40 dmg, ignoring type resistances and defenses.

While early on, you can use him to bully other babies with Dragon Rage, he doesn't really stand a chance against some of the stronger ones like Miltank or most of Blue's mons. Plus, the avg lvl is getting to the point where most mons are starting to evolve and leave Deino in their dust. The stat-gap is only going to grow wider and even spike when most get their final evo before Deino even gets his first.

Whilst Deino isn't impossible to utilize, it would take more effort to have him "help" than not. Cyclizar or Turtanator handle the strong mons. Bagon also learns Dragon Rage but is faster. Both Bagon and Dreepy can learn Legacy but are faster. Deino is just there. But we cant ditch him because he will eventually become a Hydreigon which is the only offensive sp-based dragon available so far.
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Jul 31, 2023
You can use Escape Rope to leave the area without spending the turn?? :eek:
Did I get that right or am I misunderstanding?

I typically don't have issues with healing, since I just spam Struggle and Regenerator on Cyclizar, and xp-share whoever I'm trying to level. I also don't mind the time spent, since I've done it so rarely. I just pull up a 1-2 hr podcast and stop farming when it ends. Last run got me around 2000 by the time I was done.
You got that right, it's even in the in game description for escape ropes in case people forget. It was a big help now for keeping up with the characters' side stories along with having my Pokemon be decent levels.

Saint Vicarious

New Member
Sep 4, 2018
Not arguing. It's great, but it's a shame that this has no adult content... if this would have been included I would have been in love. This way I'll just play it when I'm bored and in the mood for a normal Pokemon game.
It is a little disappointing, yes. We get brilliant artwork, awesome writing and it gets so close (There's an option to sleep with folks and peek at them nude, but you don't get to "see" either example). If ever there were a game that could do "adult game done right", it'd be this one.

Still, brilliant game in spite of that.

Can I import my save or will it cause trouble?
Using the Console Commands the game money starts to decrease :eek:.

View attachment 4475979
For both of you: The Renpy Save Editor worked for me just fine, only thing that needed to be done was to tweak the Savetoken Python script to ignore edits. I also did that at one point for a "see all there is to see" run.
dont think any shinys are implimented
They are! I've got a Shiny in my game. I don't know how they work in the save state though, sorry.
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Samuel Apocalypse

New Member
Jan 27, 2023
When is next update? I'm from Venezuela, so X is a no-no for me.

Also, does anyone else get kind of screwed due to the extra week? I usually go to 3 electives and the level 30 test usually feels kinda hard, specially the fighting class one (donnu about anything that isn't fighting, ice, dark, psychic and dragon).


Jun 29, 2018
When is next update? I'm from Venezuela, so X is a no-no for me.

Also, does anyone else get kind of screwed due to the extra week? I usually go to 3 electives and the level 30 test usually feels kinda hard, specially the fighting class one (donnu about anything that isn't fighting, ice, dark, psychic and dragon).
Bro, fellow countryman here. If you don´t wanna bother/can´t download a separate VPN, just download the "Opera" Browser that has an in-build VPN, that way you can go to X, Reddit,Cnn,all p0rnsites and everything else Maduro´s Cantv deemed "bannable".

Also, you can follow this game on Discord (that is still up) to follow the advance. IIRC, week 9 is in beta-test, but it didn´t have a set time for release. It is in the "soon"(tm) limbo. Should be March, at worst

Samuel Apocalypse

New Member
Jan 27, 2023
Bro, fellow countryman here. If you don´t wanna bother/can´t download a separate VPN, just download the "Opera" Browser that has an in-build VPN, that way you can go to X, Reddit,Cnn,all p0rnsites and everything else Maduro´s Cantv deemed "bannable".

Also, you can follow this game on Discord (that is still up) to follow the advance. IIRC, week 9 is in beta-test, but it didn´t have a set time for release. It is in the "soon"(tm) limbo. Should be March, at worst
Oh, nice, didn't know that Opera had that feature, thanks.
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New Member
Mar 28, 2024
For both of you: The Renpy Save Editor worked for me just fine, only thing that needed to be done was to tweak the Savetoken Python script to ignore edits. I also did that at one point for a "see all there is to see" run.
Do I just copy and paste what is in quotes or something else?


Nov 13, 2023
For people looking for a strong build, your starters are actually, mostly, a one man army. Pikachu can do everything, and Larvitar (later Tyranitar) is a perfect tank, weaknesses he is slow, vulnerable to Water, Ground, Fighting and Steel. Or you take Bagon (Later Salamence) Very fast and high damage, vulnerable to Ice, Rock and Electric.
Best Moves (Tyranitar): Fire Punch (Or Superpower), Crunch, Stone Edge, Earthquake.
Best Moves (Salamence): Dragon Dance, Outrage, Earthquake, Fire Blast (Or Roost if you think your Salamence cant tank the attacks).
I cant say if all of this is possible in the game, this is tournament knowledge, not ingame knowledge.

Samuel Apocalypse

New Member
Jan 27, 2023
For people looking for a strong build, your starters are actually, mostly, a one man army. Pikachu can do everything, and Larvitar (later Tyranitar) is a perfect tank, weaknesses he is slow, vulnerable to Water, Ground, Fighting and Steel. Or you take Bagon (Later Salamence) Very fast and high damage, vulnerable to Ice, Rock and Electric.
Best Moves (Tyranitar): Fire Punch (Or Superpower), Crunch, Stone Edge, Earthquake.
Best Moves (Salamence): Dragon Dance, Outrage, Earthquake, Fire Blast (Or Roost if you think your Salamence cant tank the attacks).
I cant say if all of this is possible in the game, this is tournament knowledge, not ingame knowledge.
At moment, I think is not, if farming like crazy and focusing only in 2 classes, you could get around the mid forties... so no Salamance and Tyranitar (I don't even remember if Larvitar is there), but Lucario, Speon, Umbreon and similar pokemons that evolve through bond are fair play, since in this game you just need to focus in becoming friendly with the trainers specialized in whatever type(s) is the evolution you're gunning for, still needs an item that blue gives, though.
4.40 star(s) 15 Votes