Hans Zuchter

Nov 21, 2021
I've got a suggestion for improving the UI. I noticed that the game tries to keep track of all the girls you bone, which kind of breaks down when you're pushing "hidden camera" and that number shoots into the 100+ area. Still, having pictures & names on a list helps keep track which is nice. Then I noticed in the pregnancies tab that all it gives you is the name of the baby-momma and that's it. Seems like that would be the more important of the two lists, but it doesn't give any pictures of the girls in question. Neither list provides any direct links.

That's when I realized what the UI really needs here is hyperlinks and a rolodex structure. Meaning a separate database, normally hidden (no tab) of all such relevant girls that can be accessed by clicking on their names in the UI. That way you can have & access data even if they're quit, been fired, hired by a rival, retired, etc. If you recycle the same format as employees you'd have a simple, universal system for tracking everyone. This would also let you trim down that "who've you've fucked" list to names only, which would keep it from bugging out when the list gets too long because it would only try to access their portrait when you looking at their specific entry.


Dec 26, 2019
I've got a suggestion for improving the UI. I noticed that the game tries to keep track of all the girls you bone, which kind of breaks down when you're pushing "hidden camera" and that number shoots into the 100+ area. Still, having pictures & names on a list helps keep track which is nice. Then I noticed in the pregnancies tab that all it gives you is the name of the baby-momma and that's it. Seems like that would be the more important of the two lists, but it doesn't give any pictures of the girls in question. Neither list provides any direct links.

That's when I realized what the UI really needs here is hyperlinks and a rolodex structure. Meaning a separate database, normally hidden (no tab) of all such relevant girls that can be accessed by clicking on their names in the UI. That way you can have & access data even if they're quit, been fired, hired by a rival, retired, etc. If you recycle the same format as employees you'd have a simple, universal system for tracking everyone. This would also let you trim down that "who've you've fucked" list to names only, which would keep it from bugging out when the list gets too long because it would only try to access their portrait when you looking at their specific entry.
Hell Yes. This, please!!


New Member
Aug 11, 2020
Maybe they're already in and I just don't know where to look, but it would be nice if non-white blonde/redhead models could spawn naturally. Try to avoid changing my models' appearance, but you occasionally get contracts for these and I've never found one out in the wild. Could make them super rare, but it would just be nice to find one every once in a while.
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May 2, 2020
Any plans to fix the starting-location-other-than-United-States issues?
Can't even put girls into strip club and see them ... only whatever skanks the game chooses. Not even the female MC.
I need to "fly them over" for "waiting for casting."


Aug 19, 2016
Haven't played this game in a few years, it has come a long ways! Very impressed with its evolution.

I'm also quite excited to find out that a suggestion I made in 2017 ended up in the game!

Screenshot 2023-09-21 181555.jpg

With that said, I've been making some custom characters based on real people, but I noticed some weird glitches (maybe?) during character creation.

Maybe I'm tripping but there are these moles that show up in random spots on the face - And I've had to re-create a few characters from scratch to get rid of them. This has happened on three characters so far and I can't figure out what causes it.

Megan (photo below) has it on the right, next to her eye. I've had the mole next to the lips a few times in different spots as well. Any ideas what is happening there? Maybe I'm doing something to trigger it. Also, another bug is when I import the character to make further edits, the Prefs bars reset (But not what is registered, it just becomes impossible to set proper percentages), the bio drop downs are reset (but not what is registered), the ethnicity resets (but not what is registered), and custom hair colors switch to Alt Hair trait, even though it correctly gueses the hair color, and I am forced to apply an override.

Also, just a suggestion but can we have the Bio tab drop downs alphabetically sorted?


On another note, is anyone interested in a bunch of real characters? Porn stars, celebs? etc? I wouldn't focus too much on their 2D appearance, but I would probably want to crowdsource their starting stats. Fitness, beauty, charisma, Sex Skills, etc. I have their fame set based on their PornHub rating at this point, but anyway. Let me know if there is any interest in something of this nature.

1695346748799.png 1695346781820.png
1695346943659.png 1695346833165.png


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 18, 2017
Any plans to fix the starting-location-other-than-United-States issues?
Can't even put girls into strip club and see them ... only whatever skanks the game chooses. Not even the female MC.
I need to "fly them over" for "waiting for casting."
i have to think that one through
will check whats with the stripclub. seems to be working fine for me. whatever it was it's probably fixed.
Haven't played this game in a few years, it has come a long ways! Very impressed with its evolution.

I'm also quite excited to find out that a suggestion I made in 2017 ended up in the game!

View attachment 2947054

With that said, I've been making some custom characters based on real people, but I noticed some weird glitches (maybe?) during character creation.

Maybe I'm tripping but there are these moles that show up in random spots on the face - And I've had to re-create a few characters from scratch to get rid of them. This has happened on three characters so far and I can't figure out what causes it.

Megan (photo below) has it on the right, next to her eye. I've had the mole next to the lips a few times in different spots as well. Any ideas what is happening there? Maybe I'm doing something to trigger it. Also, another bug is when I import the character to make further edits, the Prefs bars reset (But not what is registered, it just becomes impossible to set proper percentages), the bio drop downs are reset (but not what is registered), the ethnicity resets (but not what is registered), and custom hair colors switch to Alt Hair trait, even though it correctly gueses the hair color, and I am forced to apply an override.

