2.50 star(s) 10 Votes


Jul 19, 2019
There's a seed of something good here.

Like a lot of others in the thread, I think the game needs more reason to favour some cards over others. At the moment there's no reason not to pick the link characters with the biggest attack, 95% of the cardpool is irrelevant and will only be used because the player doesn't have anything better (or because they want to see the animations associated with those cards).

The first step is to use what you've already got. The defence stat isn't doing much at the moment because there's not much of an advantage to successfully defending, if you're going to lose there's no reason to build up a decent defence, you might as well just attack now and restart with no penalty. Have some consequence to a successful defence: Let the defender draw some extra cards or have an extra turn or something.

Then once attack, defence and linking all matter, split them between different characters. At the moment you have cards that have high attack and high defence and can be played linked, the game would be much more interesting if no character had one of those three things. Then there's some legitimate choice between cards, you have to decide what you want. Of course you can still have all-rounders, but a specialist will be better than them. Have some standard like "A specialist has one stat at 80 but the other not above 50" or "A generalist has both stats at at least 50 but never above 70" or "A character with linking has 30 points of stat reductions split between their stats or sometimes entirely on one or the other"

Just having 3 relevant things lets you add a fair chunk of variety to how the cards work.

Once that's working you can look at adding more. A simple thing might be to put icons on cards representing various aspects of the models, put them on finishers, teases, and models and throw a +20 bonus when they match. Then "number of icons" becomes another lever you can use to differentiate characters.

The trick is to have ways to make the characters different to each other in ways that aren't just "This character is always best in all situations"


Sep 22, 2018
If you care about any sort of constructive feedback here you go, some of this is common sense and might already be planned idk;

1. Card bloat
There are simply too many cards in the game. Feels more like a collectathon for videos than a card game. There is no reason to use certain cards other than to try and unlock the videos which is pretty lame. It just feels more like a gallery sim. The game itself has very little substance. Instead of adding item cards the cards themselves should have abilities OR both equips and abilities. Just feels like early Yugioh where 100 atk vanilla monsters are completely useless.

2. Energy system
Clearly the two required cards you need to attack are basically just energy cards, and while broad resources like that are simple, it kills any kind of archetype this game can have. Archetypes diversify gameplay. Currently the gameloop is the same exact thing with luck being the only factor if you draw your resources first.

3. Bugs
Game becomes borderline unplayable unless you know that you're not allowed to drag a card and place it back in your hand. It gets stuck and you can't select it anymore not even to discard.

4. Overall
High potential, bug fixes should be top priority. I would suggest adding either archetypes (or categories) or giving cards unique effects so that the play isn't just to hope you draw the biggest number as fast as possible. The action and sex cards should also give specific effects and you can do this if you implement archetypes by giving certain cards benefits for being paired with others.
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New Member
Nov 19, 2017
I actually really like this game, I think it has great potential. Here are some bugs I encountered and suggestions for the game.

so far i encountered just two bugs. The first is not game breaking but annoying, the second on is game breaking:
1. Every time you go into another screen the audio volume resets to 100%
2. When you put a card into a zone it doesn't belong in or you try to put it onto the field without having an action left, the card freezes in your hand and becomes unplayable.

1. Add an option to sort your cards in the deck builder. At the moment we can just filter them but not sort them. It would be a great quality of life improvement if we could sort them by: name, rarity, type, attack, defence, sum of stats. This would make it easier to find cards faster to add to the deck and to find duplicates to sell for example.
2. Add an effect to actions and finishers, like extra damage or effects, because right now they are unfortunately quite useless.
3. Maybe add effects, synergies or specialists (like in the message above) to the porn stars to make them more unique and to incentivise to play the porn stars we like the most.

All in all I think the game is quite fun and playable for a release version and I look forward to the changes in the future. And please don't let you get demotivated by the negative reviews some people are just a bit to passionate.

PS: English is not my first language so excuse any mistakes or weird sentences.


Oct 10, 2017
I do think the game has a good base to work off of here. The card collecting stimulates a collectable card game well enough, and I think the porn is integrated fairly well.

