So I've been testing out the mod tools(AWESOME idea I love it!), and after fiddling around with it, I've got the basics of it working.
Couple questions:
1. Which locations currently work to spawn the mod girls in? After testing I've only gotten them to show up at Bar, General Store, and Hair Salon. Seems only areas that accommodate the default outfit they wear are working in my testing. e.g. that an area like the beach where they would need a swimsuit outfit they won't spawn in because they can't be created with one. Just wondering if I'm on the right track with that theory?
2. Does anyone know a list of sex area tags for making the conversation files? I'm testing those right now and had success with "beach", "bedroom", "hotel" and "office." Tried to make the bathroom toilet sex scene trigger by using "bar", "bathroom", "toilet", etc. but no success and was wondering if anyone else has found some tags that work before I try to figure all the other ones out myself?
Anyways, I know the mod tools are effectively in "Alpha" stage so I didn't expect everything to work, just want to get some good practice of the basics down so I can make some awesome characters as this feature develops in future releases. Working on an Alexis Texas one as I type this.
Love the game and concept, the mod tools are gonna be a blast to play with!