VN - Ren'Py - Price of Desire [v0.2.1] [Arte Eroge]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I like :
    - 2D scenes and Sprites.
    - found my fav anime characters
    - Satisfying amount of sex without walls of texts
    - Keeping the same personalities like the Anime

    I didn't like :
    - English, especially using "He as She" , bruh, English is my 3rd language but i can find very stupid mistakes
    - The Dev adding his personal opinions and jokes merged with story , like he's playing with you
    - Sandbox and Navigation needing more improvement.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Hard to judge the actual quality of the game when the English was so bad that I couldn't make it to the end of the narrator's intro. It looked interesting so I hope that a translator can be found to make the English version playable. If that happens in a later update I'll gladly improve my review.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Alright! Second time I got to be the first review. This time I have to do a break down.

    During the preface, it sets a kinky/rape-like atmosphere. Telling all about how the MC came to be, and how the MC was treated. Even as dark as the subject matter, it was written almost light heartedly. The story beyond that is fast moving and a bit campy. The artwork is good compared to many 2-D games. The Demo ends right as the main story is about to begin.

    Pro: -New spin on Fem Dom. Curious as to where this Dev goes with the idea.
    - Good 2D artwork.
    -MC isn't a dimwit for a change. He has some confidence in himself.
    - Unique and different spin on the whole Genre.

    - Dev mixes up pronouns through out the entire Demo. Players parents, are boys and refered to as "he". Best friend/(girlfriend)? is referred to as "he" even though the char is afraid to get pregnant via vaginal sex.
    - Many lines of text, maybe 1/12th of them are untranslated to English.
    -Could use larger text, but I'm old so that is just a preference.
    -Ren'py menus are altered.

    I'll give this 4 stars for its potential. This could be very good. Just needs some editing. Good Luck Dev, I'm waiting for your next update!