4.70 star(s) 18 Votes


Jul 23, 2017
Version 0.23 is out on Patreon

Version 0.22 is Public and can be downloaded via RandomCrow´s Blogspot

So give RandomCrow some love


Jul 23, 2017
Here are my Two Cents for Version 0.22

The new crafting system is a good idea and I like the Recipes you need to find, but I think it is a downgrade to some degree to the old system.

The old crafting system allowed you to Craft more than one Potion / Powder at a time and you could use alternative Ingredients. Right now, if you put the double amount of Ingredients in, (which is a pain in the Ass with the Arrows, but you can click on the Number and do it manually) you waste the ingredients.

The Drag & Drop system is in my eyes useless, especially when you have the Recipes (which you find pretty fast), because then you use only the Auto-Fill button. I don´t see the need to experiment with the ingredients because it is just a waste and there is no reward for it, and I think there is no Player who tries to remember the Recipes.

Now to the loss of the alternative Ingredients, which makes the producing of Potion and Powders pretty much imbalance (I created a Chart for that to highlight it). Blue Head, Pellet Stem and Stone Fungus are used the most from the total amount and the amount of different Potions / Powders. Blue Head and Pellet Stem are used in 5 different Potions / Powders, because of that I´m always low on it but have a ton of Saltpetre and Ectoplasm. The same with the essences, which I always have too much of the Plant-, Spectral- and Rodent Essences because all the essences are only used in one Potion each, but every Potion uses the Pellet Stem.

And at last, the Bats, the Bats who annoys me the most since they are in the Game. I know that Stamina and Damage is reduced and that in the Version 0.23 the speed, but there are just too many in the Mansion.
The Mansion is a smaller area, and the Enemy can see you through the wall, which is not a problem, but when you try to avoid the Bats or other enemies it's a lot harder because the Bats are always after you and by trying to run away you most likely trigger other enemies or just more Bats.

Screenshot (391).png

My Opinion on what should be changed:

Keep the design of the new crafting system but drop the Drag & Drop function. Just let the player click on the Potion / Powder they want to create and then on the Recipe to auto-fill.
Ad buttons for the amount to create at once.

For the imbalance, adjust some of the ingredients, maybe use some Potion who use two Essences and different amounts. Every Potion uses 100 Essences, make some use 50 or 150.


Arousal Potion old: 2 Boob Shroom , 100 Human Essences
Arousal Potion new: 2 Boob Shroom , 50 Human , 50 Plant

Inconspicuous Potion old: 6 Pellet Stem , 3 Saltpetre , 100 Rodent
Inconspicuous Potion new: 2 Pellet Stem, 4 Saltpetre , 150 Rodent

Now back to the Bats. I don´t know how they are now in Version 0.23, but maybe adjust the spawn amount to max. three for each Floor.

This are just my two Cents and I don´t want to disrespect RandomCrow here. I think that it's a great Game and RandomCrow is a great Creator and need more love!


Bug Report:

Crafting Menu, Light Potion:
If you hover with the Mouse over the middle Ingredient Ectoplasm, there is just a black dot and no Window that says Ectoplasm. Same with the Inconspicous Potion (Saltpetre) and Hypnosis Powder (both Ingredients, Saltpetre and Ectoplasm).


What are your thoughts on a Remake of "zum Damenhaus", after RandomCrow finished "Potion Shop Schwesterherz"?

Personally, I like a good Brothel Manager and "zum Damenhaus" is still one of the best that I like to play.
You can see that it was RandomCrow´s first big project but you can also see how much improvement there is with "Potion Shop Schwesterherz" and that makes me think how a Remake or Sequel would look and play.

random Crow

Game Developer
Apr 4, 2019
Here are my Two Cents for Version 0.22

The new crafting system is a good idea and I like the Recipes you need to find, but I think it is a downgrade to some degree to the old system.

