RPGM - Pokémon 'H' Version [v0.625 B] [Sintax Error]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    a great start, hopefully this doesn't get abandoned. hoping for the possibility of animated scenes but idk if Essentials/RPGM can handle them. would like to see a bit more catchable pokemon variety early on, or just a larger entourage of custom pokemon from the get-go so you don't feel so forced to use Lopunny/Garde/Zoroark (also hoping for some lewd custom sprites for the 1st two)
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Nutaku not Nux

    I don't normally comment, but this game did a great job. I've played a few other rom/fan games (porn and otherwise) and this is one one of the few that does a good job of being familiar while different. Most are either completely different or just a reskin with a unique story or new monsters. I really apreciate that unlike most eroge versions this one has a story and relationship with their 'rival' and pokemon as it helps flesh out the world.
    Changing the attributes of the modified mons and giving them signature moves was a great decicion as it has the story directly affect gameplay and makes them unique. I believe I know what the 'plot twist' will be by reading the log entries and look forward to the reveal.
    While I found the initial grind a bit much (before the first gym town) I really enjoyed the challenge fights later in the game (never had to stratagize in an official version).
    The main thing I'd currently recommend is fixing the card game, it is way too easy. I can understand not having a good AI, but they should have better cards. Additionally the final opponent should be able to use Arceus, it is fully possible to play against someone with a god card so long as you stratagize. Besides, you are presenting this game as a difficult one, so you shouldn't be too reserved when it comes to the difficulty of side content like this. I could mention a few other things but generally I just hope that you are able to finish the game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Zay the retard

    it has been a while a game like this appear.A game where uc an fuck pokemon which has more game play time than 5 min,I really hoped it could finished with alot of pokemon.but i think the nitendo will get this very early like alot of good game where u can fuck pokemon(like pokemorph).A main reason why there isnt a lot of good pokemon porn game aside from the abandoning.So yeah overall pretty good game.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I was prepared for a challenge, but what the actual fuck. This is just forced grinding. Fully evolved mons in the first route? Who the hell wants to grind for hours just to be able to get past the first route? The art is nice, but the gameplay is too frustrating.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved the experience 9.9/10

    - The difficulty makes it fun and its pretty easy once you get the hang of it, there's also the debug option which is good for those who are only here for the lewd.
    - I especially liked the grove, interacting with your pokemon is an option I haven't seen in any other Pokemon H games like this.
    - The art is top notch for a pokemon rpg 10/10.
    - The soundtracks are really soothing, also feels a bit more modern which is good.
    - I like that decisions impact your relationship with Asha.

    - Upon exiting buildings in the last city the screen goes black and it takes a while for it to load up your player outside.
    - While running or walking the player would sometimes freeze for tens of seconds and unfreeze randomly.
    - Asha needs a spot in the gallery room, the kiss scene is worth being in there.
    - I was hoping the event indicators would be clearer, example I didn't expect Asha's quest would be the 2nd ranger commission, so I completely missed that on my first playthrough

    Overall, 9.9/10 from me since I don't mind waiting a bit for unfreezing and playing it again was fun.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Dr. Lewdwig

    [Reviewed version: 0.276A]

    As a Pokémon game: ✭✭✭✭✭
    As a Pornkémon game: ✭✰✰✰✰

    A bit more context:
    I was going to write a lengthier review, but I noticed others have already done a better job at it.

    A lot of collective hours has already gone into this modded version of Pokémon and it will take many more.
    The experience feels neat and polished. That's quite rare and the dev must be praised and supported for that. Even though they've intentionally painted a gigantic copyright target on their back by naming it "Pokémon". The ever-sniffing Nintendog lawyers won't sleep on this.

    Regardless, this is indeed a Pokémon game through and through. Even the "é" has an accent on it, boys :geek:
    You may hear people complain about it being "hard" and therefor "grindy" but let's be honest; how could a series whose catchphrase is "Gotta catch 'em all!" not be grindy? It comes with the territory, but there are no real obstacles to your progression here.

