Some bugs I noticed playing 0.83b so far along with steps to reproduce:
Resizing bugs
- Start any sex scene (actors/actresses are in initial idle standing position). Open right-side menu. Click on "resize (test)" checkbox to enable. Model will resize (in my case, she shrunk). Click on "resize (test)" checkbox to disable. Model will not change back to original size but will stay the same size. Click on "resize (test)" checkbox to enable again. Model will resize again (in my case, she shrank a 2nd time so she was two sizes smaller than she was originally).
- Start any sex scene and then pick any position. Enable resize. Model resizes. Then pick a different position. Enable resize checkbox is checked but model goes back to original size.
- Start any sex scene and then pick a position in which any actor/actress can cum. Enable resize. Model resizes. Then either manually have actor/actress cum or wait for them cum naturally. When the cum animation starts, model will go back to original size.
I think resizing option (whether enabled or disabled) should persist across not only sex positions and cum animations within the same sex scene, but it should also persist across all sex scenes. For example, let's say I have 2 girls, Girl A and Girl B. Let's say that default height for both girls is 165 cm, but their actual/resized heights are 162 cm (Girl A) and 160 cm (Girl B). So if I start a sex scene with Girl A, she starts at 165 cm. If I resize her during the sex scene, she is now 162 cm. Let's say I end the sex scene with resize option still enabled. Then I start a new sex scene with Girl B. When the new sex scene starts, the resize option should start as enabled (because it's what the player last chose in any sex scene) and Girl B should start resized at 160 cm.
- Tooltip for prostitution says "-10 Energy" but when you prostitute yourself it actually costs no Energy. I'm guessing prostituting yourself is supposed to cost Energy and Reputation, and improve Sex Skill. Currently, it only seems to decrease Reputation.
- Go to the Street at night. So the background should be a darkened alley. Then start a sex scene by prostitution selecting the first option (i.e. go to a private place). The sex scene will begin but the background will be an alley during daytime. So the sex scene background doesn't reflect the correct time of day.
- I've met police a few times, but it doesn't seem the player gets punished when they get caught. Not sure if this is a bug or if the punishment just hasn't been implemented yet.
Other comments:
I noticed that there's more customization options now when creating the PC, including choosing any hairstyle. Very cool. Still crossing my fingers for player import-export feature to make it easier to start new games (assuming the player wants to restart with same or similar settings for the PC)
Renaming original name and porn name of models seems to be working well.
I think I've seen someone else on this forum suggest limiting sex acts in porn scenes based on the subject of the porn scene. For example if the porn scene is supposed to be an anal scene, then when you view the scene, non-anal animations should probably be restricted or at least the act of cumming should not be the result of a position that doesn't include anal. I support that idea because it's realistic and because it makes scenes more unique/special. And I think this should be extended to prostitution events (whether player-initiated or ones where the player is approached) where the client asks for a certain sex act and you need to fulfill the request. For example, if the client asks for oral, then during the sex scene you need to give them oral at least once and if you don't, then the client doesn't pay (or you get punished in some other way).
Thanks and keep up the good work.