RPGM - Pokémon 'H' Version [v0.625 B] [Sintax Error]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and assume things will improve over time.

    However I wouldn't say I'd want to continue, I definitely wouldn't recommend this to anyone that doesn't have at least a moderate knowledge of pokemon.

    I do agree with some others that the art is pretty mid, I'd say 4/10, however as an artist myself I know the struggle when tackling certain things and know for certain things would get tricky when tackling non-straightforward anatomy. I would much rather encourage improvement compared to just toxic critiquing.

    What I can't endorse is the mentality of dunking on people to "get good" when a lot of people don't want to drop hours and hours to inch there way to a fight they probably do not have the prior knowledge of what they're encountering because they didn't create the game. Failure is fine, grinding is ~fine~ , however many people work full time jobs, and they want to feel like they're grinding towards something that isn't the opportunity for another grind or some occasional mid art.

    Keep chipping away at this clearly monumental project, but don't chastise those who don't want to watch tutorials and grind for hours for something that they may deem not worth it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Art style is amazing and grinding so long and the effort is worth it after meeting fighting Gym leader and seeing a beautiful scene and I pressed it 5 times hoping if anything little had changed as well as lopunny as well ... I can't wait for the next update and I hope for scenes from villagers to many variety of pokemons.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome start to the game. Only hope it's able to be finished.

    Most of the complaints seem geared towards difficulty, but if anything this was my complaint of the official products being too easy and boring.

    The gameplay seems geared towards giving a mild challenge, but all the tools for victory are handed to the player: Type advantage mons are abundant, leveling is quick, you're handed two OP mons in Adalass and Lopunny.

    If anything, gameplay encourages use of type advantages and status effecting moves that are disregarded in core gameplay of official content unless using competitive features.

    Artwork is great and even if scenes are "tame" at present, I'm sure they'll be expanded (I'd love some darker stuff or ahegao, etc.), but even if it isn't, it's gameplay is fun enough to be an improvement upon the official games.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The porn is way too mid to be worth sitting through all lopsided battles and tedious grinding. Poke porn, especially of Lopunny, is free and abundant. This game isn't that bad, it just asks a bit too much of the player.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I don't want to be too critical when it comes to reviewing this game since it is a porn game, but I'm noticing a pattern in the other comments and reviews. The first fight you do is way too difficult to be considered a first fight. It isn't impossible, but it feels much more like something you would encounter a little ways into the game rather than right out the gate. I feel that first fight in most pokemon games dictates how the rest of the game is going to go, so losing the first fight by means of RNG is not a good sign. There should be a progressive difficulty curve that gets higher and higher the further you go. Along with that, the pokemons movesets barely make sense. Every starter from almost every one of the games has one normal type attacking move (i.e tackle, scratch), one normal stat based move (tail whip, growl, etc.), and one STAB move that does lower damage and doesn't have special effects (priority, can't miss, etc.), that way you have some variety just in case. The enemy pokemon has that formula, except it absolutely SHOULD NOT start with aqua jet, since it is a priority based move, meaning it always goes first. Then, when you look at your own starter, it starts with fake tears (dark special def down), double team (normal evasiveness up), and disarming voice (fairy damaging move that cannot miss). The formula is completely broken and practically set up for you to lose. The only way you can really win the first fight is with potions and double team stacks, then just get lucky from there. If the the opposing pokemon uses leer more than once, you might as well restart because the next move it uses will either one shot, or get you close to one shot, meaning that you'll be caught in a heal loop and won't be able to attack. If it's meant to be challenging then that's okay, but there is a difference between a game being challenging and a game being complete RNG. Those are the only gripes I really have with this game. I really do think there is potential here if the difficulty curve and movesets get fixed, it's rare to find a pokemon porn game that is both true to the original games whilst also being it's own original concept. I really do hope that this game does flourish more and has more updates rolled out for it.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This prioritizes gameplay over porn. But, due to the artificial difficulty which forces you to spam items, grind, or get lucky, it's not particularly fun. Not worth playing this for the porn. I suggest going elsewhere if you want pokemon porn.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Make no mistake, the game is hard. But it's hard, not challenging. Challenging implies that you can overcome everything with skill and work, and have a satisfying result when you overcome that challenge. There is no challenge here. Instead you've got fights you have to cheese to win and forced grind (even jrpgs have dropped this, why would I want this in a porn game, of all things?). There's no game here, just work, and boring work at that.

