1. only level
2. it's probably possible if you only shoot with girls with a happy trait. even then, idk.
3. do matter. not intellect of course, but others do. fame is the most important one to make money. but you cant get max fame if other stats are low.
4. you would be able to assign strippers in the next update that will bring income. no real managment yet tho. it's a start.
5. for amateur shoots, it gives some extra quality to the scene.
6. you need fans in the milf category. if you have no fans, there will be no subs. you can force something and advertise the site, but still it will be hard to make profit. you've just fucking up the market by buying milf sites and disbanding them. people in that world must fucking hate you lmao.
7. quality of the studio does not affect staff happiness. each working day they'll lose a fixed ammount. as you figured out you can assign staff manager to get somethin back. other than that, only happy girls can help. shooting with obnoxios and cantankerous chicks for a whole week is a fucking bad idea.
i should include a trait or two that positively affect the happiness. there's only one, but numerous negative ones.
1. Cool. I guess there's no point wasting money to train their stats then. (I know there's a manager that trains them for free.)
2. Dang, happy traits are hard to come by. I'm looking forward to more traits. Also would be great if either PA or pool parties were able to invite
bitches girls based on traits. The only reason why I care about staff happiness isn't because I'm a benevolent porn overlord, it's because in late game, my websites start demanding 10 or so videos per website per month. It is becoming a pain to micro them even with 9 studios and a PA.
3. Great! No brains required to be a camgirl huh? lol
4. I'm looking forward to more of this content
5. Good to know.
6. LMAO! Dang I bet they DO hate me!

So no other choice but to upload milfs to porntube huh? Or maybe stick to a different genre.
7. Hmm. I didn't know bad traits also affected the staff (although that does make sense) I thought it only affected their mating partner(s). On this note, I can assume staff traits matter too? A bunch of happy staffers can affect the happiness of the entire staff?
Also, it appears happiness affects the quality of the videos. Not that I care about my peasants, I'm just looking to maximize my profits. If possible, can you provide clarification on how much happiness is lost per scene? I'd prefer not to dig into the game files. As great of a manager I am, I'm no good with programing.