RPGM - Completed - PRIMITIVE HEARTS [v1.02] [Doppelgesicht/Kagura Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    unique. The specified use

    The patience you need to grind through this game. Every few steps I encounter an enemy, which is fine... if only the battle system didn't take so damn long with no way to skip it - you can only speed it up and only partially because there're frequent pauses in between. So I'm basically stuck battling 80% of the time... 1/5 Overall

    On a fairer rating, the standing pictures are great, the sprites used for the world is good, the sprites for characters less so. When it comes to H-Scenes the proportions become all wrong... Even though the female characters look good, the inconsistent body proportions make it feel like the artist only properly learned to draw a face and nothing else. I wouldn't be surprised if the art was made by multiple artists of varying skill levels or by an AI with how wrong it feels. 2/5

    Story is generic, but better than most harem stories out there. Do consider that I didn't finish the game so the rating only stands for a part of the story. 3.5/5

    Audio is quite lacking, although it has SFX and BGM so I'd rate it average. 3/5

    Battle system... 1/5. Tons of way better implementation of what they wanted to accomplish,
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I tried the game until you finish the "tutorial", when you get the first 3 girls and I must say that I didn't like it as much as I thought I would.
    The story is quite generic, the animations are quite meh, the sex mini game is quite simple, the character design is not bad but come on, apart from the size, their parts are literally the same, Kaguragames has good games but this one is not one of them in my opinion
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    extremely boring. sex scenes are boring, story is boring, MC is boring and pathetic. sex scenes are basically unmoving pictures. sometimes differing with added hands and stuff.

    sure there might be some animations but even that is bugged on many computers

    game is just ass.

    if you really like lolis then i guess you might like it. it's a giga-loli-bait, all girls are 18+. the one which age looks like i cant even say is a "half-fae" but she is really old, trust.

    the english at least is perfect.

    but the worst offender in 2023: YOU CANNOT FREELY SAVE... there are save points like in 20year old console games. or you can save in world map. this already makes the game truly garbage. i should give it a honorary 1/5 rating just for that. but whatever.

    this game is just a huge disappointment.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Lots of content, a (relatively) serious story, good characters, and GOOD RPG ELEMENTS.
    Provides a decent number of ntr scenes, which I appreciated. SERIOUSLY HURT by the lack of any guide to how scenes are unlocked, I spent an annoying amount of time wandering around just scoping out where scenes might be available.
    While the combat was too easy from start to finish I nonetheless had fun fiddling with different classes and weapons.
    I appreciated how the devs gave each girl a unique outfit for each class.
    There were several bugs: the slime tunnel minigame and one of the maps in the mage town (the library) were broken.
    Other than the tedium resulting from a lack of direction, the main flaws were just a lack of general polish, missed opportunities, weird fetishes, and other minor stuff like that.
    If you're interested in a harem/ntr RPG I recommend you give this one a try.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I wasn't expecting much, but it turns out that PRIMITIVE HEARTS really pleased me!
    The negative point is that the H scenes are a bit disjointed and it's sometimes not easy to find them, but on the other hand the characters and the stories are sympathetic, very feel good, and it's fun to break the system of fight so nothing annoying regarding the bosses and monsters on the map.
    I would give it, in fact, a good 4 stars, but since the ratings are a bit tight, I give it a bonus star.
  6. 3.00 star(s)

    Duke Greene

    This game is basically Final Fantasy 5, but substitute the Sunday Morning Cartoon atmosphere with porn. Like its inspiration it's a bit hit & miss, though probably a bit more miss than hit.

    Story & Characters
    Early story is really, really similar to FF5. You assume the role of a young wanderer and suddenly crystals are in danger, potentially dooming the world. You are chosen to save the day, and by doing so you get the knowledge of warriors of old residing within the crystals, manifesting as the Job system.
    The plot diverges strongly from its inspiration later on, but it remains predictable and unoriginal.

    The central characters consist of the male protagonist and three girls. The heroines follow classic anime and JRPG archetypes. You have a blonde twintailed tsundere, the Japanese-inspired beauty with huge boobs who's afraid of men, and the perverted loli. There's nothing particularly original or deep about them but they're cute and avoid being obnoxious for the most part.

    Unfortunately I cannot say the same for the protagonist.

    Despite being mostly silent, he manages to be a Gary Stu of epic proportions. He does have a bit of characterization (primarily during H scenes), showing him to be something of a slow-witted womanizer. Regardless, every single female character is enamored with him the second they meet him, he has infinite sexual stamina, his dick has pain-killing properties, and a lot of other things. The game's universe essentially revolves around him and a good chunk of the characters's dialogue is devoted to reminding the player how amazing and wonderful the MC is. This is really ridiculous after a while.

