I have already provided many crutches. The PC in your room has 5 potions, you have that super potion, and a vending machine + 3000 Money all from the get go. Right beside said PC is a Leftovers held item.
It really isn't the fault of the game that you as the player don't explore.
EDIT: I'm going to avoid any other comments talking about difficulty. I have answered this particular question a few dozen times already, and it's pretty pointless to repeat myself. If you find the game too difficult, too bad. Git gud. If you want to play the game only for the Hentai, you can always dig around in the game's folder for the artwork. This entire comment thread has people saying the game is too hard, too EASY, and not well balanced. I cannot tailor this game's difficulty to everyone's taste. No matter how I tweak it, people are going to complain. Stop it, get some help.(kind of a dick move could take critism into consideration instead of ignoring it)