- Oct 23, 2018
- 359
- 236
THIS ^Something I've learned recently to cope with internet critique is that these people talk WILD because they don't have to look someone in the eye to say it. They forget they're talking to a person. They're going for the big 'own' because they think that's how you win arguments and everything is an argument on the internet. If they're coming at you crazy just write down what they dislike in one sentence then banish the comment from your mind.
If I can give you some constructive criticism that I didn't see in the thread:
- The card inventory system would benefit from a sorting system as well as a filter (alphabetical, number of duplicates, ect).
- Currently selling a duplicate card gets rid of the first one in the card list instead of the specific card sold.
- An icon or sound indicating a new card draw when opening packs would be nice.
- If the card design is more-or-less set, mousing over a card in the hand should pull it out further, potentially even push the other cards away slightly to be able to see more of the card than just the top. You might also want to consider a semicircular fan instead of a straight line across the bottom.
- Players already did the math about values when there's a clash, if you're set on the numbers counting up, I'd do them simultaneously instead of one at a time, it's not jarringly slow, but it's an unnecessary wait.
- Buying the $100 pack currently nets you a minimum of $100 back, so that's an infinite-money exploit.
- Implement a deck size minimum, otherwise people can run 4-card decks to guarantee their intended hand.
- (Unconfirmed) Coffee Break can be played after a second performer card was placed and have no effect on the score. I say unconfirmed because I *think* it happened once and I still won but I wasn't paying attention to the totals.
- Cards without the link capability are kinda trash in comparison to the linked pairs.
- Only being able to do one action a turn kinda sucks, and it just results in slower games since the action and finisher cards don't do anything as of right now. You could potentially assign 'types' to performers and have them gain bonuses if the action/finisher matches (maybe unlinkable cards can have a larger bonus), or allow a simultaneous play of two card categories per turn.
i didn't know about the selling exploit but I definitely did mention the hand thing and been meaning to bring it up again since the dev didn't mention it. handling your hand is super cumbersome and being able to see the stats of the card your mouse hovers or you click is digital card game design 101. Even the original having cards discard via 1 click was troublesome due to the occasional accidental click.