    Talking about "Gotta catch 'em all!" if you were lured in by thinking this game is "Pokémon! Gotta poke 'em all!" you are sorely mistaken. You'll be leaving with balls bluer than Wooper's belly lines.
    Despite what the game's intro suggests, the sex aspect of this game is vestigial, slapped on and very little.

    ... Which leads me to ponder the big question ... Who is intended to play this? For whom is this game made?
    As a Pokémon game, although this is a commendable effort, why would someone play it over 122 other already finished Pokémon games out there? Does it hold any meaningful competitive advantage over them?
    While the Pornkémon aspect is clearly marginal and not of note.

    Yes, it is a Pokémon game. If you like Pokémon and you gotta catch all the Pokémon games out there, you will probably enjoy this. But do not expect much erotica in this. At least not yet.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    There are 2 ways to make a Pokemon game difficult:
    1: Limit the amount of items the player is allowed to use during battles.
    2: Prevent grinding being a viable tactic, either by level-scaling the battles or by hard-capping the levels of mons at certain points of the game.

    This game does neither. So it CANNOT be actually be hard as so many people cry and shid their pants about in here. It might be slightly grindy, but it throws a Lucky Egg and Exp. Shares at you pretty early. I've leveled comfortably to 50 in ~4 hours of gameplay and steamrolled everything with my starter relatively easily after the first gym.

    The pacing of the gameplay itself is very related to the difficulty aspect and that's what catches many people unaware, contributing to the "this game too hard!" opinions. I do have to admit that the difficulty scaling itself is not done very well:
    The first trainer you're thrown to fight against has a level 7 and 8 mon going up against your level 6 starter. There are not many opportunities to effectively grind at game start (meat grinding wild mons is always vastly sub-par compared to fighting trainers), but it's doable. The FIFTH trainer you fight, however, has Pokemons in their near 20s... and that's all on Route 1! By the time you merely GET to the second gym, because of how quickly the levels scale with the trainers, your mons will be in the high thirties. This means the SECOND gym in the game is fought around the level 40 bracket. The pacing of leveling and trainer-scaling seems to simply be too fast, especially with how many trainer battles there are thrown into some areas (like the Team Creation forest hideout which has around ~12 double battles IIRC).

    The design of the fakemons this game introduces is commendable. I was most impressed by the imaginative Steel/Fairy starter that focuses on special attacks and has a pretty neat musical/dancing theme to it. Naming its evolutions after terms for escalating tempo in music (adagio, andante and allegro) is something I noticed and appreciate! Even if it's been done before...
    To contrast this, I was less impressed with the rival's starter which was basically a fish with legs that evolves into a goddamn bootleg Garchomp.

    The aforementioned Steel/Fairy starter you get becomes hilariously overpowered around level ~40. I'm not sure if that's a complaint from my side, but I felt like I had to point it out. The custom moveset the game introduces for it is composed pretty much of all broken moves. Ion Drain - a 100 power 100% hit STEEL type HP DRAINING attack. Prism Ray - a "never misses" 95 power high-critical chance fairy attack. Grande Jete - 70 power 100% hit attack that increases Def and Sp. Def (!). Destabilize - a stat-buffing move that increases Attack, Sp. Attack, AND Speed SHARPLY (!!) at the cost of Def and Sp. Def that you can balance out with Grande Jete.
    Throw as much fire types as you want to counter her, with this kind of setup your Allerita is going to sweep whatever trainer you throw against her.

    The game uses its (modded?) Pokemon Essentials engine-in-an-engine of RPGMaker to the fullest and introduces a LOT of late-generation (up to generation 8 I think) stuff, including Fairy types and, of course, the Pokemons/moves themselves. Whether this is unnecessary bloating (as the game could comfortably emulate Poke-content up to generation 5 only to be a sufficient experience [B&W being the "gold standard" of Pokemon fan-games] ) or a nice bonus is a matter of opinion that I lack the strength of. On one hand, variety is always nice, on the other, that's a lot of mons, moves, abilities etc. to keep up with and check up on in Bulbapedia.

