RPGM - Completed - Praetorium [v1.5] [WINDWAVE]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ Praetorium v1.5]

    A waste of time.

    Art's fine, but there's barely enough to be called a game.

    Writing is nonexistent. Scenario's been done, narrative is barely there, characterization doesn't even get off the ground.

    Porn's fine if dull, its only saving grace is the quality of the art. Again, not enough.

    Gameplay is overly simple and still screwed up. I didn't have any issues with crashes, but I did have problems with triggers not triggering and monsters glitching.

    TLDR: the title is the most effort shown in this venture.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is buggy as fuck. Im being chased by a monster, but sometimes it just disappears, sometimes it says it's there but nothing happens, and sometimes it tells me to use an item to save myself but it doesn't do anything. Sometimes it won't let me pick up items

    I didn't even get 10 minutes in before getting stuck because there was nothing that works anymore. The way to go seems to put the plank over the hole, but it won't let me do that because "the monster is watching me". The hint tells me that I might be able to reach new places, but the only new thing is a sex scene I have already watched and a locked cabinet. Eventually, I found out there was a hidden room in the wall with 0 indications, fun.

    It's a shame too because the art is pretty good. plus you can skip text and use mouse controls. sadly you need to mash z or enter when the monster catches you, so you still need 2 hands.

    The constant footsteps are also pretty annoying. you can turn them off, but i think other stuff also gets turned off if you do that.

    The story is pretty nonsensical so far, but I don't think it's really trying to make a good story anyway.

    i restarted the game and got a bit further, but then it completely froze.

    Overall, I wouldn't recommend playing it, but maybe if your game doesn't bug out it's okay-ish.