3.70 star(s) 96 Votes


Active Member
Oct 14, 2017
Its ok

Its Ok. I do not fear the Nintendo banhammer. Those selfish buggers shut down one of my favourite fan-made pokemon games ever; Pokemon Uranium version. This is retribution. Hahaha.
They don't really seem to go after these type of games much. I've had my own RPGM Pokemon porn game out for a long time, based on another Pokemon porn game that was out for years before that. You're probably safe. Though, F95 is a more popular site than I've posted my game to, so that might be a consideration, especially with the sheer amount of interest this is garnering (nine pages of comments in a single day).


New Member
Dec 6, 2019
Dunno if this was intentional or not but, you can fight the twins on the bridge twice, if you talk to the other one once you win the battle.


Jan 26, 2019
Has A LOT of potential. I hope that you have plans to properly implement attack animations because it gets barebones repetitive to see the same basic animations repeated for most attacks.

Difficulty is alright. Definitely does not need to be easier. The Lopunny is cracked + the starter is Fairy/Steel with an attack that raises its defenses. I don't get why it goes from Unaware to Own Tempo though, that is a massive downgrade that makes little sense.

As far as H content though, I'm assuming screwing random NPCs would be on the table as long as the patrons vote for said content like you said. Hope H scenes can be animated eventually.

Solid demo. Had a lot of fun all things considered.
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Apr 15, 2020
Fucking right, since pokemon games have become shit lately by negligence and laziness I I took refuge in the marvelous world of fan games
i mean Arceus and Scarlet are definitely good steps in the right direction for them. Its greats to see pokemon roaming the world instead of doing grass encounters to see them. Arceus and Scarlet/Violet are the first ones in the last decade where i felt like this was an actual world of Pokemon. as for the weird bugs in Scarlet its not that bad and it is the third pokemon game theyve released this year. all the issues will prob be fixed in a patch

as for this game, im also of the view on not using items to win fights. anyone can just bring 99x full heals and make fights trivial so relying on items to win is the opposite of being a good pokemon trainer. making the first fight that difficult is gonna turn away people who might otherwise enjoy your game Dev. you dont need to make the game easy to the point of handholding but going Rimuru's Labyrinth is also not the way to go.

for those wondering, Rimuru's Labyrinth is a labyrinth so impossible to beat it makes the dark souls franchise look like a picnic in the park.
Jul 20, 2017
will you ad loli waifumon in the future or only big-breasted ones?
Also will patreons be abele to waifuifai pokemon that are not humanoid at the start? (cophigrigus into a Pharao girl for example)
Ill wish you the best of luck regardless but I would like to know.
Not to burst your bubble but you said the words loli and patreon in the same comment. Thats about as likely as this dude properly making every pokemon fuckable even in a waifumon form.

SINtax EroRR

Active Member
Game Developer
Jun 21, 2017
Very cool game! I can't wait for future updates.

I'm also working on making a Pokemon style H game, but in Unity. As a fellow game dev, here's a few bugs I found and some tips. I hope they help!

1. Nurse Joy's sprite disappears when healing pokemon in Eros Town.
2. You can't talk to the waiter in the resturant in Eros town unless you go behind the counter.
3. The stove top in the resturant in Eros town has no collision.
4. The title card when entering Eros town says that the town is called Erasmus town. The signboard says Eros town
5. When going south from Eros town toward Route 1, the door on the cottage doesn't load until you pass into Route 1.
6. Not sure if this is a bug, but in the starting building, going through doors one way plays an animation and the otherway does a fade cut.

