Photo Studio is getting on my nerves now, because I noticed photos appearing in market share and as an option for website.
I've searched the thread and I can't find any real answer that explains how to or if there is a way to generate passive income (as described in changelog) or shoot photos (specifically photo scence because I notice most of the time photo studio studio questions get responded to by pissy little pricks with arsey explanations related to shooting porn scenes).
A few versions ago, I can't remember which, player could shoot photo scenes and upload/sell them. Now there seems no point at all in the photo studio. It's not worth the basic investment (building, director, camera, equipment, contract) because the payout/reward is so low on photomodel jobs that it's pretty much a ponzi scheme.
So either I'm missing something on why photostudio is worth investing in or there's no point to it (v0.79) because it doesn't generate passive income, you can't take photos to upload/sell and photo job rewards aren't worth the investment needed to fulfil the most basic ones.
Hopefully a version comes out soon that lets player take photos again, it's fustrating seeing options for photo websites and only having an expensive folly.