Unity - Portals of Phereon [v0.27.0.1] [Syvaron]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    So Portals of Phereon has been in production for years and years.

    It was barely playable when I first tried it. As such it left a poor impression on me and I've avoided it until now.

    Now though it is pretty good.

    The thing about this game is just how much game there is. It has a pokemon system. It has dog breeding. It has battle sex and sex training. Deforestation and battles against slime hives. Dating and rescuing damsels. And item crafting for some reason.

    It's quite the thing now. Kind of snuck up on me.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good, I always get excited when a new update comes, pretty good game, I really enjoy the combat for me its fun to find new members in the portals, I like to find every unique character, and the thing that i enjoy the most is that you don't have to loose to see the artwork.
    Pretty good game in my opinion, one of my favorites :)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A well developed game that I'm surprised isn't finished yet.

    If I have to pick a flaw then It's unavoidable to talk about the lack of a good tutorial (something i personally am fine with because i like to discover how mechanics interact) and clear hotkeys.

    In a very weird sense I would describe the intro to the game as similar to darksouls. It gives the minimal mechanics and info needed but not really examples on how to apply it or why.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Engaging, great art, a fun game overall. I definitely could get a little annoyed at the stamina mechanics, but that's easy enough to either cheat past, or learn to manage. I do wish the characters would be expanded a bit further, but overall, a great game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    It's an excellent game, but it's a hit or miss if you like it or not because it has its peculiarities. Also keep in mind that it is not a porn game with RPG and management elements, it's an RPG management game with some porn in it. Portals of Phereon fills a niche, and it fills it masterfully. I've been playing this from way before i found this site, something like version 0.7 maybe (it's come a loooong way over the years).

    Now that this is out of the way, review.

    Art : as of 0.15.01 the gallery is extensive, with 350+ unique pieces of art on display, and it's really closer to 400 because some gallery entries have multiple artworks. Everything is done in a beautiful hand-painted look, characters look fantastic and have solid designs, without being over-sexualised and out of proportions (some ARE ridiculous but you know and feel it's on purpose, and it's fitting). It's amazing.

    Sound design : this game has no audio, but it doesn't feel lacking either. Just pop your favourite playlist in the background.

    Gameplay : the learning curve is very, very steep, ye been warned; but it's also very satisfying and well crafted. There is no hand-holding tutorial, but there is an extensive library of information to peruse.
    -Many elements of progression interact with each other (RPG exploration, town management and breeding, crafting, quests) and it WILL confuse you at first. But the great thing is that if you feel locked on one avenue of progression, all the others are there to surmount that obstacle. Combining all systems efficiently will skyrocket you into a strong power-fantasy in a short time, and you'll actually feel like a God (story related). Just don't feel bad about losing at first, it gets better and the community will answer your questions helpfully to get you in that sweet spot faster.
    -3 heroes with unique abilities and progression that will make you re-think how you play the game and what your short and long term objectives are (besides the main mission). All of them have the ability to snowball their power when done right.
    -Unlocks for future runs are done through a mix of in-game discoveries and old-shcool type achievements (some more challenging than others, all doable).
    -cheats are available publicly, and will only lock you out of unlocking things (fair enough).
    -difficulty customization of the game. It's extensive, and you can really play as easy or hard as you want through the multitude of options.
    -Replayability value is to the moon

    The porn (is that why you're here?): it's integrated seamlessly into the gameplay, both in the town management and in the RPG exploration. It's the art stills from the characters, some events (both semi-random and active dating), and little animated action bubbles. It's solid enough, and quite wholesome imo, but you should not be afraid of seeing stray dicks or semi/non-human characters.

    Story : there's an actual plot, and the author has put some serious effort into creating a believable story and lore. You can absolutely ignore it, but it is there, and you'll be more involved and get a different perspective depending on which hero you choose to play as.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    In terms of porn content, this game is pretty weak, the artstyle is quite good, there are a bunch of CGs to unlock via dating and other ingame mechanics, but every scene is just so lazily-written that I can't help but smile a bit. There are also not really that many CGs, unless you count every species' portrait (Which are quite nice, I admit).
    I guess that's part of being v0.15 at the time of writing, though.

    Onto the game itself, I think this has the potential to be one of the best adult management games out there, it's extremely fun to start out and fiddle around with different species, biomes, and breeding methods.
    There is a lot of variety between runs, multiple MC choices, multiple starter party members, and huge variety of starting options (Including difficulty ones).
    However, this game is progressing at an incredibly slow pace, there is much that needs to be polished, and the developer really needs to hire someone to write the scenes cause this is honestly embarrassing. Personally, it feels like v1.00 will be released by 2025 if we're lucky. I haven't kept up with the dev much in that regard. I would give it 4/5 but honestly the pace in which it is progressing is making me go 3/5.