The old crafting system allowed you to Craft more than one Potion / Powder at a time and you could use alternative Ingredients. Right now, if you put the double amount of Ingredients in, (which is a pain in the Ass with the Arrows, but you can click on the Number and do it manually) you waste the ingredients.

The Drag & Drop system is in my eyes useless, especially when you have the Recipes (which you find pretty fast), because then you use only the Auto-Fill button. I don´t see the need to experiment with the ingredients because it is just a waste and there is no reward for it, and I think there is no Player who tries to remember the Recipes.

Now to the loss of the alternative Ingredients, which makes the producing of Potion and Powders pretty much imbalance (I created a Chart for that to highlight it). Blue Head, Pellet Stem and Stone Fungus are used the most from the total amount and the amount of different Potions / Powders. Blue Head and Pellet Stem are used in 5 different Potions / Powders, because of that I´m always low on it but have a ton of Saltpetre and Ectoplasm. The same with the essences, which I always have too much of the Plant-, Spectral- and Rodent Essences because all the essences are only used in one Potion each, but every Potion uses the Pellet Stem.

And at last, the Bats, the Bats who annoys me the most since they are in the Game. I know that Stamina and Damage is reduced and that in the Version 0.23 the speed, but there are just too many in the Mansion.
The Mansion is a smaller area, and the Enemy can see you through the wall, which is not a problem, but when you try to avoid the Bats or other enemies it's a lot harder because the Bats are always after you and by trying to run away you most likely trigger other enemies or just more Bats.

View attachment 2322260

My Opinion on what should be changed:

Keep the design of the new crafting system but drop the Drag & Drop function. Just let the player click on the Potion / Powder they want to create and then on the Recipe to auto-fill.
Ad buttons for the amount to create at once.

For the imbalance, adjust some of the ingredients, maybe use some Potion who use two Essences and different amounts. Every Potion uses 100 Essences, make some use 50 or 150.


Arousal Potion old: 2 Boob Shroom , 100 Human Essences
Arousal Potion new: 2 Boob Shroom , 50 Human , 50 Plant

Inconspicuous Potion old: 6 Pellet Stem , 3 Saltpetre , 100 Rodent
Inconspicuous Potion new: 2 Pellet Stem, 4 Saltpetre , 150 Rodent

Now back to the Bats. I don´t know how they are now in Version 0.23, but maybe adjust the spawn amount to max. three for each Floor.

This are just my two Cents and I don´t want to disrespect RandomCrow here. I think that it's a great Game and RandomCrow is a great Creator and need more love!


Bug Report:

Crafting Menu, Light Potion:
If you hover with the Mouse over the middle Ingredient Ectoplasm, there is just a black dot and no Window that says Ectoplasm. Same with the Inconspicous Potion (Saltpetre) and Hypnosis Powder (both Ingredients, Saltpetre and Ectoplasm).


What are your thoughts on a Remake of "zum Damenhaus", after RandomCrow finished "Potion Shop Schwesterherz"?

Personally, I like a good Brothel Manager and "zum Damenhaus" is still one of the best that I like to play.
You can see that it was RandomCrow´s first big project but you can also see how much improvement there is with "Potion Shop Schwesterherz" and that makes me think how a Remake or Sequel would look and play.
Thank you for that long review. With the new crafting system my intention was to make the crafting more fitting for a potion brewing game. I know that I didn't want to go totally complex, but I definitely wanted something that fits more to the theme.

I know that this currenty system doesn't allow for experiments really, but the reason was rather to give players who already played the game somekind of advantage. If they know a recipe by heart they can craft it whenever they like.

About the chart: Please remember that you gather more ingredients with a single pickup on some flowers. Like blue heads: You pick up up to 7 at once.
Also even if it looks random the ingredients all acutally have their own value of rarity. An Ona Shroom can only be found deeper in the forest, while Blue Heads can be found plenty in the beginning.

And I embrace every suggestion. I think changing the crafting system was the right step, even though if it's not quite there yet. So yeah, feel free to continue telling me your thoughts, guys.

