Previous lurker here!


New Member
Feb 20, 2018

Just wanting to say hi, THANK YOU to all the devs and community supporting them, and get some recommendations!

I started playing these games around the time this account was created. I don't play that often really but have played at least some of the following games: dreams of desire, man of the house, big brother, dmd and probably a couple others.

I recently downloaded bad memories and unleased and thought they are both great starts! Hoping to find more similar games! I'm open to pretty much anything as far as story and setting. Pretty much the only thing that is a big no for me is gigantic boobs. One character is fine but I'd gladly play a game with all A cup girls before I'd play a game with all G+ cup girls.

If anyone has any must play recommendations I'd love to hear them!

Thanks in advance!

I'm Not Thea Lundgren!

AKA: TotesNotThea
Jun 21, 2017
Welcome to the forum! :)

Recommendations (quite a varied bunch, so you should find something you like)
Where the Heart is
Harem Hotel
My Sister, My Roommate
Personal Trainer
Alison Fall of the Apple
Freeloading Family
The Headmaster

Another recommendation is Heavy Five, but give it a week or so until the remaster is launched (it might be out a lot sooner, just going through its final tests)
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New Member
Feb 20, 2018
Thanks, I'll look into them!

Also, this may be a dumb question but I'd love to support Bad memories and Unleashed with at least the signature things. How do I add a signature??
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