    TL;DR: Great game, clearly unfinished, unpolished, but still enjoyable enough to sink numerous hours into if you're looking for a game that has infinitely better management mechanics than it has porn.
    Likes: t727
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Hello my name is Siderophilia and I have played Portals of Phereon v0.15.01 by Syvaron.

    I discovered this game after that YouTube guy flashed the title screen for a split second in one of his videos. From that point on I've spent weeks trying to master the basics, at times putting it aside only to infallibly return at a later point. The thing which has held me back is of course the one thing everybody will tell you about this game; That it suffers from an extremely steep learning curve. This issue is in fact so prevalent that I believe it is preventing a lot of people from enjoying the game, and I don't even believe that it might be mitigated by my review telling people to give it a chance. The game is clearly not for everyone and I wouldn't blame a potential player for giving up on it after multiple attempts at lunging themselves into the game without success. It has taken me multiple restarts only to get a somewhat complete grasp on the gameplay mechanisms. For better or for worse, the game also allows you to ignore major gameplay mechanics for a long time without preventing the player from proceeding. For instance i my early playthroughs I would mismanage my economy, go into debt, have all my characters sleep outside, and in the end the only thing which prevented me from going further was the realization that I wasn't playing the way I was supposed to.

    Despite this issue, the game has managed to reel me back in every time. Portals of Phereon's primary appeal, unlike a lot of games on this site, is the gameplay. The gameplay can loosely be divided into two separate areas, the management game played while in town, with activities such as breeding new characters, assigning characters to work and training and upgrading stuff; and the tactical RPG which takes place when you explore portals or fight in the arena. The ingenuity of Portals of Phereon is how these two spheres interact with and affect each other. While exploring portals you gather resources and recruit new characters in order to get upgrades and breed new stronger species, which you may in turn bring with you to aid in exploring more difficult portals.

    The actual breeding at points feels overshadowed by the vast amount of content beside it, but arguably it is the one component which really strings the rest of the content together. The game has an impressive system of hybridization and genetic traits which may be passed on to offspring. See the wiki site for the list of 12 base species and resulting 78 (I still don't get the math on this one) hybrids, as well as additional "special hybrids" and "impure species", all of which come with unique portrait art. Due to the limitations of games like these however those portraits along with quite many unique gallery stills are probably the most interesting things you'll see in the art department. When you accept these limitations however I believe the right choice has been made, and discovering the unique looks of each hybrid is probably the greatest joy of a "monster girl breeding game". Sound design is nil, but I haven't felt like it's missing.

    The game is heavily geared towards replayability and even comes with a surprisingly effective hotkey setup for almost every screen which allows for easy optimization once you learn the ropes. Perhaps as a consequence thereof, the story often takes the back seat. While the game probably has a bunch of lore stacked away in the library that I didn't bother to read, most sexual activities outside of unique events aren't accompanied by any writing, and even when there is writing for an event, it boils down to a few short paragraphs. I think that for it to actually function as a pornographic game, PoP calls for a vivid imagination of its player.

    Despite these arguable flaws, the game is simply so good at what it does well that I cannot rate it anything other than 5/5.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Ui is such a cancer to deal with, game is ok, mechanics are good, like the art, breeding etc. etc. but goddamn this UI just ruining every single fun of this cool game, i dunno what need to be done, but devs should rework the UI 100%
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Alex Foong

    Very good game , Bcuz i like to train and go to arena to fight something very hard but fun to lvl the exp for my character and partner is my favourite things to do . And one last thing is the sex traning is very good i have nothing to say about sex traning .
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Portals of Phereon is one of the few titles that leans heavily into the RPG elements but makes the sexual content part of the world and how it functions. The game doesn't feel cobbled together or incongruous, even the idea of mechanisms and portals blending seamlessly with a world of magic and swords.

    As a side note, that each race and hybrid race has artwork for it that's customizable is a level of dedication that must be commended. In fact, the level of customization can be overwhelming at times.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great game! I spend the last week playing two campaigns and had a lot of fun catching all the different monstergirls and trying different team compositions. The art is amazing, so it was exciting to find all the combinations and to see how the resulting girl would look like. This results in a great atmosphere. You can see that there is a lot of thought behind the different abilities, genes, passvies and so on.
    In general the game reminds me of a combination of the round based fights of "battle for wesnoth" or "age of wonders" with the gotta catch them all of pokemon. (plus lots of sex and futas)
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    awqsrem man

    After playing about 40 games on this platform, I have done the mistake of not reviewing them many times, I started playing this game about a year ago, and every now and then I would get back into it.