About the zum Damenhaus remake:
I expect Potion Shop to take about 2 more years. I have a short list of rough ideas what I wanna do next, and yes, zum Damenhaus is one of them (but not my current favourite).
Eventually I will make a new zum Damenhaus. And I'd rather do a zum Damenhaus 2 than a remake. A sequel.
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Jul 23, 2017
Thank you for that long review. With the new crafting system my intention was to make the crafting more fitting for a potion brewing game. I know that I didn't want to go totally complex, but I definitely wanted something that fits more to the theme.

I know that this currenty system doesn't allow for experiments really, but the reason was rather to give players who already played the game somekind of advantage. If they know a recipe by heart they can craft it whenever they like.

About the chart: Please remember that you gather more ingredients with a single pickup on some flowers. Like blue heads: You pick up up to 7 at once.
Also even if it looks random the ingredients all acutally have their own value of rarity. An Ona Shroom can only be found deeper in the forest, while Blue Heads can be found plenty in the beginning.

And I embrace every suggestion. I think changing the crafting system was the right step, even though if it's not quite there yet. So yeah, feel free to continue telling me your thoughts, guys.

About the zum Damenhaus remake:
I expect Potion Shop to take about 2 more years. I have a short list of rough ideas what I wanna do next, and yes, zum Damenhaus is one of them (but not my current favourite).
Eventually I will make a new zum Damenhaus. And I'd rather do a zum Damenhaus 2 than a remake. A sequel.

Thank you for your reply.

I understand what way you try to go with the new crafting system, and I think the idea is good, but like you said: "not quite there yet."

Now if I´m honest I don´t think that the players will remember the Recipes or get some kind of advantage out of it.
Because I don´t see no advantage and I don´t see myself remembering the 20 Recipes (including the one from Version 0.23) a 3 Ingredients / Essences by Heart.
I see myself remembering were the Recipes spawn in each location, so if I start a new game I go straight there.

Maybe overwork how, where and when to find the Recipes and maybe make some secret Recipes where you only get parts of it. I think that would help make the new system feel real and of use and not like a feature.

Like Linda found a Recipe in a Book she read or heard on the Street or maybe you find them engraved in a Tree or a Cave wall, but you don´t know the effect and only get two out of three Ingredients, and you must find out the rest on your own.
You could add a Notepad to the crafting system where the part Recipes are stored.

I still think you should add Buttons to adjust how many Potions / Powders you want to make at once, like in the old system.

To the Ingredients:
Yes, I know and remember that you can get more out of some flowers, like the Blue Head, Pellet Stem, Stone Fungus, Saltpetre and Ectoplasm, but that doesn´t change the fact that some of the Ingredients for Potion / Powders needs adjustment.

What I tried to explain is that I always have some Ingredients / Essences to much that I don´t / can´t use.
When I play, I try to make as much money as possible, so I try to craft only the most expensive Potions and after that the second expensive Potions and so on.

Now let´s say I´ve got back with 36 Pellet Stems and I can craft the Stamina Battle Potion 3 Times till I´m out of Goblin Essences, so I make 3 of the Inconspicuous Potion because I need the rest Saltpetre to make HypnoPowder.
So now I have 6 Pellet Stems left and I could make a Light Potion, but why waste them on the cheap Potion, when I can get new Ingredients / Essences in the next run?
In the end I don´t use the health- and light Potion and I don´t / can´t use the Plant- and Spectral Essences any other way.

Maybe I´m the only one who plays like that and I´m playing the Game wrong, but I still think some of the Potions needs some Balancing.

So think about my idea of some Potion who use two Essences and / or different amounts.

I´m glad to hear that you thought about it too and I think a sequel is always a good idea.
May 23, 2018
One small thing with 0.22 crafting, when you click on a potion to show the auto-fill, all the ingredients it shows are greyed out, whether you have enough or not... I feel it should be like that if you're missing that particular ingredient amount it should be greyed out, but coloured in if you have enough.