    There's a billion pokemon porn parodies, go grab one and play it. I can't even recommend waiting to see if the dev takes criticism to heart because he has chosen to ignore any and all comments regarding difficulty, despite a large amount of people already pointing out how unfair it is, and how rng dependent even the opening moments of the game are. Not worth your time.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    So, after playing for about 3 hours now, I feel I can write a bit of a review.
    For the most part the game is well done and a generally great time, the only "gripe" I guess I have is that you seem to have pokemon learning....shall we say "very powerful" moves WELL before they should have any right to learn them.
    Lass Laurie's level 14 Pidgeotto knowing Aerial Ace is one example of this, it shouldn't know that move until somewhere around level 50, knowing it that early is....I can only assume, your method of adding difficulty to this game?
    Thats fine I guess, but it doesn't feel great to spend 2hrs grinding out your team to lvl 15 in the grass (with shit-tastic xp by the way) and get 4 of them one-hit because a bird knows a move 45 levels earlier than it should (Aerial ace is insanely fast, basically guaranteeing that pokemon goes first, it was gross).

    Otherwise, a great effort on you and your team's (if there is one, I don't know) part, it feels like a pokemon game so far (even only 3hrs in) and aside from the moveset issue, doesn'tfeel too unfair if you play a bit smarter.
    I look forward to seeing where you take this!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Really like the direction this one's taking, tho kind of challenging at first it was really nothing to cry about, I hope we get some foot fetish content for this one eventually, can't wait for the next update!
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    I'm using Incognito mode

    After playing the early version of this game I have three main takeaways. The overall difficulty in the game maybe annoying for some people but for me it was a truly enjoyable experience. Instead of the low ass regular Pokémon difficulty in which literal 5-year-olds can shit on everything in their path it requires a tiny bit of actual strategy during battles which I like, especially when this version of the game is for grown ass men. Essentially, unless you are mentally handicapped you should be more than fine, but to each their own. The second thing that stands out is the spin on the regular story, were scientists are trying to genetically modify Pokémon to help them evolve to the level of humanity. The creator throws in some brand-new made-up Pokémon, this along with the storyline is interesting and while not an original idea it is very nice feature to see. Lastly, I see the overall potential in the game. A game which revolves around fucking Pokémon is kind of hot if you can do it right, I like the basic idea behind it. I haven't seen any finished games of decent quality made with all these qualities, so I hope this game keeps growing, and I am excited to see where it goes.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    An actual porn GAME, my god.
    It's pokemon, so you know what to expect, I love it since it's reminiscent of Gen 4, my favorite. Fights are at a great difficulty, you actually have to think for once in a pokemon game!
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The game has more of a focus on making you waste time than making you bust. It's got more grind than real pokemon, and far less charm. The addition of porn isn't enough to make this worth it.

    What's worse is the """great""" mentality around this game. "Oh, you don't like the difficulty? Get bent. You're just bad. Lmao."

    This is a 'hard' game first, porn game second. This isn't an issue in a good game, but that's just not what this is. It's a grindy, artificially difficult game that slaps a bandaid of potion spam onto the gaping wound of amateurish development.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I personally like it for what it offers. The way it takes itself seriously considering the overall theme is a pretty neat concept. It can be a little difficult but its really nothing a little strategy can't fix.

    Hopefully this won't get canned/abandoned. Would really love to see what this has to offer once complete.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    "Pokémon 'H' Version" 0.14A provides a decent demo to play with, featuring several of the expected features that players would expect.

    The game starts off with meeting the local Pokémon Professor, who is working on selectively breeding Pokémon that can in turn breed with humans, which he mentions is moderately maligned, and the reason why this is framed as a "Pokémon fangame that also has some sex scenes" rather than a "sex game that also has Pokémon in it."

    The use of items is just about mandatory, so if you like to play these kinds of games without them, this is not going to be a great match for you.

    Aside from the first Rival battle, the Trainer Pokémon you face will be more than you will have been trained to expect from such games. More levels, more moves, and overall, more of them, which makes the items and grinding in the starter town's grass vital. The grind is helped a tad by the Rival giving you an Exp. Share in the starter town's Mart after exhausting all of her conversation topics.

    The developer does provide five Potions in the player character's PC and a Leftovers you pickup in their room, along with a Super Potion in the room next to yours to get you started.

    Once out of the town, and past the first regular Trainer, you can get to the "H" part of of this game. In a cave off of the first Route is a Lvl 20 Mightyena that you defeat or capture to save a Buneary. Said Buneary will be in another location off the first Route, where you may feed Berries, pet, and play with her to raise her affection level and evolve her into a Lvl 20 Lopunny. After evolving, you may take part in three of the four currently available scenes with Lopunny, along with adding her to your team.