The gameplay section has problems, but I do think it can work. There's a bit of an interesting dynamic between dedicating more to the board or just waiting for opponent to waste their attack. If there are more card effects then interesting gameplay can open up. Preferably this should be attached to the girls in some way. As they are now, they're just boring stat piles with the possibility of linking.

Take a card with relatively poor stats but she could play a tease from your hand or something. With this the player could hurry up and attempt an attack at the expense of having a weaker attacker. There could be girls who have big stats but require losing something (maybe a tease already in play?) or weak girls who draw a Cumshot from your deck. This could also give you more space for more cards that aren't the same girl with different stats. Or maybe the same girl can have a similar effect, giving her a theme in a way.

Wiping the board with every attack seem bad. No matter what the attacker should always attack (besides the niche play of a link girl helping.) If you can't catch up to the opponent in the card count to girl+tease+cumshot then there's no point doing anything if you can block their attack. No idea where to start balance wise though. Making health a number that goes down based upon how hard your girl hits could help.

There should be cards that are really good. These feel good to pull, and we don't have to consider multiplayer balance here. They should be usable in ways besides just stats, but big flashy cards are fun.

I think how cards are drawn and turns are ended now feels odd. It feels real bad discarding to end turn even if it doesn't matter too much in the grand scheme of things.

And yea, obviously fix bugs first. I was a little rude with my post about the 3 cards in a deck, apologies for that.
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New Member
Jun 27, 2018
How do you get more action cards? I beat the story and I've opened 10 plus packs and still no new action cards. i only have the tease action. Am I missing something?


Jun 23, 2020
How do you get more action cards? I beat the story and I've opened 10 plus packs and still no new action cards. i only have the tease action. Am I missing something?
Nope, you are doing it right. Action cards seems to be extremely hard to spawn.


Mar 25, 2022
The priority by my point of view is to fix this if not the game it's unplayable as only thing that you can do is conceed.

"When you put a card into a zone it doesn't belong in or you try to put it onto the field without having an action left, the card freezes in your hand and becomes unplayable."
Sep 29, 2022
Great job on your work!

However, I have a few remarks and suggestions:

Default Deck:

  • Why is no deck automatically created when launching the game?
  • If I understand correctly, there are only 30 base cards that must be manually placed to build a deck. What is the purpose of this mechanic? An option to generate a default deck would be appreciated.
Missing Options:

  • Essential options like screen size adjustments or music volume control are missing.
  • The volume setting seems to reset with every new scene or soundtrack, which is frustrating.

  • The lack of a tutorial makes it harder to get started. A quick guide to explain the game's basics would be really helpful, especially for new players.
Card Interface:

  • Cards should automatically sort and position themselves based on their type. This would eliminate the need for tedious drag-and-drop mechanics.
  • The cards at the bottom of the screen (the player's hand) are not very visible. They should be moved higher, enlarged, or better highlighted.

In fact, after playing a card, you have to drag and drop a card into the Discard pile to end your turn. This is not at all ergonomic, why this choice? Also, this spot should be highlighted, because I thought it was just another spot like the others.

Card gameplay :

Allowing the replacement of an already placed card, such as a Character card, would provide more strategic possibilities.
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Sep 29, 2022
BUG #1:

  • If you try to play a card in an incorrect spot or after receiving the message:
    "A card has already been played this turn!"
  • The card freezes (Freeze) and becomes unusable
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New Member
Sep 25, 2017
I can't click the draw button, attack and surrender work. Is there something else I am supposed to be doing?



New Member
Sep 25, 2017
Have a deck created, it only happens when I go first, so I just need to surrender until cpu goes first
Sep 29, 2022
Sorry, I might be annoying by creating 50 posts, but ideas keep coming up.

Easy issue with the deck

It’s extremely easy to break the game since there is no card limit imposed on the deck. For example, I sold a few cards, bought a rare pack, and created a deck with only 10 cards, including 3 overpowered Character cards as well as Action and Finisher cards. As a result, I draw these cards every game and win every time, even on default difficulty.

In the example with my hand of overpowered Character cards, even if the opponent attacks first, I always win, even without having all the necessary Finisher or Action cards.

Current issue:

Right now, the gameplay mainly relies on the attack and defense stats of the Character cards. If the opponent places two powerful cards, you can already predict that you will lose. There is very little room for strategy beyond these basic stats.

