VN - Ren'Py - Powers of Eldritch [v0.3] [AshleyTheGothGirl]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Charlotte Aren

    This might honestly be the best game I've found on this website, mainly looking at the story, though the artwork is also phenomenal and seems to fit with character descriptions for the most part. I'm very excited to see where the story goes.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It impressed me with its engaging narrative and well-developed characters. The mature content is tastefully integrated into the gameplay, enhancing the overall experience. I'm eagerly awaiting the next update to see how the story unfolds and how the characters continue to develop. The developers have done an excellent job of creating an immersive and enjoyable experience for me
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Needs some polishing here and there:
    • There are a few open ends which are disappointing (i.e. the ordered dildo)
    • The absence of sound/music
    • Personally I would have preferred more consistency in the art ( i.e. all "stylized" real porn)
    Other than that, i like where the story is headed
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This review is an illusion exile :)

    But seriously had a lot of fun reading the story. I love lovecraft stories and PoE references were just a cherry on top. Some choices could have a bit more weight behind them which is why i'm deducting one star from overal rating.

    I dont think the 1star reviews are fair as most of them are from ppl that obviously didnt even bother to read the tags and then lowballed the rating when found out its not for them. It would probably help to be able to skip some explicit content but hey you cant please everyone so keep up the good work and dont get discouraged.
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    NoWay Jose

    Where to start? I don't generally like leaving reviews, because a dev's work is, well, a dev's work. But...

    Dev, pick a style. Any style. The constant shifting back and forth between real porn, AI, drawings, sketches, paintings, whatever is mind-numbing. It draws you out of the story...oh yeah, that's right...

    There is no story. It all just seems to be one non-sequitur after another. After reading through hundreds of screens, I still couldn't tell you what the story is about aside from some nonsense about gender bending and random sex acts, with some random references to Cthulhu, medieval BS, and Greek/Roman gods.

    This represents the worst side of adult VNs: that it's "easy" to get started. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry with an over-inflated sense of self-talent can piece something together and call it "entertainment". Well, they can't. And this isn't.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Great initial(ish) release and definitely something to keep an eye on.
    Haven't played v0.1, so can't tell what caused the 1 star reviews.
    There is a fair amount of content already, but a lot more planned from what I understand.
    The choices do not impact the main story, only your perception of it - it's a novel not a game.

    The game is pretty much strictly non-straight content though, so if you don't like that there's 100s of other games.
    The intro might be scaring some people off ^^
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Imagine you find a folder of porn pictures and decide to make a game out of it. While some of the writing is okay, there is no story. Just randomly added characters and events with little to no connection between them. 360 degree turns of the story all the time. Mixing genres, fantasy, reality.. it impossible to keep track of what's going on. Eventually i gave up and just held CTRL till the next choice. The choices do no really matter. They just decide which version of the scene you're going to see. But no real consequences for the MC. There is zero sound, a huge mix of jpegs of various source, quality and format with some text, trying to piece them together.
    I would advice the author to sit and make up 20 times more simple story, write it down and then pick which images to add. Just don't overdo the images for the sake of showing more of them.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Very promising first release. It's already a couple of hours long and I enjoyed the story a lot. (the transformation aspect does make sense if you actually read)

    The one potential downside is that there haven't really been any choices in the game outside of seeing certain kinks or not. I personally don't mind this considering how fleshed out the linear path is, but it might be a turn off for some ppl.
  9. 4.00 star(s)



    This game is a fun perversion of Lovecraftian lore. Flawed but still enjoyable. I do recommend this but I can appreciate it won't appeal to many people's tastes - in more ways than one. Even beyond the niche trans(formation) content. But if you require a narrative to immerse you in your aberrational kinks this is one to keep an eye on.

    For a VN the novel aspect takes priority on this title. I did reach out to the dev and confirmed none of the artwork is original. Vast majority of it being real porn stills. This may be off-putting to some. Personally I didn't mind, images used seems to have been carefully appropriated for the given scenes. And character models used, while variable are still consistent as is feasible. I'll admit there was some confusion early on but was able to acclimate to this design element rather quickly.

