Flash Completed Pokkaloh [v1.0] [Pokkaloh]

3.00 star(s) 3 Votes


May 4, 2017
I'm wondering personally if the guy is just done, or maybe moving on to trying more mainstream games, thus isn't using this "adult game" associated name anymore. Regardless, I was just on the tumblr/patreon yesterday and no new updates.

But hey, I am playing the normal version of the game right now because it seems to be pretty hard to really "lose", and cheats aren't necessary... but can someone say what kind of cheats are in the game?


Aug 5, 2016
I'm wondering personally if the guy is just done, or maybe moving on to trying more mainstream games, thus isn't using this "adult game" associated name anymore. Regardless, I was just on the tumblr/patreon yesterday and no new updates.

But hey, I am playing the normal version of the game right now because it seems to be pretty hard to really "lose", and cheats aren't necessary... but can someone say what kind of cheats are in the game?
As far as I remember, it's pretty basic stuff; you can wish one unit of each item, gain XP and control affection levels.


Engaged Member
Respected User
Feb 12, 2017
Decided to check this out after playing the demo for their new game. This one's pretty fun too. Very relaxing. And the art's great. Quality waifus in this.


New Member
Feb 19, 2018
The game is cute but too grinding. It should be easier to collect items not requiring us to click many times. items should be bigger. Using isometric grid is better. Please provide a menu to toggle on and off the visibility of the grid. Overall is promising. Need a better graphic interface. Music can be omitted. The simple MIDI is more detrimental to the game experience than supportive. Maybe crowd-source the music part.


Jul 20, 2017
Here's an upload of the cheat enabled 9.0 version. You can start a file in this version and during the first day use the cheats menu to accumulate a character with high skill levels and hundreds of each item.

Then, at the start of day 2, use the "Export save data to code" option. When you import the code into the 9.3 version you will have a character waking up on day 2 of 9.3 with high skill levels and hundreds of each item.

It's like microwaving potatoes so you can cook them better on the skillet.

Link is not working :c
Pls repair it <3


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018

You could also used a dedicated cheater program called "PokkalohCheat": see capture screens attached.

*** EDIT 1 *** Program stored internally within this site.

*** EDIT 2 ***

Switched to a 64 bits version only as the 32 bits version is WRONGLY considered as a virus by some "minor" antivirus at Virus Total, and so by the AV system of this web site.


Capture screens:
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
Hey guys, my game goes black a couple of seconds after i start it, any ideas why?
Which version of Pokkaloh are you using (eventually which provenance) ?

Are you playing it on a web site, or have you downloaded the flash file and playing it locally ?

Has it worked correctly before, or are you trying to play it for the first time ?

Under which environment are you using it: a browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, ...) , or the "standalone" flash player (if you have downloaded the flash file) ?


New Member
Dec 10, 2017
Which version of Pokkaloh are you using (eventually which provenance) ?

Are you playing it on a web site, or have you downloaded the flash file and playing it locally ?

Has it worked correctly before, or are you trying to play it for the first time ?

Under which environment are you using it: a browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, ...) , or the "standalone" flash player (if you have downloaded the flash file) ?
I tried using both the standard and the cheat version that are on the first page, i tried to play it for the first time, and tried using swiff and km, i can play other flash games, this one launches i see the menu art for half a second then it goes black


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
I've just tried the versions on the first page, and they are both OK for me.

It's normal that the screen becomes black just a few seconds after the launching of this flash game. But, theoretically a disclaimer is then rapidly displayed, words after words, which gives this final screen (see capture hereafter).

If your application screen is too small, eventually you can't see the disclaimer text. Or it may be another problem; though I can't see which one, if your flash player is up to date.

Eventually, try to press the "C" touch, about 10-15 seconds after the screen becomes black; it's supposed to acknowledge the disclaiming and you then go back to the main menu (i.e. the first one you see at the very beginning).


New Member
Dec 10, 2017
I've just tried the versions on the first page, and they are both OK for me.

It's normal that the screen becomes black just a few seconds after the launching of this flash game. But, theoretically a disclaimer is then rapidly displayed, words after words, which gives this final screen (see capture hereafter).
View attachment 118747

If your application screen is too small, eventually you can't see the disclaimer text. Or it may be another problem; though I can't see which one, if your flash player is up to date.

Eventually, try to press the "C" touch, about 10-15 seconds after the screen becomes black; it's supposed to acknowledge the disclaiming and you then go back to the main menu (i.e. the first one you see at the very beginning).
Still doesn't work


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
I see you are using third party softwares to play the flash file.

You could try with the standard standalone flash program. It can be downloaded from the official Adobe web site:

Select the flash player projector corresponding to your operating system.

For instance, if you are using Windows, choose the "Download the Flash Player projector" link in the "Windows" section. You'll get a unique executable called (currently) flashplayer_30_sa.exe, with which you'll be able to play local flash files (there is nothing to install, just run the executable).