Also, just a suggestion but can we have the Bio tab drop downs alphabetically sorted?

View attachment 2947062

On another note, is anyone interested in a bunch of real characters? Porn stars, celebs? etc? I wouldn't focus too much on their 2D appearance, but I would probably want to crowdsource their starting stats. Fitness, beauty, charisma, Sex Skills, etc. I have their fame set based on their PornHub rating at this point, but anyway. Let me know if there is any interest in something of this nature.

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everyone gets their wish fulfilled, it just takes an eternity
yea beauty marks, i've changed some code and forgot that old failsafes dont work anymore. should be fine now.
will check the import stuff.
bios are now ab sorted


btw feature nobody knows about
if you create mods/portraits/ directory
make 150x120 png or jpg of some char (same ratio but bigger will probably also work, not tested)
match filename with the character's real name(not porn name), case sensitive
it will now display that portrait image
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Aug 19, 2016
Yep, I noticed the portraits and have been making those as I create the game version of the characters - I start with a 750x600 canvas in PS and reduce size to 150x120 before saving. I noticed larger images degrade when they're downsized in game (noticeably with PNG) I guess might be worth looking at.

Thanks for looking / fixing the other stuff!
Feb 13, 2023
How do I increase relations with the police? I hired Debby and Dillon as security, but the police at the station keep telling me to scram. Do I have to buy some property to get their attention or something?
Feb 13, 2023

in short, when you get a new bulid it should work with the previous build saves
Really? Once I downloaded v0.83 awhile back, it only gave me the option to start a new game and I couldn't load a saved file.

Idk, maybe it's because I needed to keep the previous version and I deleted off of my PC by accident.
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Feb 13, 2023
Just use the new build if no much changed. It seems like the saves is not in the game folder.
It doesn't seem like it, but nonetheless, I downloaded the latest v0.84 version and it seemed to work. I think the key is that you just need to keep the previous version for your save progress to carry over. The saved data seems to be integrated into the .exe file somehow.


Dec 25, 2017
It doesn't seem like it, but nonetheless, I downloaded the latest v0.84 version and it seemed to work. I think the key is that you just need to keep the previous version for your save progress to carry over. The saved data seems to be integrated into the .exe file somehow.
It's not built into the executable, no. Saves are stored in a special storage folder shared by all Godot games. It's the folder where you put mods, too.


Mar 20, 2019
can someone tell me what I need to do when a scene is stuck "In Pre-Production" permanently? I had taken a work order and when the date I set arrived nothing happened and I tried searching every button in all of the UI but couldn't figure out how to film the scene. It's still "In Pre-Production". I tried fast forwarding a few days but its permanently at that status. How do I move on from the status "In Pre-Production"?

Ok so I bought a set, set up the equipment and hired a director. Still in "In Pre-Production". No idea how to move into production tho...
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Hans Zuchter

Nov 21, 2021
So a persistent problem I've noticed is that when you're you home office screen (where all your models & business info are) new data doesn't visually update unless you leave the building and return to it.

Just one example (there are plenty of others) is that if I change someone's salary it won't show as changed until I exit the entire building and come back to it. The same it true of pretty much every other data point, too. It's like leaving & coming back are the only way to make the screen refresh. Clear all my phone messages and the phone keeps flashing until I leave and come back. Change a PA's role and it doesn't show on the PA tab unless I leave and come back. It's a minor annoyance, sure, but when you have to do it ten times in a row it became more than minor.

I know this may be a limitation of the Godot engine, but if it can be fixed, please do. Or at least add a "refresh page" function to F5 like web browsers have.

Next bug, and this is probably my own damn fault for being such a pig, but if you manage to knock up two randos in one day they will both try to show up with the pregnancy announcement at the same time and this not only causes both of their models to end up superimposed on top of each other, but the second one's dialog will get shoved behind the first one. You can still chose an option from the front/top layer NPC but the second one bugs out and vanishes as soon as you do and, AFIK, the response the game chooses for you is random.

Now for a request: The artwork for pregnant girls is one-size fits all. This means they go from flat stomach to ready to burst overnight. I think it would be better if we had three trimesters worth of bump curve instead, and that first trimester honestly should even count as "preggo" for categories because IRL it's barely even noticeable. Second should count as normal and the third should get a bonus for that fetish because that's when they finally get huge. Also the preggo outfits don't quite fit right over their asses & they constantly randomize - chose one for a girl and five minutes later she'll be wearing something else. They game obviously doesn't store that information anywhere. Should be an easy fix.

Pregnancy chances should be higher for teens & lower for MILFs. Again, should be simple to add. Also would be nice to have a game start option for "birth control not 100% effective" for those of us who like to live dangerously.

Would be interesting if rando NPC's could have actual spouses instead of just jealous boyfriends, and an option (high charisma) to convince them to tell their significant other that your secret bastard is theirs (like in Lab Rats). Catch is that such characters would be harder to seduce in the first place (or would they?)