    As to the writing, again there is an actual story here that IMO does get more alluring, particularly as it progresses. It's also held back by many scenes feeling hurried - lewd or otherwise. Many lacking enough background or buildup. Or at least enough of it. Though there is quite amount of lewd content, much of it's spontaneity can be a harder fiction to swallow than the story's supernatural aspect.

    And yes, currently the writing contains a significant amount of typos along with some grammar issues. Though dev does state in the beginning Eng is not their native tongue so I'm willing to be quite lenient in that regard. Erroneous as it may be at this time it's by no means illegible.

    Though there is a considerable amount of lewd content, and probably more than I generally prefer, I do appreciate that a good amount ties into the MC's character development. Again, while rushed there is a credible progression to their transformation. The MC also predisposed to a distinct, if awry personality. Crass, vulgar, and also vulnerable - building confidence with decidedness. And most side characters also being quite distinct and amicable.

    Game is linear (this may change in future updates). There are some choices but mainly to serve to the inclination of the reader. Otherwise being inconsequential. This initial v0.1 release as the dev states represents about 25% of the total product, and already contains quite a few hours of content. And claims there is a full outline in place for it's completion. Finishing on a cliffhanger I hope we won't get blue-balled too long before for future installment.

    What the dev may lack in experience I feel gets redeemed in a genuine effort. For me passion has more value than production quality. So I admit I'm rating this work on a curve, but with a recommendation that's still fairly deserved.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Bro, this game baited me so hard. Dev didn't even try to make a sensible plot nor did he try to proofread the language.
    The art, fk, I don't even know what to say. Shit gave me PTSD.
    Goodluck to whoever remains sane after playing this.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is about a trap changing to a female protag. Its pretty confusing sometimes. First you are a men, then next scene you talk about sissis, the next scene you are a girl. There is no transformation or something. You just changed without noticing what happened.

    The story is completely linear. The only choices are if you wanna see the scene or not. If you does or not, nothing will change.

    The scenes are just a collection of porn pics. Sometimes you see yourself as girl A, sometimes you are a completely other girl. Its so confusing cuz sometimes you dont know who you are in the scene.

    ps.: The game is not playable as a men (real life) cuz mostly you have a pov of a girl. You suck so many cocks.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    TLDR: For sure i can recommend this game to anyone that isn't scared off by non-straight content and a bit of non-con one.

    First of all, English is not my first language so i'm apologizing for any bad grammar errors in the following "my toughts about this first version of the game".
    Personally i find this v0.1 really promising. I really enjoyed the story and the pace of the narration, it has also quite a nice pace between the plot and the hot scenes that are all quite contextualized and almost never are just trowed in without any real reason just to fill the game of porn. I also really appreciated that the dev tried to keep consistency between models and when it wasn't done it was for a specific reason that i won't spoil here ofc so personally speaking it felt really credible and not just a bunch of real porn scenes stick together, model choices were really good in my opinion, maybe not every one of them was extreme original but there were pleasant surprises and even the "common ones" were really good and appropriate in my hopinion. Even the non-con-content has it reasons to be there and it's not a dumb r*pe fest, the mc seems also really considerate about his reaction both towards "good" and "evil" npcs and have a quite interesting personality, especially after the beginning of the game. I think that overall the experience for this first release was quite good and i really look forward for further updates, probably the game isn't perfect and maybe 5 stars isn't really the fair vote (probably 4 stars would be more "realistic") but it clicked many of my fetishes and i find the experience really worth it so i wanted to give appreciation and motivation to the dev.

    Last but not least the amount of content for a v0.1 is quite large. I honestly hope that the dev in future updates will find a nice balance between time between releases and amount of new content but for this first release it seemed to me that this wasn't just a work of a couple of days just to try to make some fast money. I'm really looking forward the next update but if it will keep this standards i'll for sure consider to support this project.

    Godspeed @Ashley TheGothGirl , i hope the best for this project.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Looked promising, but this is basically just a slideshow of porn screencaps/images that's been loosely strung together by some dialogue. IMO VN's are entertaining due to the original art/interesting concepts, despite the lack of choices, Text Based games are entertaining due to the extensive choices, despite the either lack of, or use of existing porn. This game doesn't offer either of those things.