Also, I think clicking the auto-fill button should just make the selected potion, instead of it adding the ingredients to the crafting menu then having to click again to make it, just flows better that way.

Oh and finally, just I thought I'd had with the outfits: with the Domina outfit is seems strange that her boobs are out, considering it's supposed to be about stamina and resiliance, and that the typical dominatrix outfit includes a bra; but then inversely, the Professional outfit is supposed to be more arousing but the boobs are covered up? I feel it should be switched, especially because that's how the panties are for both outfits. Would be cool if the Pro outfit had stockings too, but these are just humble requests.
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Jul 23, 2017
Hey Everyone!

Newest Version 0.24 is out on Patreon

Version 0.23.1 is Public and can be downloaded via RandomCrow´s Blogspot

So give RandomCrow some love!


Jul 23, 2017
Just a quick review of the new update 0.23.1.

- Crafting system has improved a lot since last update and feels much better to use
- Bats are less annoying and fewer to encounter in the Mansion
- New Area is looking good and is fun to explore
- New Enemies and Traps are looking great

Keep up the good work RandomCrow


Feb 22, 2022
This game is getting better with each update, I hope we will be seeing the Linda x Sonja scenes soon.

Congrats, Crow, your game is great.
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dusty stu

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2018
How do you unlock the red-potions?
Ok so apparently you are supposed to find them from random crows in the forrest? I found one, but it was literaly a blank paper and I got no recipes. I haven't seen a random crow since then, in the last 10 Forrest runs I've done.
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May 25, 2017
How do you unlock the red-potions?
Ok so apparently you are supposed to find them from random crows in the forrest? I found one, but it was literaly a blank paper and I got no recipes. I haven't seen a random crow since then, in the last 10 Forrest runs I've done.
You can also unlock the recipe by putting in what it would take to make it, basically as a 'hey you made it once by hand, here's the automatic recipe'. A full list of potion recipes should be somewhere in this thread.

I do think either the drop rate for the potion recipes need to be better, or there needs to be a shop where you can buy them giving more incentive to make the other potions and sell them. (blind) Progression shouldn't be hindered by RNG IMO.
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random Crow

Game Developer
Apr 4, 2019
How do you unlock the red-potions?
Ok so apparently you are supposed to find them from random crows in the forrest? I found one, but it was literaly a blank paper and I got no recipes. I haven't seen a random crow since then, in the last 10 Forrest runs I've done.
You sadly ran into a bug:

There is a bug that shows a blank monologue text when picking up a recipe note that gets delivered by "random Crow".
If this happens to you, immidietly re-boot the game, else you won't find this note again, but you also don't have the new recipes.
The best course of actions is to quickly look for those notes (one in each location) to make sure you don't loose much progress (auto saved) on your current travel. Or, if you have already found lots of stuff, ignore this note till your next run.

dusty stu

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2018
You sadly ran into a bug:

There is a bug that shows a blank monologue text when picking up a recipe note that gets delivered by "random Crow".
If this happens to you, immidietly re-boot the game, else you won't find this note again, but you also don't have the new recipes.
The best course of actions is to quickly look for those notes (one in each location) to make sure you don't loose much progress (auto saved) on your current travel. Or, if you have already found lots of stuff, ignore this note till your next run.
Ok thanks for clarifying.

On another note, how do you feel about AI fanart?
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dusty stu

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2018
Well, I have nothing against it. This one is "heavily inspired" from the original art though.
Yes I told the AI to use it as a stencil. I could produce more 'original' fanart if you prefer.

So, I am still stumped/stuck. Could you please share the recipe for the light potion? Thanks!
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random Crow

Game Developer
Apr 4, 2019
Yes I told the AI to use it as a stencil. I could produce more 'original' fanart if you prefer.

So, I am still stumped/stuck. Could you please share the recipe for the light potion? Thanks!
In the new version you need the recipes to craft. If you ran into the bug you have to start over, I'm afraid.
4.70 star(s) 18 Votes