Of course! And I'm looking forward to seeing how the game progresses!Here's a request for @gonzo234 @Korvus @drud @Hones @applepie68 @evilbefalls @FangOfDrknss @ReaperMan30 @peixe751 @jak1165
You've left some awesome feedback/praise for my game in this thread over the course of the last 3 months and I'd like to use screenshots of your feedback as testimonials on my patreon page. The plan is to put together about 20 screenshots next to each other (maybe even more, right now I have 20 feedbacks ) and your post would be one of them. It would really help me gain some "social proof" that there are actually real people out there playing and enjoying my game. I hope that's okay for you (otherwise please tell me!).
I'm looking forward to your reply!
That's a great idea! I hoped for the logo and the name to be referential enough... I am thinking for quite a while now to add a scene where Trin finds the yellow Ranger suit in the Power Chamber. Also Kat should get to wear a similar outfit as well (probably she'll find Kim's suit in her wardrobe and puts it on). This way I could use the girls in their memorable suits on a banner.I think the game would take off a bit more if there were more recognizable elements. I know it's tough when doing stylized art, especially for the Rangers who don't have recognizable civilian uniforms (like the In Space uniforms or the Lightspeed Rescue jackets, etc.) I thought putting Kimberly in the 95 movie outfit was really smart. Someone like Aeisha is tough since she mostly wore dumpy sweaters that didn't show off enough of the goods.
Kim's shirt in the banner may be a little too subtle, especially when trying to hit the nostalgia crowd. Using Super Megaforce as a motif may be hurting the visibility as well. That little Wall-E robot was used so sparingly in Super Megaforce I barely remember it, plus that season's so bad I think most pushed it out of their minds. I think imagery like Alpha and the original Command Center would be better recognized, even if it's just for promotional pics. Although a perverted Alpha sounds fun. Alpha 69, powered by used panties.
(You are quite welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and glad that I was able to make your day with it.)@Nevermourned I just read your review of this game... thank you so much! You made my day
Wow, thank you mate! It's really great to get such feedback! I was told that people are more likely to give negative feedback and keep quiet about what they like, but now look at you guys, just praise and constructive feedback.Thanks for the excellent work so Far you've nailed kim and trish perfectly with a nice homey twist.
Even through i stopped watching after dino thunder I am looking forward to future updates and shall donate when possible so that this Gem hopefully doesn't Die