Unity - Abandoned - Porn Talent Agency [Build 1] [ViccoGames]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    So, obviously this is a very early build so its not going to look pretty or polished in any way shape or form. However, whats more important is that is has a good BASE to build uppong into becoming a good game.

    So here are some things that I don't like or think can be improved (note, doesn't mean the dev should make all this changes exactly as I say, and maybe they are planning on doing these already but didn't implemented it yet):

    1. There is nothing telling you that you should start with trying to hire people from university, as they are more likely to accept the contract

    2. Maybe I missed it, but the tutorial doesn't tell you that you HAVE to test for stds each actore before they can take contracts

    3. You can find gay people outside the gay bar, which kinda defeats the purpose of having a specific place to find gay people imo but whatever

    4. Because of the nature of the gama contracts, bisexual characters are just superiors and there is really no reason to just skip everyone who isn't bisexual

    5. There is no way to train the actors to level up their skills, so once you already have 2 actors you are kinda stuck doing nothing, hoping for a suitable contract to appear.

    6. There is no load save inside the game, you are forced to go back to the main menu

    7. Only 4 save slots in a managing game is a recipe for disaster, if you don't wanna make a bigger menu, just give us the option to open them via operating system file manager or something, same way you load a word document

    8. Now this is something more of a personal taste but it seems that there will be no interactions with the characters outside of making them do contracts, personally I would like some random dialogue or the ability for the player to fuck the actors.

    Lastly, the most important part: It needs to have its gameplay loop reinforced. Right now is way too repetitive and not that engaging (and the lack of any kind of porn stimulus outside of random moans doesn't help).

    Again, it is too early to really say anything concrete about this game, the potential is there but it has to improve.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Well i don't think this game have any Hentai pictures or animations...
    I hired 1 male and 1 female i can't make them to do anything...

    Well i did one thing i runned test for AIDS Syphylis etc. for girl... i lost 70$ on it... cool feature in game...

    There is no exit button in "Jobs" menu... only way to exit that menu is clicking black space outside menu... maybe Red button in top right corrner is needed like in other menus?...

    2 Music can start playing at same time... thats really cool effect... no its fucking annoying...

    White text very thin text on very bright green background?... You can remove text and get same effect...

    I know that even title says "Build 1" but... well...

    After while i lost ability to hire more Actors... i dont know if 2 are limit or something but buttons were not even showing options anymore... well i did uploaded video so You can see it and well... there is also double music too... on video...