    With Lopunny on your team, clearing the rest of the Route will be much more manageable, earning you access to the first Gym town. You can prep for the Gym by grinding battles against a Trainer with a team of Audino, which will give a very healthy helping of experience points.

    The fourth of the scenes is one between the player character and the Gym Leader, after you defeat her.

    Following your victory, there is a hint of the game's antagonistic organization, with two hooded figures departing from the last bit that this version of the game has.

    Overall, the game was, again, a decent demo, with a few technical issues to tackle. TMs are currently single-use (which has been stated in the game's thread to not be intentional) and the Nurse in the first Gym town has her sprite vanish when she treats your Pokémon.

    As far as battles are concerned, items are again, pretty much mandatory, and the use of moves like Double Team is strongly encouraged to increase odds of grinding your way to victory.

    The scenes the game provides are still images, but they are well done. One thing that may deter some players here is that the protagonist is a young man with a set name (Edit: as of this version, developer has since said that players will be allowed to change the name), the developer has mentioned that if a female protagonist were to be made, she would be getting her own game.

    If you give it a go, the game can be expected to take no more than a few hours, if you decide to play it safe through grinding.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I think game would need some sprites for sex animation. But still i enjoyed the game. (The First Fights are hard as heck but still, i found out trick you just keep fighting and catching some Pokemon in start area grass)
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    The game needs some serious rebalancing.

    Obviously you can see that people have a lot of issues with the first battle. But the game itself isn't difficult. It's not even challenging either. You have to grind and explore secret items to progress, which is usually fine, but for this game it is a slog and a waste of time.

    the only good points is that the art is nice and the writing has some charm and it's not a broken mess.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic Pokemon game! Starts off a bit challenging, but once you start rolling it's just a sweep for the rest of what's here!

    The starter is really good and may be considered a bit OP, but all in all it was a fun time!
  18. 2.00 star(s)



    Great idea, but expect grinding, game is hard wich normally I would like but it feels more hard to keep the game going. Like most will put up with it because sex with pokemon, its why you hear reading this. But the first fight is made to punish you if you didn't explore and get some potions. Next one is "meme" inside joke made crazy hard so you got grind just to actually get anywhere inteh game.

    Like its not bad time killer game, just feels like its throwing curve balls too hard to make up for lack of content at times, so I have something to do when playing. Instead need a strategy or some skill its about grinding you butt off or spamming potions.

    Also can't name char seems so weird in todays age and a Pokemon clone no less you can't do that. I am gonna keep playing this but feel people need to be aware this game is hard for sake of just being hard. Dev himself said so, says it in game it will be a challange as well, but yet again challanges I like just feels more like a russian game where you expected to grind for an hour just to get past the intro...
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Great premise that just needs a bit of balancing.

    I won't harp on the first rival fight like some do in the comments. Mine is through the pacing of the route. the starting trainer has 2 pokemon at lv 7 and 9. Nothing insumountable. The ending trainer before a bridge has a full team of 6 that ends at lv 20. While it's not wrong to want a challenging pokemon game the way to go about it shoudn't be higher leveled, evolved mons before your first evolution. I would prefer to see the game take route of a better level curve but with move varied movesets, rather than just handing out healing items to the player and saying "You know what to do:"

    I do like the hidden grove for you pokemon to interact with and do hope it expands to include more.

    The art design of the game is top notch and really brings the experince up. There may only be 4 cgs at the moment but they are all high quality.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    'Da game harrrddd, too haaarddd!!11! -- Or at least badly designed!!11'

    That was what i intitially thought, too.
    But the more i played and looked into it, the more i'm sure that everything is designed by reason.
    May be luck or coincidence, but there are so many things that just work together once spotted and used.
    Like certain pokémon with a certain lv that learn certain moves at a certain later level...
    Or the items, you can find, you can click on. The moves you have access to, the trainers you can beat. The roar... The reason why other pokémon from other trainers have moves they shouldn't be able to use already..

    There's a lot of thought that was put into all of this, at least in my honest opinion, that is.
    Took me about 1:41 hours to finish the current content - didn't faint (unwillingly) and didn't run into 'too much grind for no reason'.

    I do like the take of that you actually need to know how to build a working team and how to use moves against certain types. Something, most people never learned. It's not hard, nor bad designed. It's made for actual pokémon players. Sure, there's a certain challenge, but without it you'd just run through the entire game within 20 minutes, tops.

    5 Stars fro all of that.

    There's some stuff that buggs me, tho..
    Because we are in dire need of animations with more pokémon, and we need to use beds for that. Or the couch.. Or a rug, at least... I don't want to run into a forest everytime and do it on the dirty, muddy ground there. Beds, Beds everywhere.. But we can't use 'em.