It's not bad. They put effort into their art style, the premise isn't nearly as lazy as some other ones, and the gameplay is polished. However, it is very simple bordering on tedious after a short time of playing.
The actual platforming/combat is super easy to the point of basically being irrelevant after the first level that you play. The controls are limited to, move, jump, block, and attack; but all of which don't feel particularly dynamic - it just feels a bit sluggish. So gameplay-wise, it's pretty average, maybe a 3/5, it's functional but not particularly entertaining.
The scene collection method is also fine, the places that you can collect scenes are highlighted by a cloud of hearts around the individual so it's never a matter of wondering whether or not you will get a scene. However, my main complaint with it is that there is no way to skip through it quickly; you can skip through choices/text quickly, but most animations have to run their course before you can move on so you will get stuck watching scenes you've watched before unless you actively avoid those particular characters. And in other games, that might not be a problem, but for this one, a large portion of the money you make in the game requires you to find the scenes so not having a skip function makes the game feel tedious after the first viewing of the scene (especially since the basic scenes are just 2 different loops with small graphical variations). So again, I would say it's about a 3/5.
What does most of the heavy lifting in the game is the art style, which might not be for everyone, but it's definitely my type of art. It's good quality pixel art, there are many different characters/monsters/beasts to collect scenes for so it doesn't feel devoid of content to collect. 5/5 for amount and quality of CG/animation imo.
Another small gripe I have is the recollection room: now I know that platformers tend to use their gameplay mechanics as often as possible; but it seems very unnecessary to keep a platform style when you're trying to find the scene you want to see again. For example, if you want to see scenes from the 4th map of the game, you have to run through the first 3 maps of the game to get to that collection of scenes - that's bad design because it needlessly slows the player down for what they want to accomplish. At least with the combat being kind of slow, there's an element of skill involved; but there is no skill involved in holding the right arrow key for 20 seconds until you get to the scene you want to see. A less relevant 2/5 for this feature.
Overall it's a decent game, you'll probably get about an hour or two of gameplay out of it, but the scenes honestly weren't good enough for me to want to replay it or to spend the time in the recollection room to see them again (maybe that would change if the recollection room was more of a menu style/faster to navigate, but I doubt it). 4/5 overall because I don't think my complaints about the game hold as much weight as the fact that it delivers what it promises to deliver.