VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Polarity [v0.4.3] [Eternity Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Gets 5 starts from me.

    I'm really enjoying this one. It ticks almost all the boxes for what i want in a story. The story is entertaining and inviting and very choice driven which imo is a must. Also feels like there's there's a lot of room to grow in the future without the story going stale which is something that I see some other devs struggle with.

    The characters back stories are well written and the character models are really appealing.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    (Written for v0.1.1 - Last updated 9th of August, 2019)
    Polarity, despite it still being in its early stages, proves to have great writing already, and a story that I honestly look forward to explore further.

    The renders are nice, but not anything exceptionally mind-blowing, and look a bit weird occasionally. Especially the backgrounds. It has some decent music, but is currently not a carrying element of the game.

    Being a Ren'Py game, it is light on resources, and I did not notice any game-breaking bugs (In fact, I didn't notice any), and it plays all it ought to well.

    All in all, Polarity is a game I would recommend to anyone who found the premise even remotely interesting, as Sir Dammed has shown themselves capable of writing good characters which holds a lot of charm. It could do with a bit more work on backgrounds, but it doesn't take too much away from the experience. (4/5 stars)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of Version 0.1.1

    First of all: is it too early, to rate this game (and even give 5 stars already)? yeah, i guess, but 1. I like to encourage the dev, to keep up his good work on this very promising game & 2. If i have hig hopes in a game - like on this one - i like to give a rating to "promote" the game, so other users maybe rather give it a try :cool:(just do it! NOW!)

    So, let's make this quick:

    This game so far is pretty swell!, wait....rollback.....i mean, it's fucking awesome! ;)

    - beautiful, gorgeous Honey Select Art
    - beautiful & hot girls/women (can't wait for the little redhead shown in OP :giggle:)
    - really good writing/dialogue
    - choices DO matter + good game mechanics for that
    - story is intriguing enough so far to get hooked
    - nice animations & scenes (esp. like the breathing/gasps in the scenes)
    - enough content to start with (anyway: more, more, more!!!! :love:)
    - nice facial expressions (mouth, eyes, eyebrows, etc.)
    - so far, good characterization
    - nice music

    only downside/"con" so far:

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  4. 5.00 star(s)


    As a developer I never rated a game before for various reasons, I decided to make an exception on this one, so here we go.

    Polarity v0.1.1

    Polarity is what any VN should start to be, so I'll start with the best.

    The writing - you can see that the Developer is a skilled writer, the language is simple but in a good way, a native english speaker won't be pissed at Engrish and a non native will find it easy to understand.

    The Characters- the characters look like they were based on real people, they're belieavable and well thought, for HS chars the girls look really good.

    The Story - it's the player decisions that matter, you can say that karma is a bitch, but in the real world if you're a dick it doesn't mean you'll be punished so it is in Polarity, being good or bad will certainly have it's weight but is it good? Is it bad?

    The graphics - like I said before, being a HS game has it's limitations but you can see the work of the Dev, he took the "look unique" seriously, the girls look great, I'm waiting for the redhead :p

    Great start, don't you dare to lower the quality on future updates !!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    i know i know..first release..too soon for a i'm breaking the unwritten rules...BUT..this is a longtime member of our community making his first game and having watched this forum for ages knows the ins and outs and understands us better than most..ok..on to the game..first..the renders..its HS..i know its not the #1 but Sir has modified it enough that the dames especially Naomi look unique..i mean she is non-HS(imho) the is well written smooth flowing...there is zero engrish or WTFery..the only tiniest of issues i have has already been addressed and makes sense now in terms of character growth...MC can be a dick in his is alot of animated bits for a first release and alot of made sure we did not leave thinking "wow another tech demo that'll be updated in 6 months..maybe" this one shows all the promise we expect of a quality vn on this site..we pirates are so finicky ;) so ya..try this game..if you want a well told story with meaningful choices good character variation and the promise of a shitload of wild weird sex..give it a go
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A great start and left me wanting the next chapter right away. especially after the ending :'(. I hope the world expands a lot more as each chapter goes on and the storyline is very interesting so far as well.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Even though this game is only on version 0.1.1, it shows great potential is really well written! Only two proper characters, but they're both well written and lovely. Makes you want to interact with them for more than just sex.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Review as of v0.1.1
    Very good!
    Likeable and cute main heroine, plenty of choices that seem like they'll matter and good enough writing make me look forward for more updates (I don'r recall seeing the red-head on the OP main image but she's cute as well). Although the main premise (winning that online lottery) is quite far fetched I guess it is acceptable as a plot device. Too ba about the dog tho u.u
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    TRY IT! 10/10
    The devs know what they're doing and i'm loving every second of it.

    Sexy stuff:
    Amazing models with fluid, beautiful animations. 3 girls shown with more to come. It's Honey select done well. Don't pass on this just because it's Honey select. Try it, you'll love it.

    Non sexy stuff:
    It is very clear that a lot of effort went into the production. It shows. Good use of music at places. The environment is made with care so it feels immersive. Lots of choices but their effect isn't seen immediately in this chapter. Can't wait to see those choices take effect. There's mystery too!

    I dearly hope this game goes all the way to beautiful multiple endings and proves to be a success for the developers. Cheers.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Polarity starts with a homerun!

    Edit: 0.2 also didn't disappoint

    + even more loveable chars
    + a good story
    + great music
    + good animations
    + no engrish

    - dead doggo :cry:
    - Version 0.3 isn't out yet xD

    I'm looking forward to see more of Mel, Naomi, Lyanna, Kayla, Fufu and all the other girls (for fucks sake make some of them not cute so I can avoid them) and the planned fetishes of course =D

    If you like it check out the devs discord!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game so far is truly the best one I've experienced in a while.

    I really like the story so far, and it really holds my interest (a lot stories are just repeats of other games)
    The English is spot on which really enhances the mood and atmosphere so you know exactly what is going on
    The characters each have their own personalities (even though they're only 3 so far)
    The major choices are and will be announced prior to making a decision which makes a play-through easier
    The 0.1 version has a surprising amount of content, which is a nice change from most of the games put out.
    I really like the models, layout, and scenery; it's not just repeats from prior games on the site

    I actually don't have any cons for this. Yes it's not extremely long, but as stated before it's longer than a lot of 0.1 versions and updates to preexisting versions, which is very nice.

    I thoroughly enjoyed this game and I cannot wait for the next update! (RIP Maggie)