1. The first battle is very difficult if people didn't find the items in the first room. Maybe instead of having the items in the PC introduce the player to using items in battle as a strategy by having the Rival give you the potions and telling you to use them in the battle. If they still lose the battle, have the rival give them a hint that items are very useful in battle. This will help players who have never played pokemon or ones who did but didn't use items learn how to play this more competitive style of pokemon battles.
2. It's not super clear what items are interactable or not. For example the leftovers in the starting room are super valuable for the first fight, but it's not super clear that you can pick them up. I also noticed that the sprite for the leftovers was used later on in the game in another house, but couldn't be interacted with this time. I'd try to make interactable items clear that you can interact with them. This can be done by making all interactable the same sprite (the pokeball sprite) or by adding a little shine effect that plays every so often ontop of the sprite.
3. The main character's hair is a different resolution from the rest of his sprite. The same goes for the professor. It might be better to try and stick to a single resolution for sprite work. It makes the characters that don't stick to that resolution feel out of place. This also applies to the pokemon sprites, which look awesome btw.
4. The side quest for the Lopunny scenes should be pretty front and center if you want the game to be a Hentai game. It's pretty easy to miss if you aren't exploring. I'd recommend having a dialog pop-up when you pass near the cave saying that you hear growling and a cry for help coming from the cave. Then when you save the Buneary she should run out of the cave and lead you to the area you can interact with her, instead of the player having to know where it is.
5. I'd try to implement some casual H content while playing the game normally. Like animations when attacking that show a pair of boobs, more trainer sprites that have little clothes on like the Gym leader, or finding another trainer and their pokemon doing the deed behind a tree. Most people looking for a game like this are expecting H content front and center. If you have to hunt for it, you'll lose a large portion of your audience before you even have it. These small little bits of H content will keep your players playing till they can get the good H scenes of the game.
6. It'd be nice to have a way for the player to earn money outside of trainer battles. Due to the higher difficulty, if you lose a few too many times even with using items, you won't have enough money to continue playing. While this is mostly an edge case as most players aren't that bad, it'd be a nice feature. As a plus it would also help those who don't want to grind, b/c they can just make some money and use items to win battles instead of training the pokemon up.
Finally some fair criticism. Its beginning to hurt my eyes seeing the dichotomy of players here, some saying the game is still too easy, others whining about it being too hard. I will take into consideration of all the stuff you've mentioned, although overworld H scenes are supposed to be a rarity due to the lore of the game (fucking pokemon is still taboo, which is why you fuck em in the Hidden Grove, and not in the open) but yeah Earning extra money and making the H scenes more obvious are reasonable suggestions.


Jun 24, 2018
Finally some fair criticism. Its beginning to hurt my eyes seeing the dichotomy of players here, some saying the game is still too easy, others whining about it being too hard. I will take into consideration of all the stuff you've mentioned, although overworld H scenes are supposed to be a rarity due to the lore of the game (fucking pokemon is still taboo, which is why you fuck em in the Hidden Grove, and not in the open) but yeah Earning extra money and making the H scenes more obvious are reasonable suggestions.
If a lot of people are saying "Hey the game overall isn't too hard but the first fight isn't balanced well", you should maybe consider taking another look at it, tbh. I dunno what your overall goal is, but I'm just gonna say this - if a player's first impression of a game is "This is really hard", most will just drop the game on the spot. Dark Souls and the like carved a niche where they made it very, very clear they're intended to be quite hard. If you wanna make a hard game, that's your prerogative, but it's looking like you've not gotten the balance quite right.
Generally, though, the very first fight of the game really shouldn't have a risk of you losing unless you're an absolute moron, since it's typically a teaching moment.
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Active Member
Apr 16, 2020
i mean Arceus and Scarlet are definitely good steps in the right direction for them. Its greats to see pokemon roaming the world instead of doing grass encounters to see them. Arceus and Scarlet/Violet are the first ones in the last decade where i felt like this was an actual world of Pokemon. as for the weird bugs in Scarlet its not that bad and it is the third pokemon game theyve released this year. all the issues will prob be fixed in a patch
Arceus was a good game, but I can't say the same for Scarlet/Violet. There are no attractions or dangers in the free exploration. You literally fight Team Star to the point of declaring "war" on them and they DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and just wait for you to get to their base and take down one of the bosses lol
Looks like you playing in a souless/lifeless game
May 21, 2018
Eh. Just got lopunny, and after defeating everyone but the joey at the bridge, and after seeing he has a full team starting at 16.. yeah, no thanks.

I like difficult pokémon games, but this is not the sort of difficulty I like. This is just higher and higher levels, which just means grinding more and more. I like difficulty where you need to plan and prepare, not grind.

Obviously, some grinding is inevitable in pokemon, but this is just silly IMO. You go from trainers with two mons at level 9, 12, 14, and then suddenly a full team at 16.

Well, this is fairly easy to adjust, I reckon, but a bigger problem is that I have to use cheat engine to make the game run at 5x speed just for this to be tolerable. I don't want to hold down a button to sprint, the text is too slow, etc.

But, hey, at least the game didn't crash or bug out, so that's good.

The game definitely has potential, even as a non-lewd pokemon fangame. Having very few trainers per route but make each one a danger is a nice change, but the pacing/balance needs tweaking.

All in all, I think this is a project to look forwards to... assuming that your idea of difficulty is not just inflated levels and facing evolved pokemon at lower levels. I don't want to face a Hydreigon at level 25.

(Further info: First thing I did was buy pokeballs, then caught every type of mon I could find until I ran out of balls, so I had a full team quickly.. and then spent time grinding them up. Maybe this is not the intended way, but it's what I do.)


Active Member
Mar 25, 2019
Eh. Just got lopunny, and after defeating everyone but the joey at the bridge, and after seeing he has a full team starting at 16.. yeah, no thanks.

