OK, I played a bunch of DEV4. Love it, very much looking forward to seeing all these new locations filled in. Got some notes on ideas and minor bugs:
When the game starts (windows 64 desktop), it is half-off of my screen. Once I manually adjust the size of the window with my cursor, it re-centers itself and is fine.
When I am interviewing a girl and get to the part where i need to choose an amount to pay her, it doesn't show the actual $$ to offer. It says things like: "Tier 3 pay class - 1.2 multiplier"
When an event happens (like for instance, when the boyfriend of someone I shot a scene with shows up at the office) and i look at the boyfriend's stats, those stats remain overlaid on the screen after the event is over. (Goes away when i leave the office)
When answering the questions for Zatanna, the correct answers register as incorrect. Also, it seems like the Witcher dice game is rigged. I lose almost all the time. It's weird because I have no control over the outcome.
At the university, when I click on the hourglass and skip an hour, it puts me back in the lobby. So, when I am going to the library trying to run through the Maya (i think that's her name) quest, I have to go to the library, click the hourglass, get sent to the lobby, click back on the library, repeat. Also, really looking forward to the rest of the university being populated. Hot teacher would be a plus. School mascot (in a big furry costume) would be hilarious (albeit pointless).
In addition, college nerd NPCs like on the Simpsons would be funny (probably useless, but you could do some funny storylines like panty raids and the crusty old dean who wants to shut down the rowdy fraternity). Also.. a sorority. I mean, come on. So much material here! Actually, if you added a frat house, that could be a place where we could recruit dudes. Recruiting males remains a big problem in this game.
This is an old error, but still present: Nipple piercings hover far in front of the nipples
There's an event involving a rival business that doesn't seem to be working correctly. It literally says: "Nasty has been paying RANDOM_GIRL a lot more for her scenes than we've been."
My playthrough went sour in the second month and I'm not sure why. I've played this game a lot and I know how to survive in the first few months, yet I can't figure out where my money went on this playthrough. I think it had to do with the car wash. I bought the car wash, assigned girls to it... and..? What does it do? No income that I can see.
When I visit the car wash, none of my girls (or any girls) appear. But at the end of the month, my profits were in the shitter. I actually ended up at -$3,000! I had to use a money cheat to keep going (i hate using cheats, other than the stat cheats, as leveling up stats is a bit of a chore at this point).
Also, in previous builds, I found that I could open a website focused on one girl, and then just shoot a shit-ton of scenes with her and make a pile of money. But I tried that in this new build and it didn't work. In fact, i had less subscribers when I shot more than the required amount. I opened a second site, also focused on a single girl, and I am sticking to just the recommended amount (2/2, 5/5, etc) and she has more subscribers despite having less scenes.
Once the car wash is fleshed out, i think you should do some wet t-shirt clothing options. Seems to make sense. And I still would really like it if performers could get sweaty - wet hair, shiny skin, etc. Also, definitely need more variety in the sounds. These moans have gotten real old, although I probably am playing this more than most.
The STD issue is improved. I'm not having insane game-ending outbreaks like in earlier versions. I got an STD once, was able to go to the hospital and take care of it without too much hassle.
I still think that the perk values when making your character need to be completely overhauled. 15 points for being immune to STDs is absolutely insane. Almost all of the drawback options are completely game-crippling IMO. To me, the lone viable option is giving myself an extra $50,000 at the start in exchange for having skills train thrice (THRICE!!) as slow. And the only reason I pick that is because I use the cheat menu to boost my stats.
Anyway, great work, I'm glad the game is still rolling along.
I'm dirt poor and I can afford ten fucking dollars for this game, you cheap bastards in this thread begging for links need to cough up some dough for the love of god.