This is my favorite update so far.
Unfortunately, something I ran into stopped me in my tracks.
When signing a contract with a girl, she still refuses to do what she is contracted to do because her depravity is too low. Which pretty much kills the game cause there is still no real way to increase depravity past a certain point that I know of.
The new contract system is just too expensive. Unless I'm a dumbass and my calculator lied to me, it just doesn't add up. The only way I could make it work is by recruiting girls at tier 0 pay with a 10% chance of success and then signing them the same day for 2 years doing only 1 type of scene, and even then I wasn't sure I'd make a return on the investment.
I'm still having a lot of trouble with the production. I can't figure out exactly the problem, but the auto-fill just doesn't seem to fill the studios. I understand that there are a bunch of factors involved, but I'd like to see a contingency implemented where these available slots are filled by any means.
I can recruit girls just fine, where I struggle is finding men... Honestly, you should be able to step outside and grab anyone to fill this role. So I set my PA to recruit male models. The tooltip says it'll take three days (72 hours) to find a male. Sometimes it takes 5 days, other times it takes 20, and other times it takes 10 while three men show up all at once. The most frustrating part now is that, like the women, I have to offer them tier 0 pay to contract them or they end up costing more than the female models.
Like I mentioned at the start, this is my favorite update so far, and the game is more playable than ever. I just can't help but to feel that the old contract system was better. I do, however, like the idea of contracts molding to the tastes of the model, but I think making any act that requires less depravity not increase the contract price is the way to go here.