- Dec 15, 2018
- 304
- 312
Hmm... I only intended to say a couple things, but I went back more thoroughly, and hopefully a couple of the below comments are worthwhile:
1. I could be wrong, but Lucia Salvatore seems to disproportionately have the angry boyfriend event, and also disproportionately need STD treatment. Could just be funny rolls, I suppose.
2. Finance - a bit more breakdown of "Other", if not too much trouble. Especially capital expenses / properties, and shall we say "pregnancy-undo".
3. BTW, a possible mechanic: if you knock someone up and pick a non-mean option (2 or 4), then they should get the "Loyal" trait or an equivalent. That way, they can stay as a freelancer without getting snatched up by rivals, but it comes with a cost.
4. Anyway, still need more options to block/counter negative rival stuff (like stealing the staff I spent a long time leveling-up), or at least enact vengeance/retribution. Um... I'm good, nothing to see here.
5. And a bit more determinism in general could be nice - modifying RNG, with functions like f(x) = x + RNG
, where x is the main factor, but there's still a random component. Currently the RNG effectively dominates various events, so even if you've worked hard and have a 99% chance, there's still a chance of failure. Well, save-scumming helps, but I can neither confirm nor deny using that approach. I do agree with the person who suggested Ctrl-S and Ctrl-L.
6. Random low-stakes events are fine though. I'd be cool with more simple random events that are like +5 happiness, or you can get seduced by a high-level character, but mysteriously end up missing (2% of current cash, min $200, max $?) - and persisting the impreg roll, so it can cost more than that if you aren't careful. Although more determinism is still good (e.g. happens at Bar after 12AM if condition X is met, max of Y times per month).
7. Also, a little nervous about the upcoming Skills sys, since the overall sys has enough going on (IMO). I guess I'll wait and see. But I may have to jump ship if it becomes more complex than my day-job
8. Maybe model summary can indicate number of scenes posted to website. If I'm comparing based on total earnings, the ones with website postings are disadvantaged unless I conduct a fuller investigation.
9. Training tab: perhaps include amount invested so far for the given model; helpful to remember which ones I'm investing in. custom groups can serve this, though one time I had a crash-to-desktop when creating a custom group (one of the only crashes I've seen - v799, but I don't have more info currently).
10. Achievement Bonuses - small incentive to go for achievements. Can default to $100 each, and over time make bonuses specific to each achievement. E.g. Middle Kingdom -> invited to Asian party, Family-Friendly -> invited to impreg party, Midas -> special visit from Banker. Or whatever ideas are better.
11. Improved odds of low-level model with high potential. It would be cool to raise a character from lvl 1 or 2 to 10, but I haven't had the chance. Or better yet, some way to spend time and/or money to increase Potential.
12. Maybe a Market Share reward? Some recognition for becoming #1 would be nice. And maybe at high market share, a bit of monopoly pricing...
13. Minor Issues:
a. Photography trait on director leading to NULL in photography score for scenes
b. Market Share seems unimplemented for locations (Home/Office/etc). TBH these could be left out.
c. Achievement reversion - e.g. PUA goes back to "Recruit 1 NPCs." (also... I don't know what PUA or most of the other acronyms mean). It would be nice if count keeps going at max stage (e.g. 140/100).
are staff not supposed to gain Happiness while in training?
d. UI - this was partially me being a dummy, but for a while I couldn't find the icon for "Assign girls to Night Club" since I thought it was part of the icon above it. A bit more separation could help.
e. Model Filter - "Reset" should also uncheck any checkboxes, in addition to working logically. Maybe also clear the name filter.
As I recall from [some kind of design] School: it's a bad sign when no-one bothers to critique a project - critique often implies that there's something worth critiquing
. I'm sure there's enough to do without all this, so I'll take what I can get.
1. I could be wrong, but Lucia Salvatore seems to disproportionately have the angry boyfriend event, and also disproportionately need STD treatment. Could just be funny rolls, I suppose.
2. Finance - a bit more breakdown of "Other", if not too much trouble. Especially capital expenses / properties, and shall we say "pregnancy-undo".
3. BTW, a possible mechanic: if you knock someone up and pick a non-mean option (2 or 4), then they should get the "Loyal" trait or an equivalent. That way, they can stay as a freelancer without getting snatched up by rivals, but it comes with a cost.
4. Anyway, still need more options to block/counter negative rival stuff (like stealing the staff I spent a long time leveling-up), or at least enact vengeance/retribution. Um... I'm good, nothing to see here.
5. And a bit more determinism in general could be nice - modifying RNG, with functions like f(x) = x + RNG
6. Random low-stakes events are fine though. I'd be cool with more simple random events that are like +5 happiness, or you can get seduced by a high-level character, but mysteriously end up missing (2% of current cash, min $200, max $?) - and persisting the impreg roll, so it can cost more than that if you aren't careful. Although more determinism is still good (e.g. happens at Bar after 12AM if condition X is met, max of Y times per month).
7. Also, a little nervous about the upcoming Skills sys, since the overall sys has enough going on (IMO). I guess I'll wait and see. But I may have to jump ship if it becomes more complex than my day-job
8. Maybe model summary can indicate number of scenes posted to website. If I'm comparing based on total earnings, the ones with website postings are disadvantaged unless I conduct a fuller investigation.
9. Training tab: perhaps include amount invested so far for the given model; helpful to remember which ones I'm investing in. custom groups can serve this, though one time I had a crash-to-desktop when creating a custom group (one of the only crashes I've seen - v799, but I don't have more info currently).
10. Achievement Bonuses - small incentive to go for achievements. Can default to $100 each, and over time make bonuses specific to each achievement. E.g. Middle Kingdom -> invited to Asian party, Family-Friendly -> invited to impreg party, Midas -> special visit from Banker. Or whatever ideas are better.
11. Improved odds of low-level model with high potential. It would be cool to raise a character from lvl 1 or 2 to 10, but I haven't had the chance. Or better yet, some way to spend time and/or money to increase Potential.
12. Maybe a Market Share reward? Some recognition for becoming #1 would be nice. And maybe at high market share, a bit of monopoly pricing...
13. Minor Issues:
a. Photography trait on director leading to NULL in photography score for scenes
b. Market Share seems unimplemented for locations (Home/Office/etc). TBH these could be left out.
c. Achievement reversion - e.g. PUA goes back to "Recruit 1 NPCs." (also... I don't know what PUA or most of the other acronyms mean). It would be nice if count keeps going at max stage (e.g. 140/100).
are staff not supposed to gain Happiness while in training?
d. UI - this was partially me being a dummy, but for a while I couldn't find the icon for "Assign girls to Night Club" since I thought it was part of the icon above it. A bit more separation could help.
e. Model Filter - "Reset" should also uncheck any checkboxes, in addition to working logically. Maybe also clear the name filter.
As I recall from [some kind of design] School: it's a bad sign when no-one bothers to critique a project - critique often implies that there's something worth critiquing