I like difficult pokémon games, but this is not the sort of difficulty I like. This is just higher and higher levels, which just means grinding more and more. I like difficulty where you need to plan and prepare, not grind.

Obviously, some grinding is inevitable in pokemon, but this is just silly IMO. You go from trainers with two mons at level 9, 12, 14, and then suddenly a full team at 16.

Well, this is fairly easy to adjust, I reckon, but a bigger problem is that I have to use cheat engine to make the game run at 5x speed just for this to be tolerable. I don't want to hold down a button to sprint, the text is too slow, etc.

But, hey, at least the game didn't crash or bug out, so that's good.

The game definitely has potential, even as a non-lewd pokemon fangame. Having very few trainers per route but make each one a danger is a nice change, but the pacing/balance needs tweaking.

All in all, I think this is a project to look forwards to... assuming that your idea of difficulty is not just inflated levels and facing evolved pokemon at lower levels. I don't want to face a Hydreigon at level 25.

(Further info: First thing I did was buy pokeballs, then caught every type of mon I could find until I ran out of balls, so I had a full team quickly.. and then spent time grinding them up. Maybe this is not the intended way, but it's what I do.)
Did you even look at the settings? there is the option to always run without hold the button and to set the text speed to fast, and the game is not hard, just get the starter pokemon and lopunny and focus in leveling up them using exp share and lucky egg, i found the battles after the bridge very easy, i just used the starter in most battles.
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New Member
May 4, 2018
1. Exp share can only be gotten by exhausting all dialogue with Asha in the Pokemart. She will disappear once you beat the first gym. So if you skipped her dialogue, the fault is on you.
I had to look this up once I'd gotten to the Audino trainer for grinding, and on the contrary, I had exhausted all her Dialogue, but didn't think to speak to her an extra time after hitting each option, so missing it is fairly reasonable

On a side note, did you by any chance rig Metronome? I swear while grinding these Audinos were hitting decent attacking moves 95% of the time, if it wasn't for the beefed up Lopunny and the starter evolving into the most broken type combo, I might have actually lost to it
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SINtax EroRR

Active Member
Game Developer
Jun 21, 2017
Eh. Just got lopunny, and after defeating everyone but the joey at the bridge, and after seeing he has a full team starting at 16.. yeah, no thanks.

I like difficult pokémon games, but this is not the sort of difficulty I like. This is just higher and higher levels, which just means grinding more and more. I like difficulty where you need to plan and prepare, not grind.

Obviously, some grinding is inevitable in pokemon, but this is just silly IMO. You go from trainers with two mons at level 9, 12, 14, and then suddenly a full team at 16.

Well, this is fairly easy to adjust, I reckon, but a bigger problem is that I have to use cheat engine to make the game run at 5x speed just for this to be tolerable. I don't want to hold down a button to sprint, the text is too slow, etc.

But, hey, at least the game didn't crash or bug out, so that's good.

The game definitely has potential, even as a non-lewd pokemon fangame. Having very few trainers per route but make each one a danger is a nice change, but the pacing/balance needs tweaking.

All in all, I think this is a project to look forwards to... assuming that your idea of difficulty is not just inflated levels and facing evolved pokemon at lower levels. I don't want to face a Hydreigon at level 25.

(Further info: First thing I did was buy pokeballs, then caught every type of mon I could find until I ran out of balls, so I had a full team quickly.. and then spent time grinding them up. Maybe this is not the intended way, but it's what I do.)

Sigh, here we go again. I wish there was a way to pin comments so I wouldnt have to explain the same thing a dozen times, but cest la vie.

1. Joey is meant to be ridiculously hard. The boy is a meme within the community and I purposefully made him bullshit hard as a joke. In fact, prior to Beta-testing, he was MUCH harder, with a competitive moveset such as Leech Seed and Synthesis on the Ferrothorn, and Stealth Rock, Spikes + Stickyweb on his other pokemon. If you think this Joey is hard, you should try your luck against Alpha Joey. You would need to do EVERYTHING you mentioned, prepping the right team, with the right moveset.

2. Game has an options menu where you can adjust the speed of text and make running your default option. Dont know why nobody thinks of checking the options.

3. Yes, I agree that pacing is an issue, but that will be addressed in future builds.

SINtax EroRR

Active Member
Game Developer
Jun 21, 2017
I had to look this up once I'd gotten to the Audino trainer for grinding, and on the contrary, I had exhausted all her Dialogue, but didn't think to speak to her an extra time after hitting each option, so missing it is fairly reasonable

On a side note, did you by any chance rig Metronome? I swear while grinding these Audinos were hitting decent attacking moves 95% of the time, if it wasn't for the beefed up Lopunny and the starter evolving into the most broken type combo, I might have actually lost to it
No I did not do anything to change Metronome.
3.70 star(s) 96 Votes