Nov 23, 2017
How to activate the cheats for Pokkaloh

  1. Download JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler. I used version 9.0.0
  2. Open the swf in the decompiler. Make sure to create a backup.
  3. Open Scripts -> ui -> Menu.
  4. You will now see a window named ActionScript with the code for the menu class
  5. Also note the lowerleft window with 2 tabs. One named Traits and the other constants.
  6. In the traits tab, scroll to public function showCheats(): void and click on it.
  7. In the actionscript window you should now see the showCheats function.
  8. If you look closely you can see that only the patreon text is set to true, all the other to false. Time to change that.
  9. Changing codes in the actionscript part can and probably will cuase you a lot of pain. So we gonna edit the instruction on the right window instead.
  10. Four lines interest us there
findproperty Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"texteCheatsNotPatron")
getproperty Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"texteCheatsNotPatron")
callpropvoid Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"set_visible") 1
This code get the proprety named texteCheatsNotPatron, it then push true to the stack and call the function set_visible with the latest value that was pushed in the stack. So, if we push false instead it will be hidden.

findproperty Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"texteCheatsItems")
getproperty Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"texteCheatsItems")
callpropvoid Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"set_visible") 1
As you can see, the texts we want to see are set to false.

So we need to pushfalse for the patreon warning and true to the 4 others. Lets do that
11. Click edit on the Trait window on the right, edit them and click save.
12. Now save the swf and run it.​

Fuck! It doesn't work! The cheat menu is visible, but I can't click on anything!

Yeah. The author didn't just hide the cheats option. He neutered them. So we need to reanimate them too.

  1. Find the update function in the trait list Window (override public function update(param1: blablabla.
  2. One of the constant of the Menu class is to set the menu_cheats at number 6. So we gonna hunt for this value in the update function
If you scroll you can see if(menuCurrent == 0), if(menuCurrent == 5), 4 . But no menu 6. Instead we just see a weird

From my understanding the weird §§push(false) command is because the decompiler have no idea WTF is going on with the instruction on the right. So we whould investigate that part.​

3. So first, we have to find the start of that elseif. To do that we need to check the previous else if. This will also gave us a baseline to know how an else if should look like. So click on the == of the instruction else if(menuCurrent == 4) on line 362.
4. You will see the instrunctions.​

ofs05da:jump ofs0a09  <= jump to label ofs0a09. Label ofs0a09 is at the end of the big if. That line is part of the previous else if.
ofs05de:findproperty Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"menuCurrent") <= 0fs05de is the label of this if and find proprety is the first command of that label
getproperty Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"menuCurrent") <= push the proprety menuCurrent to the stack
pushbyte 4 <= push the number 4 to the stack
ifne ofs073f <= if the two latest values of the stacks are not equal jump to label 0fs073f. Otherwise, continue to the next line
pushstring "" <= rest of the instructions for this branch
coerce Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"String")
setlocal 9
So, that tell us that if menuCurrent is not equal to 4 jump to label ofs073f, otherwise continue along.​

5. So we need to find the label ofs073f since it's where the last else start. Ctrl+f ofs073f and we find it at line 752.
6. So we see the following instructions.​

jump ofs0a09
findproperty Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"menuCurrent")
getproperty Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"menuCurrent")
pushbyte 6
ifne ofs074f
Hum pushbyte 6(the cheatsmenu is #6) and that look closely at the elseif from part 4, but there's a weird push in there between the label and the findproperty. Let's remove the push false and moved the find property there instead, just like part4. Edit and save.​

            else if(menuCurrent == 6)
Ok, so the else if is back, but now there's a weird pop.

Now we should investigate a little more.

jump ofs0a09
ofs073f:findproperty Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"menuCurrent") <= find the menuCurrent property
getproperty Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"menuCurrent") <= push the value to the stack
pushbyte 6 <= push 6 to the stack
ifne ofs074f <= if two latest values in the stack are not equal jump to ofs074f otherwise continue
pop <= pop the latest value off the stack. Since we removed the pushfalse earlier, it doesn't have anything to pop. I think.
pushfalse <= push false to the stack
convert_b <= convert false to boolean (flash is weird)
ofs074f:iffalse ofs0a09 <= if the latest value in the stack is false jump to ofs0a09 which if you remember is the end of everything.
This is the code we have now. Compare it again with the one at part 4. There's a few weird thing going on. Regardless of the value in menuCurrent, we always end up running this line ofs074f:iffalse ofs0a09 with false on top of the stack. Which make us jump to the label ofs0a09 and skip all the cheating instructions bellow.

So we will do a few things to fix all if this. First, lets correctly jump to the end label if the menuCurrent is not 6.

ifne ofs074f
ifne ofs0a09

Then, remove the part that jump to the end if the menuCurrent is 6. Delete those lines

ofs074f:iffalse ofs0a09
Edit & save. And now look at the action script.

Holy shit! All the cheating instructions that were skipped are now there!

Time to save & test.

Yay! Cheatings works!

TL;DR: Just download this link to have the cheat enabled for V. 0.9.7

P.S. Seems like the label change. When you save or stuffs like that.
thank you
3.00 star(s) 3 Votes