As a CARD game, it's just garbage. A PILE OF NITPICKING.
- There’s no basic tutorial for beginners. (LM:There was a help button in 1.0.0 but with the display being screwd up, maybe you couldn't see it? Anyway, explanations are now in the menu when Escape is pressed)
- What genius thought it was a good idea to make you THROW A CARD to pass the turn to your opponent? (LM:I think with better mechanics, it is interesting to "sacrifice" a card and maybe has to change an initial strategy)
- Why does the DUAL CARD mechanic work whenever it feels like it? At first, I thought you needed identical cards, BUT the enemy could put completely different cards on the table, while for me it worked inconsistently. Sometimes the DUAL card simply refused to go into the SLOT and flew back into the deck. (LM:Both cards needs to have the unstriked link icon. Some will play a video if I was able to find scenes from the 2 Pornstars)
- What’s the deal with the (PUNISHMENT) mechanic where a card gets frozen in the deck, and you can’t do anything with it? (LM:That was a bug, fixed in 1.0.1)
- WHY isn’t there an option to simply skip a turn if I see I’m losing on points? There’s only the SURRENDER option, which just exits the game -_- (LM
iscarding a card ends your turn, not planning of being able to skip turn)
- How does the win/lose mechanic even work? If the AI attacks me and has fewer points, why doesn’t it lose a heart? And the same applies to me. If neither I nor the AI gather the necessary points during an ATTACK, it’s treated like a tie. BUT if the attacker scores more points, they obviously win. THIS IS DUMB! (LM:It's real simple, successful attack makes the opponent lose a heart.)
- Why can’t I (as a player) see how many cards the AI opponent has? Maybe it’s just drawing them out of thin air -_- (LM:Because you can't see other's people cards in, let's say, poker
AI works depending on the cards placed on board and not what you draw. CPU has deck of 30 to 40 cards always).)
- Awful GRIND for money to buy epic cards with minimal chances, and the odds of getting what you actually want are practically zero -_-
- 70% of the actresses are terrible (I get it—this is subjective, but when I saw a scary one in the EPIC deck, it actually frightened me).
- What stopped them from adding a resolution adjustment for the interface? It’s almost impossible to read the text.
Considering this is already the second installment, I think the developer hasn’t learned from their mistakes. The game (if you can even call it that) needs a lot of rework and changes. But the developer clearly decided to invent THEIR OWN version of card games, and it’s just nonsense.
Mods could still save it (e.g., adding your own actresses and videos), BUT since this is Unity, it’s very difficult to do. (HTML-based games make this much easier; I remember a game about a CLUB where you had to attract staff and upgrade the club itself, and you could add actresses yourself.)
IN SHORT—after an hour of playing, it left me feeling completely disheartened. The only desire it sparked was to DELETE it -_-.