    Now, as for the porn, which is obviously the least important part of any lewd Pokemon game: it's unfortunately nothing special. The game limits it pretty much only to your rival tomboy (who has no hardcore content so far and her dialogue includes unironic "OwO"s and "UwU"s) and waifumons, that is a couple of unique plot-acquired mons of the secret "Fuckable" sub-type, which are so far the obligatory Lopunny and Gardevoir, your starter, and a not-Zoroark as the game introduces its own custom variant to it (that, by the way, has the Poison Touch ability, which places cuddling it on the "bad ideas" list in my book).
    They each get 3 static CG scenes except for your starter which currently has one. There's not much buildup or progressing required to unlock them. You simply headpat repeatedly the mons pre-evolution in the case of Lopunny and Gardevoir until they evolve and immediately jump on your dick, making all 3 scenes selectable. Slightly disappointing, but I suppose it's better than locking grinding their affection within the daily reset system or something. Still; I feel like there could be a lot more done to the "dating sim" aspect of your waifumons.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, it's pokémon, so if you like pokémon (as I do) it's pretty fun, unsurprisingly.
    The game likes to repeat that it's meant to be challenging and not for casuals, and that's partially true. The difficulty is massively offset by the ridiculously overpowered unique pokémon the game gives you (your starter is just so insanely broken that it's not even funny), but I'd say that's fine. It can be fun playing with overpowered mons sometimes, like when you get a Huge Power Slaking or whatever in a randomizer, and if you don't like using OP stuff you can just box them.
    My real issue is that the difficulty doesn't really come from the game challenging you in interesting or inovative ways, but rather by having a frankly stupid level curve. The 2nd gym leader has a full team featuring pokémon with levels ranging from the low to mid 40s. Even if you've been making use of the Audino trainers around the game, you're probably going to be around lv35 at best. So then you can either grind, which is never fun, or use one of the broken mons you're given to set up and sweep (your starter can set up Calm Mind up to +6 fairly easily on the Electrode, then get your defense up to +6 with one of its unique moves, and then kill everything with Dazzling Gleam or whatever, healing with items as needed along the way).
    Setting up to then sweep can be kinda fun, but with the level curve looking the way it does it seems like that's gonna have to be the go-to strategy for every boss fight in the game. Also, it's looking like you're gonna be hitting lv100 by the time you get to the 6th gym.
    TL;DR: The balancing is kind of a mess.
    Performance-wise, it runs surprisingly well for RPG Maker, but in slightly larger areas, like the city of the 2nd gym, the game freezes for a few seconds pretty frequently as you're leaving building or even just walking around. I don't know if this is true, but to me it looks like the game is trying to constantly load and unload parts of the map as you move around in an effort to run smoother. Personally I would preffer a game that stutters a bit but doesn't constantly freeze.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I had a blast playing this I honestly enjoyed it more then the actual official pokemon games. The story is interesting I really dig the art and I honestly enjoyed the grind. It's not nearly as gruling as the people in the comments are saying all you really have to do it beat the trainers. I was enjoying myself so much that It didn't even feel like grinding. I really dig the whole side quest thing and romance plotline. Super excited for future updates.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Nice idea and I don't mind some grind. But the game is soooo sloooooow....
    Your guy walks around like he's an elderly, old man. Slow and steady. The textboxes are tiny only one or two sentences fit and every sentence needs another button press.
    Now I don't mind difficult games and I think with the Pokemon concept which the game does well you can easily get a OP Pokemon quickly and dominate the entire game easily if you find out how, which is not difficult to find out.
    But when everything is so painfully slow its really annoying. I didn't even beat the second NPC yet but it feels like I wasted half an eternity.
    Entire game should be sped up tremendously to be enjoyable in my opinion. Other than that its a really nice Pokemon parody but way too slow to be enjoyable. So at the moment I wouldn't rate it higher than two stars.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid Pokemon game with spicy elements. Does actually play like a classic pokemon title, so losing while ill-prepared is a very real possibility. Still in developement and may not have as much sexual content as someone may expect. Generally worth watching if you're looking for a title that involves spice with the mons as opposed to just being a slutty trainer.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm impressed by the amount of content available so early in development.