Speaking of which... traits affecting chances of initial seduction would be a nice & simple addition. A girl with the Nympho trait should be very easy to get into bed, while a Frigid girl should be much harder. While we're at it, let's steal the dialog mechanics from Starfield for seduction: You get three passes of dialog, each one gives you 3-5 choices, each one with different chances of success (based on your stats vs her likes) and is worth X amount of points. You have to total Y number of points to seduce her within those three tries.

Here's a video. It's not that complicated, really.

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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 18, 2017
can someone tell me what I need to do when a scene is stuck "In Pre-Production" permanently? I had taken a work order and when the date I set arrived nothing happened and I tried searching every button in all of the UI but couldn't figure out how to film the scene. It's still "In Pre-Production". I tried fast forwarding a few days but its permanently at that status. How do I move on from the status "In Pre-Production"?

Ok so I bought a set, set up the equipment and hired a director. Still in "In Pre-Production". No idea how to move into production tho...
there are some cases when you remove a girl or director from your game while scene is in preprod, it may bug out and not cancel.
maybe you can manually cancel, it all depends what flags are set in code.

So a persistent problem I've noticed is that when you're you home office screen (where all your models & business info are) new data doesn't visually update unless you leave the building and return to it.

Just one example (there are plenty of others) is that if I change someone's salary it won't show as changed until I exit the entire building and come back to it. The same it true of pretty much every other data point, too. It's like leaving & coming back are the only way to make the screen refresh. Clear all my phone messages and the phone keeps flashing until I leave and come back. Change a PA's role and it doesn't show on the PA tab unless I leave and come back. It's a minor annoyance, sure, but when you have to do it ten times in a row it became more than minor.

I know this may be a limitation of the Godot engine, but if it can be fixed, please do. Or at least add a "refresh page" function to F5 like web browsers have.

Next bug, and this is probably my own damn fault for being such a pig, but if you manage to knock up two randos in one day they will both try to show up with the pregnancy announcement at the same time and this not only causes both of their models to end up superimposed on top of each other, but the second one's dialog will get shoved behind the first one. You can still chose an option from the front/top layer NPC but the second one bugs out and vanishes as soon as you do and, AFIK, the response the game chooses for you is random.

Now for a request: The artwork for pregnant girls is one-size fits all. This means they go from flat stomach to ready to burst overnight. I think it would be better if we had three trimesters worth of bump curve instead, and that first trimester honestly should even count as "preggo" for categories because IRL it's barely even noticeable. Second should count as normal and the third should get a bonus for that fetish because that's when they finally get huge. Also the preggo outfits don't quite fit right over their asses & they constantly randomize - chose one for a girl and five minutes later she'll be wearing something else. They game obviously doesn't store that information anywhere. Should be an easy fix.

Pregnancy chances should be higher for teens & lower for MILFs. Again, should be simple to add. Also would be nice to have a game start option for "birth control not 100% effective" for those of us who like to live dangerously.

Would be interesting if rando NPC's could have actual spouses instead of just jealous boyfriends, and an option (high charisma) to convince them to tell their significant other that your secret bastard is theirs (like in Lab Rats). Catch is that such characters would be harder to seduce in the first place (or would they?)

Speaking of which... traits affecting chances of initial seduction would be a nice & simple addition. A girl with the Nympho trait should be very easy to get into bed, while a Frigid girl should be much harder. While we're at it, let's steal the dialog mechanics from Starfield for seduction: You get three passes of dialog, each one gives you 3-5 choices, each one with different chances of success (based on your stats vs her likes) and is worth X amount of points. You have to total Y number of points to seduce her within those three tries.

Here's a video. It's not that complicated, really.

i have to connect every data change to an ui element(or more of them) and sometimes i just forgot to do it.
until everything is sorted out, as a hacky refresh button you could use H which teleports you to the office.

pregnancy stages are in from the start. there are 4.
it should be working, easiest way to test is going to hospital and spam wait for preggos to respawn and check if their bellies change.
unless somewhere else is bugged, but it shouldnt be since it's using the same system.
i may do preg stage related bonuses. it shouldnt be hard.

you're right and i've made now that fertility starts to decline after 25. i've set the limit to 45 without perks or fert pills.
birth control is not 100% effective, it's 98%. in v0.9 you can slightly increase the chance with perks and pills.

it's been implemented for quite some time that npcs when spawned they get assigned a status (single, in relationship or married)
thing is i havent used it yet, coz thinking about it too hard i convinced myself it wouldnt work.
most chicks in relationship should turn you down. but also most chicks are taken. most also arent whores that would cheat on first night of meeting you (like now).
it was suggested before that even if you fail, you could use some line at the end like "hope i meet her again" and she becomes permanent.
so next time you meet her, you could increse relationship, which increases favor and you may be able to convince her to join the photoshoot or more.
then you could do scenarios like meeting her somewhere with her husband and fucking her in the backroom.

starfield persuasion minigame is pretty nice. i'd had to abstract it a lot, cant write persuasion 1000 lines.
4.10 star(s) 62 Votes