Suggestion for improvement:

Adding more complexity to Finisher and Action cards would introduce a layer of strategy so that battles are not only determined by the attack and defense of the Character cards. This could help balance the gameplay and allow for more diverse strategies, preventing the outcome from being predictable based on just a few powerful cards.

Suggestion for improvement:

Add stats (e.g., attack, defense, etc.) to the Finisher and Action cards to make battles more interesting and strategic.


do torrent. go fast.
Dec 17, 2020
The download is corrupt:

ERROR: Data Error : PBattle 2/D3D12/D3D12Core.dll
Sub items Errors: 1
Archives with Errors: 1
Warnings: 1
Open Errors: 1


New Member
Mar 29, 2023
How do you get more action cards? I beat the story and I've opened 10 plus packs and still no new action cards. i only have the tease action. Am I missing something?
Buy 100$ pack, sell everything (in inventory throw the card in the middle), given there are small chance of rare-epic card and cards are worth 10 for common, 20 for rare, 30 for epic, you should get back more than 100. Repeat... you now have infinite money and can cycle through hundreds of cards. Obviously keep the actions. Most pornstars seem to have an epic version and besides tease i've seen blowjob, sex and anal. But some clips are missing for some pornstars.
Anyway bit tedious and the game itself also need some refinement. Good start though.


Active Member
Jul 22, 2017
As a CARD game, it's just garbage. A PILE OF NITPICKING.

  1. There’s no basic tutorial for beginners.
  2. What genius thought it was a good idea to make you THROW A CARD to pass the turn to your opponent?
  3. Why does the DUAL CARD mechanic work whenever it feels like it? At first, I thought you needed identical cards, BUT the enemy could put completely different cards on the table, while for me it worked inconsistently. Sometimes the DUAL card simply refused to go into the SLOT and flew back into the deck.
  4. What’s the deal with the (PUNISHMENT) mechanic where a card gets frozen in the deck, and you can’t do anything with it?
  5. WHY isn’t there an option to simply skip a turn if I see I’m losing on points? There’s only the SURRENDER option, which just exits the game -_-
  6. How does the win/lose mechanic even work? If the AI attacks me and has fewer points, why doesn’t it lose a heart? And the same applies to me. If neither I nor the AI gather the necessary points during an ATTACK, it’s treated like a tie. BUT if the attacker scores more points, they obviously win. THIS IS DUMB!
  7. Why can’t I (as a player) see how many cards the AI opponent has? Maybe it’s just drawing them out of thin air -_-
  8. Awful GRIND for money to buy epic cards with minimal chances, and the odds of getting what you actually want are practically zero -_-
  9. 70% of the actresses are terrible (I get it—this is subjective, but when I saw a scary one in the EPIC deck, it actually frightened me).
  10. What stopped them from adding a resolution adjustment for the interface? It’s almost impossible to read the text.
Considering this is already the second installment, I think the developer hasn’t learned from their mistakes. The game (if you can even call it that) needs a lot of rework and changes. But the developer clearly decided to invent THEIR OWN version of card games, and it’s just nonsense.

Mods could still save it (e.g., adding your own actresses and videos), BUT since this is Unity, it’s very difficult to do. (HTML-based games make this much easier; I remember a game about a CLUB where you had to attract staff and upgrade the club itself, and you could add actresses yourself.)

IN SHORT—after an hour of playing, it left me feeling completely disheartened. The only desire it sparked was to DELETE it -_-.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 2, 2021
Alright, some feedback.

The 'card is locked in your hand' bug seems to be whenever one makes a mistake and plays a card in the wrong spot or after you've already played a card. Once that happens with a card, that card is forever locked to your hand, immobile. Others have noticed it, I'm just adding what I've discovered to be the apparent cause.

Duos are -way- too strong--or perhaps non-duoable girls are not strong enough. Because girls that can't duo have the same range of stats as those that can duo, but those that can duo have more flexibility of how/when they can be played, there is never any reason strategically to include girls that can't duo. It doesn't give any advantage.

To that end, coffee is the only item you need. No item comes close in terms of power. The ability to lock them down to one girl, while you can use two, is simply too overpowering to ignore.
2.50 star(s) 10 Votes