    This game has basically everything I would want.
    A good combat system
    a good breeding system
    things to do outside of combat(the minigames are sometimes a bit too longwinded but whatever)
    but most important for a sex game: GOOD FUCKING SEX

    The art on this game is amazing and the customizations even more so. If you like or don't mind furry content I HIGHLY suggest giving this game a whirl(same for futa content, however that seems mostly optional)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing, has this fusion mechanic which is really well implemented.
    Enjoyed the breeding feature as well.
    The story behind the snu snu is actually quite good and I think you will like it.
    I think it has great potential and should be definitively be given a try.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm really thorn with this game. CG are 10/10, gameplay is good (annoying at the beginning, learning curve is very steep but as soon as you get basic rules it is fun) but I really can't enjoy game where everyone is futa. When I started to play I hoped there is some way to disable this content or just avoid it but it seems to be core focus of this game so sorry, I'll pass.

    5/5 for gameplay, cd, idea and execution, 0/5 for unavoidable penises everywhere
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The art easily makes it, and the game is pretty fun tbh. Decent chunk of replayability and the author is pretty active in the discord as well.

    The beginning can be a bit rough, I'd say definitely focus on your first go through just learning a few mechanics at once. Assume you won't be running the most efficient team, making the most gold you can, or finding the best compositions.

    And for the love of god save before EVERY portal, if the autosave doesn't catch it you can lose a lot of work should something unexpected happen
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    [v0.13.0.1 review]
    I see people praising this as a great GAME as if that would somehow make up for the lack of lewd CGs and animations. No dude, just no. If I wanted a nice exploration/management GAME with minimal adult content then F95 is the last place I'd look, and this game ain't it.

    The complexity of this game makes it near-incomprehensible. To enjoy this I guess you have to feel a real sense of fulfillment watching some stats numbers increase. You'll also need a PhD in game mechanics. It really can't be understated how complex this game is. I don't want to be forced to study how a game works for hours on end just to see some tiddies.
    If you're the kind of person who likes to jerk off to Excel spreadsheets then I guess this game is for you.

    This game is 95 % incomprehensible overly-complex game mechanics and 5 % lewds. If it was the other way around I'd consider it. It's too bad really, the little art I've seen so far is actually quite nice.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    When I first tried the game, I was taken aback really quickly.
    As in, played for 30 minutes, got lost and deleted the game. But after a few updates I decided to give it a try again and got really pleasantly surprised,

    The game is steadily getting more "user friendly" while growing in content exponentially. Although a plot is simple, the game offers a lot of different approaches to achieving it, giving you a choice from 3 protagonists with variety of traits and bonuses. The game also offers a really well done breeding system, and now after more than a 100 hours I still discover a lot of new stuff. The art is really well done, unique in it's style, with no static images for races, but changing and adapting with physical traits of your girls and guys.

    Overall the game has a lot of potential and almost infinite replayability, coupled with challenges based on starting seeds and a variety of approaches and race mixes.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like fire emblem based combat you will love this game. The art is beautiful and the number of character types is massive. There are so many options to play this game with specific stats and genes and talents that can all enhance a play style. All of these options make for the amazing moment when you can create a powerful character and add that powerful item onto them.

    I have spent maybe 30 hours in this game just min-maxing genes and enjoying the combat. The game would be good enough without the porn and that's why it gets 5 stars. However...

    The one issue I have with the game is its sex with your companions. It is complex and the sprites don't do much for me personally (there is an option to turn them off in combat). Some of the descriptions don't make sense or do what you thought they where going to do.

    The town NPC dating is still in progress for some characters, and I would like to see more scenes in each location. All the scenes you do get are pretty short, that's not to say they are not good. It would just be nice to see the extension and expansion of sex scenes (since the core game play is already amazing).
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    При первом знакомстве с игрой, я подумал, что это обычная сложная гриндилка, потыкал в сложном UI разные кнопочки, увидел пару эротических сцен, понял, что это не мое и бросил игру. Но недавно, я обнаружил, что игра обновилась и, о боже, она божественна.
    В игре присутствует:
    - Отличные арты
    - Простенький, но интересный сюжет
    - Увлекательный геймплей

    В то же время игра изобилует эротикой, однако, если вы пришли за быстрыми ощущениями, то, эта игра немного не для вас.

    When I first got acquainted with the game, I thought it was an ordinary complex grind, poked different buttons in a complex UI, saw a couple of erotic scenes, realized that this was not mine and quit the game. But recently, I discovered that the game was updated and, oh my god, it is divine.
    The game has:
    - Great art
    - A simple but interesting plot
    - Addictive gameplay

    At the same time, the game is replete with eroticism, however, if you came for quick sensations, then this game is a little not for you.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    It's actually a great game in terms of gameplay. The drawings are nice too. I'm doing my second playthrough right now. I like the unlocking and breeding mechanics. Be warned, that it can be quite hard to get a good start going. Best way to get money is to train soldiers and elite soldiers.