has any of that been automated? it got really boring very fast.
Sort of... you can hire Personal Assistants and assign them to Production and Publishing, as well as hiring an Editor. This comes out of your profits, of course, but once you've got your porn studio staffed & equipped, plus aforementioned PAs, then yes you can pretty much let the game run on autopilot, so to speak.
Plus he's added CamGirls, which generate passive income on days that they work (not sure if it's random or some kind of hidden mechanic behind that, though) - they work from your website once it hits level 4 (I think).
He's also added a Photomodel trait, but it it's not finished yet. Right now it just gives them 100% like for doing photos (and 0% for everything else for some reason) but you still have to tell them to actually
do the photoshoots. However he plans to eventually automate this as well; I'm guessing in a similar fashion, where the girls are just assigned to permanent photo duty or something. Again, this becomes passive income.
And once you've got enough cash backed up you may want to consider dumping it in the bank for 5% interest. It's not much, as it takes literally
millions of dollars to really see any serious profit from that, but if you
do have millions of dollars sitting around then there is really no better way to use it. With enough cash in the bank you can (in theory) bankroll your entire operation just off the interest that it generates.