    Bottom line: neither story nor characters are particularly riveting.

    Standard RPG Maker fare, which is appropriate for a game inspired by FF5. The characters grow stronger by unlocking new Jobs (like Knight, Mage, etc...) to learn abilities from them and then mix and match. Certain jobs are considered "side Jobs" and can be selected in addition of the primary job for greater customization.
    The system is a bit rough around the edges and would have benefitted from a balance pass. Certain abilities are also bugged, including the standard healing spells.
    This could have made for interesting gameplay, had the encounters been designed carefully. Sadly, they are not. Enemies simply can't deal with the gigantic damage output of the player units, causing bosses to fold like tissue paper. Late-game enemies try to keep up by relying on one-hit kill counterattacks but they never manage to be a threat, except maybe the final boss (who can be cheesed very easily regardless).

    Female bosses also have a "sex battle" phase. This is downright awful. The "battle" consist of clicking on their clothes to destroy them while their sprite is constantly moving, then rubbing body parts to make them orgasm a certain number of times before a timer runs out. There is nothing engaging about this mechanic—it is a pure annoyance.

    So yeah, the game isn't very good on this front either.

    The bulk of the porn content pertains to the three heroines. When you rest at an inn it's possible to perform a variety of sex acts with one of them, the selection of which is based on their sex stats. There are quite a few issues with that:
    • These scenes often have animation of dubious quality.
    • They cause a lot of lag (not always but sometimes). I have a beefy machine and it can slow down to a crawl at times.
    • Since it tries to be a dynamic system the dialogue is repetitive.
    There are also other scenes outside of the camp system. Most require a given heroine to have a certain primary job. Sometimes they are rape scenes (a few of which seem to give a straight Game Over) and sometimes they are sharing or rape by fraud.
    This game has a NTR tag, but it's really only here in order to protect the most fragile souls of F95Zone. There is no NTR in this game. The MC is such a black hole that no matter who else they fuck, the girls will never stop adoring him with all their hearts.

    As for the sex scene quality, it depends. I found a few of them pretty hot but they were mostly meh.

    Final words
    I found that game pretty average.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    1. Lots of scenes with unique artwork.
    2. The job system was actually fun and you can create some pretty broken builds.
    3. Magic seemed a little bit underpowered compared to melee.
    4. Somewhat interesting story
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    -A good game reminiscent of those of yesteryear, the story is passable and fun.
    -Farming is a bit tedious but nothing problematic, it just gets tiring.
    -The map may be very separate but with the story they will give you resources to explore it.
    -The class system is a bit weird but it completes the combat.
    -The difficulty is quite rare, some bosses are easy and others can defeat you in 1 turn like nothing.
    -Some of the items are too broken compared to the others and can practically carry you through the game.
    -The save system is inspired by the old games, but it's completely disgusting... if only they put the save points in rest parts it would make everything more enjoyable.
    -The spam rate of enemies is absurd and disgusting, but I suppose it helps farming and can be lowered with items or accessories.

    In conclusion, a game recommended to play: 4/5
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    Hard Working Dev

    Probably the worst game I've played and the best example of how NOT to make an RPGM game.

    The story is basic, sex scenes have no build-up, and "NTR" content is randomly scattered around which can be activated just by having different job classes activated. Do sex 2 times and your "corruption" is pretty much done in this game (it only takes 5 minutes for each heroine).

    To find random hentai content, you need to walk around in a world, which is filled with small towns that have some houses and some NPC walking around. Nothing else. Boring and pointless.

    Training is just clicking randomly on several areas 100 times.

    Sex battles are the same.

    No thought or skill is put into making some kind of intuitive system.

    Between walking every few steps you'll be battling monsters. Combat is slow and boring too.

    The game just picked yanfly mods and made above-average complex RPGM combat. Lots of clicking and trying to understand unnecessary complexity.
    There are no custom menus or anything fancy. Game just runs on basic plugins and their setups.

    No heroine tracking screen you see in regular Kagura games. Well... there is but it's buried beneath basic yanfly menus and looks boring.

    Art is nice, but the game suffers from mediocrity.

    Bad story/annoying dialogues where literally heroines falling for you just by seeing you/corruption is not rewarding, it's just finding a random event and clicking on it, some random scene plays out, no build up or progression. Training is crap, sex battles are crap, rpg combat is crap, and exploration is crap too.

    It's slow, boring, and not rewarding your time. It is just not fun.

    When someone asks you how to make an RPGM nsfw game, show this to them and say "just make the opposite of this".
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Uncle Iroh

    Recently played this game, pretty cool, it would have been a bit better if they explained the class system more and how the exp earned is per class. I went through half of the game only playing a single class for each character and didn't realise I could change and transfer the class skills. But yeah, cool game, cool scenes, cool story