Porn game suggestions


Dec 5, 2018
I'm needing suggestions on what game to play for my pornhub account. If you have any leave them in the comments


Nov 4, 2020
People still post gameplay videos on PH?
Pink Reiko could be worth a look, unless you're one of those people on the crusade against NTR


Active Member
Sep 20, 2018
I have no idea what kind of audience you are aiming for, but I can take a swag at 1 or 2 games for ya.

Night of Revenge would be my suggestion. It is a platformer, with a bit of blood and a few fatality screens that can be a bit gruesome if you aren't aware of them, but it was a pretty good game and I actually liked the way the game ended, even if I was pissed as hell when I first ran into it.

If you aren't afraid of some monster porn ... and slightly static RenPy style game play, you might want to take a peek at a game called The Pilgrimage. It is a SciFi parody of Mass Effect with the character Tali'zora as the main protagonist.

I would suggest some others but most of them are RPG maker games and I don't think those make for good videos.