- Dec 17, 2019
- 484
- 1,126
So you make a website with boy girl category ? But then how do you upload the secretly recorded video to it ?It takes a while for website to be a money-maker; I just stick with the easy life of making Boy-Girl vids, and eventually get a studio for Solo and a few other types (can pretty much do without contracts through Rep Level 2). I recall mecha_froggy had some good writeups earlier in the thread; maybe you can search for one of those posts and get some good ideas.
It can be "likes" if you offer some with a certain Perk they won't accept it, or maybe they will, just save before auditioning.What is with the casting, literally had 11 girls in a row not want to some I got to 70-80 favour. What am I missing here because as it is it feels broken as fuck,
I think if you go to the male models tab you can individually choose what scenes they can be in. Alternatively the harem starting perks sound like what you want.Could we toggle a production assisstant to ONLY schedule our MC? I have several males I can't get rid of due to agencies, but don't actually want to use them. Also, if we could request a type of scene, that'd be helpful to.
As it is, I can't use that feature because I only want to shoot FFM with my main guy, so I have to manually queue it every week.
When you do the casting, yes it turns into an obstacle course of trying to throw enough money and incentives at the model to get them to sign up. Which is why you should never do that. Train a PA up to level 10 and assign them to Casting. They will never fail and it won't cost you a penny extra in bribes.What is with the casting, literally had 11 girls in a row not want to some I got to 70-80 favour. What am I missing here because as it is it feels broken as fuck,
Yes. Every model, including your MC, has a options section where you can decide what kind of scenes that they can be in and how many scenes they are allowed per week. This data is what the PA Producer uses when arranging scenes. If you want to make sure that a particular model is never used then it is simply a matter of sliding their "scenes per week" down to zero.Could we toggle a production assisstant to ONLY schedule our MC? I have several males I can't get rid of due to agencies, but don't actually want to use them. Also, if we could request a type of scene, that'd be helpful to.
What is your Admin Efficiency rating? If it's less than 100% it will cause them to lose happiness because they know that they're not making as much money as they could. Server efficiency directly impacts their base income. A girl who would make $1000 a day at 100% is only making $500 at 50%, and she knows it. Having a bigger server lets her gain more fans and popularity, which can also increase her income, but still... efficiency is what she's watching, at least until she hits the ceiling for fans and popularity, then she'll wonder why you're not upgrading your server.The camgirls always seem to hate their job no matter how little of a cut I'm taking. The websites haven't been very profitable at all for me.
Your ethnicity is not the same as your nationality, and as far as the game is concerned "Asian" means having Asian eyes. That's it. You could have a character brown skin and purple hair so long as your character has eyes that say "Asian" next to them and ta-da, they're Asian (trust me, I've had this happen). Conversely, they could be from China itself and if you change their eyes via plastic surgery to lose that "Asian" tag, welp, they're no longer Asian. Don't ask me how or why, that's just how the game works.Think there might be a problem with the generation of asian npc's. Tested as a chinese, in east asia. tested both having chars spawn with same nationality as self and spawn in selected region (east asia). all npc's spawn as white (one or two as latina/ebony). the names of the npc's are regional though indicating that something is wrong when assigning the asian tag.
As of version 798 it is broken. Still waiting for fixed version to be released.how can i have the nightclub?
Makes sense to me. I know I'd hate it if I was losing out on money because my boss didn't know what he was doing. It looks like I'm going to have to either train or replace my current web admin. I just picked them in the first place since they had the best intelligence to paycheck cost. Turns out, pay shit wages, get shit results. Thanks!What is your Admin Efficiency rating? If it's less than 100% it will cause them to lose happiness because they know that they're not making as much money as they could. Server efficiency directly impacts their base income. A girl who would make $1000 a day at 100% is only making $500 at 50%, and she knows it. Having a bigger server lets her gain more fans and popularity, which can also increase her income, but still... efficiency is what she's watching, at least until she hits the ceiling for fans and popularity, then she'll wonder why you're not upgrading your server.
Check your Personal Assistant. One of the roles you can assign her is to be a lawyer.hello, can someone tell me how to get a lawyer in the game? I saw that it is possible to have one but I do not find how or where it is
thank you in advance for your help![]()
Umm...everyone? Any sort of exercise at all makes people's blood run to their faces.Who blushes when making sex?
How do you get these girls? Every time I visit a convention at weekends, there are only the two horned girls (Morrigan (?) and Dingsda), no matter if it's cosplay, goth or pidgeon breeders.with the goth convention girls
You must check Convention schedule each week.How do you get these girls? Every time I visit a convention at weekends, there are only the two horned girls (Morrigan (?) and Dingsda), no matter if it's cosplay, goth or pidgeon breeders.
Well, this was supposed to simulate a porn and i haven't seen any woman blushing while shooting a porn. Not even in real life someone blushes like that. Anyway, the running makeup and the blush should be an option, because, to me, it spoils the sex and looks unnatural and weird. For those who like it, they could enable this option.Umm...everyone? Any sort of exercise at all makes people's blood run to their faces.You must be registered to see the links, unless you're doing it in a way that doesn't count as exertion, which is sad. But I miss the running makeup, too.