    Graphics is a throwback to my favorite Pokémon generation.
    Audio is on point it captures the vibe of the earlier games.

    Minor bugs but nothing major so far.
    Stuttering is a bit of an annoyance that happens often.

    Overall this is a gem that worth playing.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Early days but a pretty good start

    Definitely one for fans of more difficult fan games like Pokemon Reborn and Rejuvenation. If you are looking for a quick fap, this isn't going to do much for you since all there isn't a great number of scenes and I can't imagine there ever will be in this game.

    It's a pokemon game with occasional sex scenes in it. As long you know what to expect you shouldn't be disappointed.

    Best of luck to the creator
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    really fun game if you have even the most basic pokemon knowledge.
    the starter is op with an insane moveset and abilities and the game hands you a trainer you can repeatedly battle for xp. honestly best combination of h content to gameplay, but thats just my personal preference
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Kyba Blackwood

    One of the first of many Pokemon Adult games i really like(y). I also like that the game has difficult pokemon battles to play, and I also like the H-Scenes:love: that are in the game.
    I look forward to seeing the development of the game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Legit a real fun and challenging POKEMON porn game the "difficulty" that a lot of other reviews hand out one stars for are from a lack of understanding or lack of caring about how Pokemon battles work past "I hit with super effective move therefore I should win". Definitely a Pokemon game first and a porn game second but if you like challenging pokemon fights and waifu pokemon this is a must get.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    There's nothing wrong with this game—art and writing are good, fakemon seem to be designed perfectly fine—but I feel like the dev might be leaning on "difficulty" as a crutch because they're insecure about designing a smooth-feeling progression. And yeah, maybe I just need to git gud, I've always sucked at Pokémon, but this ends up feeling more like a romhack with porn incidentally thrown in than anything else, with "crutches" thrown in as a way to appease the naysayers. Like, I'm not trying to be a dick about this; if I made a game and got hounded with 48 pages' worth of complaints about the difficulty, I'd dig in my heels too. But it's not about being impatient to see the porn, at least not for me, it's more about core game design.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    There are porn games that are able to balance porn with gameplay.
    Rance, Evenicle, some Takamuran games.
    This is not one of them.

    The porn scenes, on their part, are well made, but struggling throughout the absolute hell that is this games grind and battles are not. It's like it's made for people who unironically take pride in beating 10 year olds in pokemon showdown using their favorite mons instead of some jank-ass bullshit with a magikarp rattata combo.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Why make a hard grindy rng luck based porn game about a kids game? Makes no sense. Its like if I wanted to make strip hentai tic-tac-toe porn game and the bot you play against is set on impossible difficulty for every level so you tie every time.

    The audience for porn games and 'hardcore gamers" don't overlap. I came here to jack off, not to play a game harder than Elden Ring. Hard games need to be at the very least entertaining and well made to be remotely successful. Why would someone waste there time playing this when they can jack off to anything else??? I would rather play Boshy than this.

    Therefore I will be giving this a 1 star. Terrible.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Art seems good, but the enemy scaling is awful. This game is an exercise in frustration when enemy trainers seemingly have a damage bonus and the only way to get past it is to grind wild pokemon that are significantly weaker until you are ridiculously over leveled. You shouldn't be able to one shot a level 5 wild pokemon, while a trainer can tear through you with their caught level 5.